Why ducklings eat poorly and don’t grow, reasons and what to do

The reason that the duckling does not grow at all may be either poor nutrition or some kind of disease. All factors need to be analyzed sequentially, studying each separately. Do not forget about a balanced diet for birds from the first days of life. Ducklings definitely need greens, mash, grains, and vitamins. And also comfort - a special nursery (brooder), warmth and sufficient lighting.

Why do ducklings grow poorly?

It happens that domestic duck chicks eat poorly and do not gain weight. There is a clear specificity in this issue. The feeding principles and diet of ducklings differ from those of chickens. You need to remember this.In addition, chicks should not be kept in the cold, in drafts, or in damp rooms.

In nature, a duck feeds its young with grain, duckweed, fish - almost anything it can find. Greens are a must; this should be taken into account when breeding domestic ducks. Next, we will consider the probable causes, as well as solutions.

What to do if a problem occurs?

In order for ducklings to grow well, they should be provided with acceptable conditions from the very first days of life, as soon as they hatch. The chicks should dry out immediately. To do this, place a heating pad in the box or box in which the ducklings will be kept. They arrange bedding so that the birds adapt faster and begin to gain weight.

There should also be a drinking bowl with boiled (not raw!) water in the poultry house: this is how the ducklings learn to drink on their own. You can also force-feed using a pipette. For about a couple of days, the chicks do not need increased nutrition; they rest and gain strength.

a lot of ducklings

An equally important point is that the ducklings should not be overcooled and should not climb into the drinking bowl with their paws. Therefore, the design should exclude such behavior in chicks. Already on the first day you can start feeding the ducklings with grain and finely chopped chicken eggs. Moreover, you need to feed the ducks from the palm of your hand, achieving the appearance of a reflex to self-feeding. Chicks also need greenery. The duck is given alfalfa, knotweed, clover, onions, even nettles.

The only condition: the food should be chopped up so that the chicks do not choke or damage the esophagus. At 7 days of age, ducks can be switched to mixed feed.

If for some reason newborns or grown chicks stop eating or grow poorly, attention should be paid to the following factors:

  • conditions of detention;
  • diet composition;
  • probable symptoms of disease.

After these reasons have been studied, they begin to solve the problem.

Prevention measures

In order for ducklings to grow healthy, strong, and not get sick, as many components as possible should be included in the diet. For example, these:

  • compound feed;
  • food waste;
  • needles;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken eggs;
  • duckweed;
  • crushed shell;
  • gravel (sand);
  • chalk;
  • dry nettle.

The mashes are not prepared in advance, for several days. The mixtures quickly deteriorate and sour, so they are prepared immediately before feeding. The number of meals is 6 times a day and more often. To exclude possible gastrointestinal diseases, a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate is prepared 2 times every 7 days. In the warm season, week-old ducklings are released onto the grass in a closed enclosure. Chalk, crushed shells, sand (gravel) are also important components of the diet. And ducklings require them for normal digestion.

From 30 days of age, the amount of greens in the diet is increased. Then the ducks will gain weight. Then they put a bathtub for bathing or release the chicks into the water. It’s also a good idea to diversify the diet with fresh duckweed; this is a favorite delicacy for ducks. And then they begin to prepare mash, adding food waste, zucchini, potatoes, even dry (freshly picked) greens.

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