Why does a duckling have a crooked or inverted neck and what to do, prevention

Raising ducks on a private farm allows you to quickly get tasty meat for the family table and a significant profit for the budget. The bird grows quickly, gains weight well, and does not require complex care. Beginning poultry keepers often have many questions, especially when it comes to small ducklings. There is no definite answer to the question why a duckling’s neck may twist, so we will consider all possible options.

Why do ducklings' necks twist?

The cause of neck twisting in babies may be a lack of vitamins or infectious diseases.A crooked neck in a pet occurs when there is a lack of vitamins D, group B or calcium in the body. Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets. It is characterized by slow growth, curvature of bones and spine.

Lack of B vitamins (B2, B6, B12) is manifested by damage to the nervous system, convulsions and paralysis. At the same time, the ducklings stretch their necks, and it can twist.

Lack of calcium affects the condition of the spine and bones, causing their fragility, manifested by curvature of the neck and paws; adult birds begin to lay eggs without shells, only in the shell shell.

Many infectious diseases cause convulsions in which birds stretch their necks:

  1. Aspergillosis. A fungal infection that affects young animals. It is transmitted to the embryos, penetrates the eggshell, and the ducklings are already born sick. In addition to seizures, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, flow from the beak, and inflammation of the eyes occur.
  2. Salmonellosis. A bacterial infection, it is characterized by an acute course and high mortality. The ducklings fall on their backs, stretch their necks and die.
  3. Pasteurellosis (cholera). Ducklings wheeze, diarrhea mixed with blood occurs, the temperature rises, and swelling of the joints and paws occurs.

A doctor must determine the disease and prescribe treatment. To protect ducklings from these diseases, young animals are vaccinated.

Non-infectious causes include goiter catarrh, when it becomes clogged with improperly prepared food. Sore throat and inability to swallow cause stretching and twisting of the neck.

What to do in this case?

If a duckling (and especially several ducklings) has a crooked neck, you should contact a veterinarian. Sick chicks must be isolated from healthy livestock and wait for the doctor’s verdict.If an infection is suspected, laboratory tests are ordered to determine the pathogen, and treatment is prescribed. For cholera, no treatment is prescribed; sick chicks are exterminated.

Important: many of the infections are transmitted to humans; care should be taken when caring for sick chicks.

To eliminate vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to add cottage cheese, dairy products (whey), green onions, and finely chopped nettles to the ducklings’ food. Grown-up chicks are given bone meal, feed yeast, and finely ground shell rock. From 3 weeks old, chicks go out for a walk.

In case of goiter catarrh, by gently pressing it, free it from the remains of food, give a 0.3% solution of lactic acid or 0.2% solution of hydrochloric acid (no food is given for 24 hours). Then give the bird decoctions (oatmeal, rice, flaxseed) for 2-3 days.

Prevention measures

To avoid problems, you need to provide the birds with a balanced diet, monitor the cleanliness of the poultry house, and promptly vaccinate the chicks against infectious diseases. Birds should always have access to clean water, high-quality food should be selected, and dirty and rotten vegetables should not be used for mash.

Good living conditions and high-quality poultry care allow you to raise healthy livestock. Systematic contact with a veterinarian will save the livestock from problems and the owner from unnecessary worries.

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