Recommendations for gardeners for 2024 according to the lunar sowing calendar

The lunar sowing agricultural calendar for 2024 helps determine the optimal timing of agricultural activities. The end of winter can be considered the start. First of all, crops are planted for seedlings. As summer approaches, the garden is planted. Throughout the warm period of the year, agricultural activities are carried out according to the lunar phases.

The influence of the moon on plants

It is recommended to carry out work in the garden and vegetable garden, taking into account the influence of the Moon on vegetation. This planet, being in close proximity to us, affects gravity, as well as the movement of water, that is, the ebb and flow of the tides. Revolving around the globe, the Moon either moves away or approaches the Sun, and is illuminated by it to a greater or lesser extent. Of course, all these processes affect the life of living organisms.

Over the course of a month, the Moon manages to go through four phases. Each lasts only one week. The new lunar month usually begins with the New Moon. During this period, the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth. In the first phase, the growth of the plant root system weakens. In the second, the influence of the Moon intensifies, which leads to intensive development of the above-ground parts of plants. This phase ends with the Full Moon. During this period, the Moon shines at full strength at night. True, it is located at the farthest distance from the Sun.

Every month until the 15th the Moon grows, in the second half of the month, on the contrary, it decreases, and at the end it grows again. During the Full Moon, the Earth's satellite is completely illuminated by light, so photosynthesis continues even at night. In the conventional third period, night illumination gradually declines. These days the waning phase begins. The growth of the above-ground parts of plants slows down. In the fourth phase, it becomes even darker at night. Accordingly, energy and liquid rush down.

This feature is usually used when carrying out agricultural work. The fact is that during the growing phase the above-ground part of the vegetation grows well, and in the decreasing phase, on the contrary, everything that is underground develops intensively.

lunar sowing calendar for 2024

Moon in Zodiac signs

Every month the Moon passes through all the signs of the Zodiac.Each one is delayed for 2-3 days. A zodiac sign is a sector of the celestial sphere where the stars that form a certain zodiac constellation are located. The celestial bodies and the Moon, which is in their field of vision, influence the vegetation of the globe.

The following signs are considered fertile (positively affecting the leaves in the growing phase): Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Average fertility (affecting fruits during the period of lunar growth): Sagittarius, Leo, Aries. Infertile (only affects flowers in the growing phase): Gemini, Aquarius, Libra. Affecting roots and root crops only in the waning phase: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for 2024

Taking into account the phase of the Moon and the passage of this planet through different signs of the Zodiac, you can create a calendar of agricultural events. True, when starting sowing or harvesting, first of all, you need to take into account the climatic characteristics of your region. For convenience, the calendar is presented in the form of tables by day of the month, where “U” is the waning lunar phase, and “P” is the waxing lunar phase.

For January

Agricultural planning table:

Types of jobs From 1 to 6 (U)


From 7 to 12 (U)





From 14 to 21 (R)


From 22 to 27 (R)







Refrigerate the seeds Sow tomatoes for greenhouse seedlings,


Planting and replanting indoor plants Replant indoor flowers Sow indoor flower seeds
Planting bulbous crops on greens Planting onions and garlic on greens
Sowing Seeds for Leafy Greens Sow leaf crop seeds on greens
Garden work Remove snow from branches Throw snow on the beds

lunar sowing calendar for 2024

For February

Agricultural planning table:

Types of jobs 1…4 (U) 5…10 (U) 11


12…19 (R) 20…26 (R) 27


Sowing seeds for seedlings Sowing greenhouse crops (tomatoes, peppers) for seedlings
Sowing seeds for greens Sowing leafy greens in a greenhouse
Planting bulbs on green mass Planting bulbs in a greenhouse

on greens

Planting and replanting indoor flowers Replanting indoor flowers Sowing indoor flowers
Garden work Removing snow from branches

For March

Agricultural planning table:

Types of jobs 1…6 (U) 7…12 (U) 13


14…21 (R) 22…27 (R) 28


Sowing activities for seedlings Sowing early ripening plants for the greenhouse Sowing tomatoes, peppers, eggplant for the garden (late varieties)
Sowing seeds for greens Sowing dill, cilantro, lettuce, parsley for the greenhouse
Planting bulbs Planting leeks for the garden
Planting and replanting indoor flowers Replanting indoor flowers Sowing indoor flowers
Work in the garden and vegetable garden Removing snow and branches

lunar sowing calendar for 2024

For April

Agricultural planning table:

Types of jobs 1…4 (U) 5…11 (U) 12


13…20 (R) 21…26(R) 27 (Full) 28…30 (U)
Sowing activities for seedlings Sowing early ripening seedlings (peppers, tomatoes) Sowing seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, melons, watermelons
Picking Picking seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants
Sowing annual flowers for seedlings Sowing seedlings of petunias, carnations, asters
Planting bulbs

crops into the ground

Planting gladioli in a flower garden
Sowing on a bed under film Onions, beets, carrots, radishes, garlic, parsley, dill
Transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse Transplanting tomatoes, peppers, eggplants into a greenhouse
Work in the garden and vegetable garden Sanitary pruning of dry branches Applying fertilizers to the soil Planting fruit trees, strawberry mustaches

lunar sowing calendar for 2024

For May

Agricultural planning table:

Types of jobs 1…3




(New moon)

12…19 (R) 20…25 (R) 26

(Full moon)

27…31 (U)
Sowing seeds in the garden Sowing all vegetable crops

(cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers)

Sowing dill, parsley, peas, beans
Planting bulbs and root vegetables

to the garden

Planting onions, garlic, potatoes, carrots, beets Planting potatoes and bulbous crops
Transplanting seedlings Transplanting grown seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants) into a greenhouse Transplanting seedlings to the garden
Work in the garden and vegetable garden Digging and loosening the soil Fertilizer application Treatment

earth and trees

from illnesses

Sowing and planting flowers Treatment


from pests

lunar sowing calendar for 2024

For June

Table of events for the first month of summer:

Types of jobs 1…2 (U) 3…9 (U) 10


11…18 (R) 19…23 (R) 24


25…30 (U)
Sowing seeds Sowing carrots, radishes, beets Reseeding vegetable crops that have not sprouted Sowing lettuce, arugula, Beijing


Transplanting seedlings into open ground Transplanting seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, peppers
Removing stepsons from greenhouse crops Removal




in the greenhouse

Work in the garden Loosening the soil,


Hilling up potatoes Treatment



Weeding Cleaning




Work in the garden and flower garden Bury cuttings for propagation Insect treatment Harvesting hay Dig up bulbous flowers that have faded

lunar sowing calendar for 2024

For July

Table of agricultural activities:

Types of jobs 1…9 (U) 10


11…17 (R) 18…23 (R) 24


25…31 (U)
Harvesting Early


fruits, berries

Salads, sorrel Early tomatoes, cucumbers,


Early potatoes
Work in the garden Weeding



root vegetables


pest control

Top dressing


Garden work Watering trees in dry weather Feeding with potassium and phosphorus,

grafting by budding

Mowing grass on lawns

For August

Table of agricultural activities:

Types of jobs 1…7 (U) 8


9…15 (R) 16…21 (R) 22


23…31 (U)


Harvesting potatoes and root crops Collection of vegetables, fruits, berries
Work in the garden Watering the soil in dry weather
Garden work Installing supports for branches with fruits Transplantation and propagation of peonies, irises, phlox
Sowing Sowing green manure

(mustard, rye, phacelia)

on free beds

Sowing perennial bulbous bulbs for the winter

lunar sowing calendar for 2024

For September

Agricultural planning table:

Types of jobs 1…6



(New moon)






(Full moon)



Harvest Digging


root vegetables

Collection of vegetables, berries, fruits Harvesting late cabbage
Work in the garden Cutting potato tops Sowing green manure for fertilizer Planting winter garlic,

winter sowing of onions, carrots, radishes

Garden work Cut off old shoots of remontant raspberries Cut off flower stems that have bloomed, dig up gladioli bulbs, dahlia tubers Remove growth Feed the plants


plant fruit tree seedlings

For October

Table of agricultural activities:

Types of jobs 1…5












Harvesting Cleaning

late cabbage

onion, celery

Harvesting Jerusalem artichoke tubers
Work in the garden Planting winter garlic Cleaning up trash from garden beds Pre-winter sowing of dill, carrots, radishes Digging up the earth Fertilizer application
Garden work Planting purchased shrub seedlings Cleaning leaves Hilling flowers with soil and compost Moisture-recharging irrigation,


winter shelters for trees

lunar sowing calendar for 2024

On November

Table of agricultural activities:

Types of jobs 1…4












Sowing seeds Pre-winter sowing of onions, radishes, carrots, parsley
Work in the garden Cleaning up remaining fruits in the garden beds Mowing green manure and embedding it into the ground Digging the area without breaking up lumps of soil Preparing soil for seedlings
Garden work Cleaning leaves, planting tulips, hyacinths Whitewashing trunks Construction of shelters for trees and flowers

For December

Table of agricultural activities:

Types of jobs 1…3(U) 4


5…11 (R) 12…18 (R) 19


20…31 (U)
Sowing seeds Plant onions on the windowsill on a green feather Sowing crops in the garden that require stratification
Work in the garden Raise snow to the place where pre-winter sowing took place
Garden work Throw snow onto trees and shrubs with a shovel Sowing flowers that require stratification
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