An easy way to force an Indian duck to sit on eggs and why she doesn’t want to

Many poultry farmers encounter certain difficulties in the process of breeding chicks. There are times when ducks refuse to hatch eggs. This can even happen with mallards, which have a very developed maternal instinct. The question arises, how to force an Indian duck to sit on eggs, and what easy way exists for this.

Selection and preparation of the animal

When choosing a mallard, you must carefully examine the animal. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the keel.In normal condition, it is quite wide and does not have significant defects. The second point to consider is the distance between the pubic bones. And lastly, coral growths should have a bright color and small size. The younger the bird, the smaller the growths it has.

Since it is not known for sure how the young individual will behave, farmers prefer to take more experienced hens. Females reach maturity at the age of 200 days.

Some farmers try to artificially induce egg laying. Experts recommend not to do this. To prevent premature egg laying, it is necessary to reduce daily lighting and nutrition.

The annual norm for this bird is 100-150 eggs. Specific indicators depend on the quality of care for the mallard. Eggs begin to be laid in February-March (depending on weather conditions) or a little later (if we are talking about young ducks). The process begins at 6 am and ends after 2 pm.

Nest preparation

Breeding chicks at home involves preparing a nest. In order for the female to sit safely in her new place and feel comfortable there, it must be positioned correctly. Bird nests should not be close to each other: if one duck has chicks earlier, other females may follow the brood, leaving their places. It is recommended to make nests from a cardboard box. You can insulate the “house” using hay.

Experts recommend making several nests in different places.

How to get a Muscovy duck to sit on eggs

Even if a duck begins to lay eggs, this does not guarantee that she will hatch them. There are a number of reasons that can provoke this behavior:

  • eggs are often taken from the female;
  • insufficient number of eggs in the clutch (less than 20);
  • there are parasites or rats in the nest;
  • the duck is too young or, conversely, old;
  • unsuitable conditions (too bright lighting, uncomfortable nest, poor diet, cold, damp).

Timely detection of the problem, identifying and eliminating its cause will allow the female to be safely placed in the nest.

how to make an Indian duck sit on eggs the easy way

To force ducklings out, poultry farmers resort to various tricks:

  1. Place a false egg in the nest.
  2. To achieve the required number of eggs (at least 20), the owners take the duck home and wait for the required number to accumulate, and then lay the eggs in the nest. At home they are stored at temperatures above 10 degrees. The maximum permissible storage duration is 10 days.
  3. The animals are positioned so that the hen does not intersect with other birds, especially drakes.

You can pick up eggs or lay them only when the nest is empty. At the same time, the clutches must be kept in perfect order, otherwise the female will discover the catch. It is very important that the duck gets used to the nest. For this she will need at least three days.

Caring for hens

The incubation period is about a month. During this time there are several important points to consider:

  • the duck must be protected from negative factors (noise, other birds, etc.) so that nothing distracts it;
  • There should be a container of water next to the nest;
  • daily diet – dry food;
  • provide each bird with an enclosure so that they can roost in peace;
  • remove spoiled eggs from the clutch (this should only be done in the absence of the mother).

After the chicks hatch, they are allowed to be taken away to protect them - an inexperienced duck can crush the chick.The first few days the mother practically does not get up from the nest, then the duck comes out twice a day and does not sit back for 1-1.5 hours. After the “meal” and bathing, the female returns to her place. Wetting the shell is necessary to wash away the dense layer from the surface of the egg and thereby give the chick the opportunity to breathe. If the duck does not bathe, you will have to wet the clutch yourself.

Chicks are expected to appear from the 30th day of incubation. As the babies are born, they are taken away, otherwise the bird will stop hatching eggs. When all the young have hatched, the chicks are returned to their mother. While incubating the clutch, you need to ensure that the indot duck walks for no more than 1-1.5 hours, otherwise the nest will become hypothermic. Getting a Muscovy duck to sit on eggs is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are several effective ways to help the owner quickly solve the problem.
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