Description of the mute duck breed and breeding at home for beginners

Farmers consider mute ducks to be one of the most successful breeds for breeding at home. The bird is unpretentious and does not require special conditions for keeping. The meat is tasty and does not contain much fat. And knowledge of some care features will save beginners from mistakes and make the growing process simple and profitable. The descendants of the mallard are fertile and have not lost their brooding instinct.

History of the origin of the breed

The world's oldest breed dates back to the times of the Aztecs. According to one version, ducks, also called musk ducks, were bred in the Muisca Indian tribe.Other researchers believe that the birds received this name due to the aroma that fat releases when heated. And the third nickname - whisperers - was given to ducks for their ability to make quiet sounds instead of loud quacks.

Mute ducks came from South America to the African continent and Asian countries along with slaves returning to their homeland. Gradually, domesticated mallards spread throughout the world.

At first, poultry farmers were reluctant to breed the musk subspecies. Farmers were put off by the unpleasant appearance of the birds. But over time, breeders appreciated the high productivity of ducks. Mute breeders are often used by breeders to develop new breeds.

Description and characteristics of mute ducks

Mutes are easily recognized by their large, elongated body with widely spaced paws. Around the flattened beak of indo-ducks there are red growths.

Birds quickly gain weight, drakes - up to 6 kilograms, smaller females weigh about 3.5 kilograms. The best age for slaughtering mute ducks is 2 or 3 months.

In the future, the birds gain weight due to the accumulation of fat. Indo-duck meat is highly prized. The product does not have an unpleasant odor. The egg production of mute ducks is average. Females lay up to 100 eggs annually, each weighing about 90 grams.

Advantages and disadvantages

Farmers are attracted to mute ducks for their peaceful disposition and quiet behavior. Birds also have some disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantage is the taste and relatively low calorie content of meat, as well as the quality and size of eggs
Developed brooding instinct
Ability to hatch chicks in an incubator
Strong immunity
Females give birth 2 times a year
Birds are omnivores
Can do without a pond
Poor survival in cramped spaces
Cold intolerance
The percentage of egg production of mute ducks is lower than that of other breeds

The presence of negative qualities does not interfere with the cultivation of mute ducks. Birds have more positive traits.

Requirements for maintenance and care

When breeding mute ducks at home, the advice of experienced poultry farmers will be useful for beginners:

  1. The birds are kept in spacious rooms. In cramped conditions, mute ducks become aggressive. No more than 3 individuals can live on a square meter.
  2. Ducks are afraid of drafts and sudden changes in air temperature.
  3. It is recommended to maintain cleanliness in the poultry house and carry out regular cleaning.
  4. The floor is covered with straw or sprinkled with dry shavings.
  5. Perches are installed at a height of 10-15 centimeters from ground level.
  6. Good lighting for 14 hours increases egg production.

A pen for walking birds is also set up near the poultry house. It is useful for ducks to be in the fresh air from morning until late evening.

mute ducks

The period of sexual activity of drakes begins in April and lasts until July. 1 male fertilizes 2 or 3 ducks. Laying hens from 6 months are kept in a separate room.


Mute ducks are unpretentious in food, but they approach the preparation of diets for waterfowl responsibly.

Product Name Characteristic
Cereals Barley, wheat and ground corn
Greenery Dandelions, clover, freshly cut meadow grass
Vegetables Grated pumpkin and carrots, boiled potato puree
Nutritional supplements Fish oil, bran, bone meal, salt, yeast, shells

Experienced farmers feed their ducks grain in 2 doses. Half of the daily intake is given unprocessed, the remainder is supplemented with vegetables and herbs.

If there is a reservoir, the mute mules are transferred to grazing from 10 am. And the birds receive a mixture of cereals with other ingredients once a day. Overfeeding is harmful to poultry, as is underfeeding.


Mute ducks reach the age of sexual activity at 9 months. Typically, poultry lays eggs at night or at dawn. For this reason, waterfowl are not sent out for grazing too early. The number of eggs in the nest is carefully controlled. The hen does not begin incubation until she has 15 eggs. Sometimes farmers lay eggs on the female that the duck with the lost maternal instinct refused to hatch.

It takes the female a little more than a month to incubate. All this time the ducks may not get up. Birds independently turn the eggs over and sprinkle them with water from their beaks.

When breeding, mute birds are not crossed with individuals from the same offspring. Close relationships lead to pathologies and degeneration.

a lot of ducks

Possible diseases

Ducks have high immunity. But some diseases are also inherent in this breed:

  1. Viral hepatitis sometimes occurs in two-week-old chicks. Sick ducklings become lethargic and lose their appetite. For treatment, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.
  2. When poorly maintained, birds develop parasitism. In this case, the entire room must be disinfected. Pathology is combated with the help of medications.
  3. Salmonellosis manifests itself as convulsions and conjunctivitis. Sanitation of the poultry house and antibiotics help correct the problem.
  4. Green, frequent stools and refusal to eat mean eimeriosis. In this case, veterinarians prescribe complex treatment.
  5. One of the most terrible diseases is cholera, which can destroy the entire joint. Characteristic symptoms are swollen paws and high fever. The meat of such birds is no longer suitable for food.Duck carcasses are burned.

To prevent the development of dangerous pathologies, birds are subject to mandatory vaccination. Sanitary hygiene measures are of great importance.

Mute breeding is a profitable business. If you follow simple care rules, ducks quickly gain weight. Poultry meat is tender, tasty and without a specific smell. Additional profit can be obtained from selling eggs.
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