Why do individual branches of an apple tree dry out and what to do to cure the tree

There are several reasons why an apple tree may dry out in the summer. Gardeners often encounter this problem when the green crown suddenly begins to turn yellow and dry out. If the cause is not found out in time and action is not taken, the tree may die. Among the main unfavorable factors are pests and diseases, lack of nutrients in the soil, lack or excess of moisture.

The main reasons for the apple tree to dry out

Withering and drying of leaves and branches on an apple tree can occur for many reasons. The main unfavorable factors include:

apple trees are drying

  • improper care and violation of agricultural practices;
  • attack by insect pests;
  • infection with various infections;
  • lack of microelements in the soil (lack of fertilizing).

The tree cannot dry out quickly. This occurs over several seasons, so attentive gardeners can save the tree by identifying the cause and taking appropriate measures.

separate branches


Often the branches and leaves of a young apple tree begin to dry out and fall off. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • Unsuitable soil for apple tree growth causes the leaves to wither, dry out and fall off. Trees should not be planted in soil with a high content of small stones. Clay and sandy soil composition is not suitable.
  • Seedlings may die due to poor surroundings. The root system of other plants does not allow the roots of the apple tree to develop.
  • It is imperative to observe the timing of planting seedlings. Planting is carried out in spring and autumn in prepared soil. Planted trees often do not develop further in the summer.
  • The foliage of the seedling reacts to hot weather. Therefore, the cause of leaf fall in summer is dry, hot air.

The shoots of a recently planted seedling may dry out due to a lack or excess of moisture, as well as improper fertilizing.

drying apple tree

Young trees are drying up

If a young apple tree, which is not yet 5 years old, begins to dry out, urgent measures must be taken.They are most vulnerable to adverse environmental factors and improper care:

  • In young trees, the root system is already sufficiently formed, which spreads over long distances. If groundwater flows close underground, the supply of oxygen is disrupted and roots rot. The tree stops its growth, sheds its leaves, and the number of crops is significantly reduced.
  • If periodic thinning and loosening is not carried out around a young apple tree, then some weeds and grasses can interfere with its development.
  • Improper treatment with pest and disease control products can lead to burns. Excessive use or failure to maintain proportions when diluting the solution leads to damage to leaves, bark, and shoots.

Young, immature trees often die due to attack by various pests and disease infection. Young roots are often eaten by cockchafer larvae.

young trees

Mature fruit trees

Apple trees, which have given a rich harvest for many years, can also suddenly begin to dry out and die. There are several reasons for this:

  • the winter is too cold and the trees are not prepared for wintering (the trunks are wrapped for the winter to prevent cracks from forming);
  • due to its proximity to other mature, powerful fruit trees, the apple tree does not receive enough nutrients, and the crown dries out;
  • Improper pruning of branches leads to weakening of the apple tree, and if the cut site is not treated, the risk of diseases increases;
  • To vaccinate, you need knowledge and skills, so an incorrectly performed procedure also causes drying out.

The oldest apple trees on the site have reduced immunity and become weaker, so they are more likely to be attacked by pests and become infected with infectious diseases.

fruit trees

The effect of heat and dry conditions in summer on the apple tree

The reason for drying out of the crop can be climatic conditions. The problem occurs especially often in the southern regions, when the air temperature in June or July is above +30 degrees. Hot air and direct sunlight contribute to the rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface of the leaves, and they begin to dry out.

Characteristic signs

Signs of drying out of different parts of the apple tree appear in different ways. Only the leaves of one part of the tree or only the top may dry out. The reasons may be related to unfavorable climatic conditions, improper care, diseases and pests.

two apples

On the leaves

Due to improper care, branches and leaves dry out on only one side of the tree. This happens due to the lack of timely fertilizing, planting powerful shrubs next to the tree, and failure to loosen and weed the soil around the trunk. The edges of the leaves begin to dry out and yellow spots appear.

On the branches

The tips of apple tree branches dry out due to root damage, disease infection, excessive soil moisture, or improper grafting. Young branches begin to dry from the top. The cause may be due to a lack of potassium in the soil.

If only individual branches die and the edges of the leaves dry out, it means that groundwater is passing nearby. Roots that reach the water begin to rot. As a result, the branches and leaves dry out.

branch tips

On the trunk

In most cases, the trunk and bark begin to dry out as a result of a fungal infection or damage to the tree by black cancer.The bark darkens, growths appear, it easily separates, exposing the trunk.

On flowers

Problems can also arise during apple tree flowering. Flowers dry out and fall off most often as a result of disease or lack of mineral components. Therefore, as soon as the buds appear, it is recommended to spray with preparations such as Zircon and Epin. When the flowers bloom, they are sprayed with the preparations “Bud” and “Ovary”.

brown leaves

On the fruits

If the branches dry along with the apples, the reason is associated with some kind of disease. Most often it is brown rot. Brown spots appear on the fruits and spread quickly. The apples dry out and fall off before reaching full ripening.

Anti-drying remedies

The set of measures aimed at saving a sick tree depends on the reasons that led to yellowing and drying of the crown. It is possible to save the culture with solutions prepared on the basis of purchased drugs or folk remedies.

full maturity

Apple disease related

If the apple tree is attacked by pests or is sick, then, in addition to the drying of leaves and branches, there are other signs:


  • A common disease that in most cases affects old apple trees is cytosporosis. The bark and branches dry out, and dark growths form on the trunk and fruits.
  • Black cancer is a difficult disease to treat. The fight lies in the timely removal of diseased branches. Black spots and stripes appear on the leaves. After some time, entire branches dry out.
  • Scab causes brown spots to appear on the leaves. As the disease progresses, the leaves dry out and fall off.
  • Powdery mildew appears as a grayish-white coating on the buds and leaves of the tree. A fungal disease that appears during the flowering stage leads to the falling off of flowers and ovaries.

Means of combating diseases include autumn treatment with copper sulfate, annual spraying of trees with Bordeaux mixture or preparations “Hom”, “Abiga-Peak”, “Skor”, “Topaz”, “Vectra”.

a lot of drugs

Not related to illness

The fruit crop must be provided with proper care:

  • If the soil is excessively wet, it is better to transplant the tree to another location or drain the soil.
  • If there is a lack of moisture on dry, hot days, regular and abundant watering is carried out.
  • Periodically weed and loosen the soil around each fruit tree.

If the cause of the drying of the tree is not a disease, it is easier to cope with the problem:

  • If the tree dries out due to freezing after winter, it is recommended to water it with warm water with added nutrients.
  • If underground water flows throughout the entire area, and it is not possible to replant seedlings, then it is necessary to maintain a small size of trees. The root system will not feel much stress, and the apple tree will develop further.
  • A solution of heteroauxin will help heal wounds after pruning.
  • A perennial tree dries out for natural reasons; to prolong the life of the apple tree, fertilizing and removing old, dry branches will help.

If all agrotechnical practices are followed, the crop can be restored quickly. If the cause is not eliminated in time, the quality and quantity of the harvest decreases.

tree pruning

When should rescue efforts begin?

The fight against drying begins immediately after the problem is discovered in order to prevent the complete destruction of the crop. Slowdown leads to a decrease in yield and death of the fruit tree.


Treatment of trees begins in March and continues until late autumn:

  • In spring, trees are treated to prevent the appearance of pests and diseases.The areas are treated after pruning old and diseased branches.
  • In the summer, organize proper soil treatment with fertilizers and moisture.
  • In autumn, the fruit tree is prepared for wintering.

You cannot skip any of the stages of crop care. This will reduce the likelihood of various parts of the tree drying out.

rescue activities

Processing technology

In most cases, the cause of tree drying is diseases and pests. Processing of apple trees is carried out according to a certain scheme, which will not allow an excess of pesticides:

  • Before the buds swell, in order to get rid of wintering pests, carry out the first spraying with a urea solution.
  • To protect the buds from pests, treatment is carried out with such preparations as “Skor”, “Chorus”, and Bordeaux mixture.
  • After flowering, spraying is carried out with such preparations as “Marshal”, “Nurel”, “Neoron”. If the treatment is carried out for prophylactic purposes, then the solution is prepared using less safe preparations: “Fitoverm”, “Barrier”, “Aktofit”.
  • In the summer, it is enough to apply fertilizers, which will increase the crop’s resistance to many unfavorable factors.
  • In autumn, spraying is carried out for preventive purposes, using the drug "Skor" or Bordeaux mixture.

In the summer, when fruits begin to ripen, you cannot use chemicals.

processing technology

Timely watering and fertilization

To apply fertilizers, holes 6 cm deep are made around the apple tree. Nutrient components are placed in them. In July it is better to use nitrogen, and in August phosphorus and potassium.

Fresh manure should not be used as fertilizer. It is more useful to dilute the component in a bucket of water and pour the resulting solution onto the soil around the trunk.To increase the benefits, superphosphate is added to the solution.

To cultivate the land around the apple tree, you need to choose only settled, warm water. The first watering is carried out immediately after flowering, then during fruit formation. The last watering is carried out at the end of August. After each watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil.

canister fertilizer


Prevention consists of following the rules for caring for fruit crops:

  • Fallen leaves and cut branches should be taken away from the site or burned. They cannot be used as mulch.
  • After trimming, the cut is treated with special solutions.
  • Particular attention is paid to preparing the apple tree for winter. The soil around the trunk is mulched, and the trunk itself is covered. After snow falls, a large snowdrift forms near the trunk.
  • Fertilizers are periodically applied.
  • In the spring, two fungicide treatments are carried out.

Folk remedies used when caring for an apple tree are safe and effective, especially for preventive purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to follow preventive recommendations to prevent the development of problems.

burn leaves

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