How to fight and get rid of aphids on an apple tree, what folk remedies will help and what to treat during flowering

Aphids can appear in any area. It is enough for only a few insects to arrive - if there is the required amount of food, they multiply very quickly. After just a few weeks, the plant will be almost completely infested with insects. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with aphids on an apple tree. If nothing is done, insects will have a negative impact on the tree, which can lead to its death.

Types of aphids

The life cycle of apple aphids consists of several generations. Females lay light green eggs, which gradually change color to black. Wingless foundresses emerge from the eggs. Gradually they develop into asexual virgins, which can be of two types - with wings and without. At the end of the growing season, normal egg-laying females and males appear. But females do not need male gametes to lay eggs, so insects reproduce at a tremendous speed.

Before you start fighting aphids, you need to study their varieties. And there are quite a lot of them:

  • Green apple aphid. These are small greenish-yellow insects with a body length of less than 2 mm. The pest is dangerous for apple trees, pears, quince, rowan, cotoneaster and some other plantings. It multiplies very quickly, so it can reduce the yield of a tree. Because of insects, red spots form on the fruits, the leaves curl, and the shoots bend.
  • Red gall aphid. The insects are brown-green, covered with white powdery hair, and have black transverse stripes. Body length does not exceed 1.6 mm. Aphids attack leaf blades and fruits. In this case, all generations of insects harm the plant.
  • Black aphid. It unites several types of insects that are black, dark blue and green-brown in color. It feeds on the juice of young leaves and fruits; for this it has a special proboscis. Because of this, the plant may die or its yield will decrease.
  • Bloody. It got its name due to the fact that when crushed, a bright red spot remains in its place.Insects are ovoid, bright orange. Aphids settle on young shoots, leaf cuttings and stalks. At the site of their spread, deep ulcers form, through which harmful bacteria penetrate the plant. If the blood aphid is not removed, the plant will stop bearing fruit and die in 2-3 years.

aphid on apple tree

You need to carefully inspect the trees in the garden in order to notice pests in time. Otherwise, yields will be significantly reduced.

Signs of a parasite

It is not difficult to identify aphids on a young or mature tree, as they are accompanied by very pronounced symptoms:

  • Reddish spots appear on the leaves of the apple tree, slightly rising above the leaf blade.
  • The leaves curl, darken and gradually begin to dry out.
  • A sticky liquid forms on their surface, attracting ants.
  • On young shoots, cuttings and stalks there are a large number of small insects that differ in color depending on the variety.

It is easier to determine the presence of insects on young seedlings because they are not tall, so any changes will be noticeable immediately. The fact is that aphids begin to parasitize on the upper shoots, so if the tree is tall, it will be problematic to immediately notice it.

aphid on apple tree

But gradually the insects have little food, so they descend to the lower tiers. To detect pests, you need to unfold the leaf, and on its reverse side you can find many larvae.

When to start fighting

It is necessary to start destroying aphids as early as possible. It is advisable to do this immediately after detecting it:

  • While the tree is flowering, aphids will attack the opening buds. As a result, the flowers will begin to fall off. And this can lead to a lack of harvest.Therefore, it is recommended to destroy aphids before flowering begins.
  • If it appears in June-July, the tree must be sprayed with special compounds immediately. Otherwise, insects will cause the developing fruits to fall off.
  • If you spray the tree while the fruit is ripening, the apples will have to be left on the tree for another 1-2 weeks. During this time, the insects will die and the products used for spraying will evaporate.

aphid on apple tree

Therefore, it is advisable to regularly inspect trees for pests. The earlier aphids are identified, the less damage they will cause to apple trees.

Biological methods of what to plant under an apple tree against aphids

Aphids can appear in any garden. It affects not only apple trees, but also other fruit trees, tomatoes, and roses. It is not necessary to use harmful chemicals to repel it.

To protect a crop, you can plant the following plants next to it:

  • Pyrethrum. It contains pyrethrin, which has a destructive effect on the nervous system of insects. Once it enters their body, it causes paralysis. Insects die because they cannot move and therefore feed. Some individuals may survive, but they lose reproductive functions.
  • Lavender. This is a perennial plant with a pleasant scent and bright purple flowers. Grown as an ornamental. Contains essential oils and strong aromatic components. This repels pests.
  • Marigolds (calendula). It is an annual plant with orange or yellow flowers. The leaves, stem and flowers have a strong aroma that repels aphids.
  • Garlic. Its specific pungent smell is not to the liking of the aphid, so it does not settle next to it.
  • Marigold. These are annual or perennial plants. The flowers can be pure yellow or variegated - reddish-yellow.However, it is recommended to choose thin-leaved marigold varieties. Otherwise, they may become infested with snails, which may eventually spread to the apple trees.

aphid on apple tree

Such plants are very effective at repelling aphids. Moreover, they are completely safe for the human body, unlike aggressive chemicals.


The use of insecticides and pesticides is the most effective method of controlling aphids. Harmful insects die almost immediately or within a few hours after spraying pesticides.

There are a wide variety of chemicals that can be used against aphids.

But in order for the use of such drugs to be effective and safe for humans, a number of simple rules must be followed during the procedure:

  • You need to spray the tree in good dry weather, there should be no wind. The chemicals work even after rain, but if they are not washed off with water, their effect will come faster.
  • It is advisable to wear a mask over your eyes and mouth and gloves. You need to take work clothes, and after spraying, immediately take them off and wash them.
  • Pour the product into a garden spray bottle. After the procedure, it must be washed well, and it is better to spray the remaining product on neighboring trees for prevention. Chemicals must not be allowed to enter water bodies.
  • Treatment is best done in early spring before buds open. Thanks to this, overwintered aphids will quickly die.
  • You need to spray not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top. This way the product will get on the back side of the leaf, where the pests are located.
  • If the chemical gets on the fruits, it is not recommended to pick them for at least 2-3 weeks. And after that they will need to be washed thoroughly.
  • Do not spray pesticides while the tree is flowering. They lead to the death of bees.As a result, pollination will not occur, and the apple tree will not produce a harvest.
  • The finished product should be used immediately or throughout the day. You should not leave it for next time - its effect will be reduced.
  • It is recommended to purchase a new insecticide every year. The fact is that aphids can develop immunity to the same agent. Therefore, she will not die.

aphid on apple tree

These simple rules will allow you to get rid of pests quickly and effectively.


If you spray the garden with it in early spring, it will protect the trees from various pests - aphids, snails, caterpillars and others. In addition, spraying with Nitrofen is an excellent prevention of scab and other diseases. It comes in the form of a brown paste that dissolves well in water. To prepare an effective solution, you need to dilute 200 g of the product in 10 liters of liquid. But it is forbidden to use the product on green vegetation; it can be used either in early spring or late autumn.


Contains petroleum oil, which allows you to quickly destroy pests. To achieve the effect, the concentration of the solution should be 4%. That is, 400 g of product must be dissolved in 10 liters of water.


This is a contact-intestinal drug. Helps protect the apple tree from aphids, caterpillars, ants and other pests. Once sprayed, the product will kill them within a few hours. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute one ampoule of the drug with 10 liters of water.

drug Kinmiks


Using this product you can fight various pests. It is suitable not only for garden crops, but also for indoor plants. Available in tablet form. To prepare a solution for spraying, you need to dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water. Then strain and add another 4 liters of liquid. Process the apple tree. After 2-3 weeks, repeated spraying is recommended. The drug has an intestinal contact effect.

Insects will die after eating the sprayed leaves.


Available in the form of tablets or water-soluble solution. Contains 8 isomers effective against lepidopteran and coleopteran insects. Quickly destroys aphid populations. Paralyzes both larvae and adult insects. It remains on the surface of the leaves for a long time (up to 30 days), and is characterized by resistance to high temperatures and sunlight.

drug Cypermethrin


After spraying, the drug immediately begins to act and destroys aphids. At the same time, the product has the advantage that its effect does not last long, up to 2 weeks, after which it begins to break down.

Contains malathion, which is an organophosphorus compound. It is necessary to dilute 90 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. An emulsion is formed, which will need to be sprayed on fruit trees.


Decis is a universal remedy that destroys all types of harmful insects living on garden and indoor plants. The product has a good contact-intestinal effect and destroys aphids approximately 12 hours after spraying. Available in 1 g bags. This amount must be diluted in 20 liters of water and used for its intended purpose. The use of Decis is an excellent prevention of aphids - the insecticide will protect the apple tree for 30 days after spraying.

drug Decis


Intavir is also a universal remedy that is suitable for killing more than 50 species of insects, including aphids. The active ingredient of the drug is cypermethrin. Once in the body of insects, it causes paralysis and death. Available in tablet form. One tablet is designed for 10 liters of water.Only freshly prepared solutions are suitable for spraying.

It is not recommended to store them for longer than a day, as this will lose their effectiveness.


Karate is a very effective remedy. Available in the form of a water-soluble liquid. For 10 liters of water you need to take 250 g of product. It is recommended to spray trees in the morning or evening in calm weather. The drug is toxic to fish, bees and birds. Therefore, it must be used with caution.

Karate drug

The use of folk remedies and recipes

You can get rid of aphids using folk remedies. However, they act more slowly than chemical drugs. Let's look at the most effective folk remedies.

Wood ash

Ash helps remove aphids in the shortest possible time. To do this, you can use the following recipes:

  • Pour 3 kg of wood ash into 5 liters of boiling water. Leave for two days, then strain and add 3 tbsp to the resulting infusion. l. liquid soap. Use this product to spray trees.
  • 1.5 kg of ash and 100 g of grated soap are poured into 10 liters of cold water. Leave the mixture for a day. Then it is filtered and used to treat trees affected by aphids.
  • Take an equal amount of ash and shag. Fill with water and leave for 24 hours. After this, filter and use as intended.

Wood ash

Ash does not harm plants, but strengthens their immunity. It is also sprinkled on the soil to increase fertility. If the soil is very acidic, the apple tree may suffer, which reduces its immunity. Therefore, it becomes susceptible to various diseases and quickly dies from pests. After treatment with ash, the acidity of the soil decreases.


To combat aphids, laundry soap is used. It contains caproic acid, which destroys harmful insects.To prepare a soap solution, you need to grate 300 g of 75% soap on a coarse grater. Pour 2 liters of warm water over the resulting shavings and stir well until completely dissolved. Pour in another 8 liters of water to make a less concentrated product.


To combat aphids, an ammonia solution is used. It burns the mucous membranes, leading to paralysis and death of insects. After this they fall off. If a small number of aphids remain on the tree, spraying may be necessary.

drug Ammonia

To prepare the solution, add 1 tbsp to 10 liters of water. l. concentrated ammonia and liquid soap.


You can prepare several effective remedies for aphids from garlic:

  • Garlic infusion. Divide 10 heads of garlic into cloves, but do not peel them. Pour a liter of water and leave for 3 days. Then drain the liquid and add another 10 liters of water. Use to spray the tree.
  • Garlic arrows. They need to be laid out under the tree and tied to the branches. They have a very pronounced smell, so the aphids fly away.
  • Garlic soap solution. It is necessary to grind 400 g of peeled garlic cloves in a meat grinder. Add 3 tbsp. l. liquid soap and pour 10 liters of water. Leave for 3 days. Then strain and treat the aphid-affected tree.

Garlic infusion.

It must be borne in mind that all products made from garlic have a very unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is recommended to wear a mask on your face while spraying.


Pour 200 g of soda into 10 liters of water and spray the trees. To increase the effect, you can add a small amount of soap to the liquid. So the insects will stick to the leaves, after which they will begin to die under the influence of the alkaline solution.

Baking soda can also be used in powder form.To do this, simply sprinkle it on the aphids. But this method is effective if there are few insects.


There are several ways to use celandine:

  • Powdering. It is necessary to collect the dried herb and grind it into powder. After this, treat the affected areas. In addition, this product can be used for prevention during the flowering period - it protects flowers from harmful insects.
  • Use of green celandine. It must be picked and scattered under the trees. You can also tie celandine to the branches of an apple tree.
  • Infusion. In case of mass infestation of aphids, spraying is required. To prepare an infusion of celandine, you need to fill 1/5 of a bucket with chopped herbs. After this, pour 5 boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then strain, add another 5 liters of liquid.

infusion of Celandine

Celandine juice is poisonous to insects. Therefore, as soon as it enters the body of the aphid, paralysis of all systems will occur, so it will die.


Aphids are sensitive to ammonia vapors. Therefore, this product can be effectively used to protect the garden from pest attacks. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 50 ml of ammonia with 10 liters of water. Mix thoroughly and add soap base - 50 g of liquid or grated solid soap. It is necessary for the aphids to stick to the leaves, otherwise they will fly away and die. It is not recommended to spray the prepared product with a spray bottle, since small drops of ammonia may not reach the tree. In this case, pour the solution from a watering can.

Onion peel

The infusion of onion peels has a very rare odor. Therefore, insects cannot tolerate it and leave the sprayed tree. The use of such a remedy makes sense if there is only 1 apple tree in the garden.Otherwise, aphids may move from one tree to another. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 200 g of onion peel into 10 liters of water. Leave for 5 days, then strain and spray the trees. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times every 5 days.

Onion peel


Once mustard enters the body of insects, it causes their death. It can be used in various ways:

  • Dry mustard. It is necessary to sprinkle areas where aphids accumulate. The substance acts very quickly and aggressively, so the insects will die within a few hours.
  • Infusion. Pour 100 g mustard into 10 liters of water and leave for 24 hours. Then add another 10 liters of water and 30 g of laundry soap.
  • Solution. Add 1 tbsp to 10 liters of water. l. mustard and vinegar.

Mustard formulations must be used with caution. If they come into contact with the eyes, they may cause severe burning.

Tobacco powder

To get rid of aphids, you can grow tobacco in your area, buy a pack of cigarettes, or use tobacco dust. The simplest is the last option. Tobacco dust is sold in specialized stores, and to prepare a remedy against aphids, you simply need to dilute it with water. To do this, pour 50 g of dust into 10 liters of water.

Tobacco powder

Fumigation can also be done. To do this, place a thin layer of straw next to the apple tree, sprinkle with tobacco dust and set it on fire. But it is necessary to monitor the fire so that it does not spread to the tree.

Other means

Other insects can help in the process of killing aphids. To lure them to the site, you need to follow some recommendations.

The following insects feed on aphids:

  • Ladybug larvae. It is difficult to attract them; it is easier to buy them in flower shops. After this, release them onto the apple tree.
  • Ground beetle.To attract it, you need to plant nightshade crops in the garden.
  • Hoverflies. It is necessary to plant daisies under the tree, the pollen of which these insects feed on. And their larvae eat adult aphids and their larvae.

aphid on apple tree

Birds can also help control pests. To attract them, it is necessary to place birdhouses, feeders, and drinking bowls in the garden.

Mechanical methods of struggle

Aphids can also be removed mechanically. However, such methods are less effective. The fact is that insects can return. Mechanical methods include:

  • Remove aphids by hand. This is a rather problematic activity, since the insects are very small. And when you touch them, they are easily crushed. Therefore, to avoid getting your hands dirty, it is recommended to wear gloves.
  • Wash off the aphids with water pressure. However, in this case it does not die, so after some time it can return to the tree.
  • Trim affected branches and burn. This method is effective only if the insects have just appeared and have not managed to colonize the entire tree. And if too many branches are removed, the apple tree may suffer.

apple tree pruning

Unfortunately, there are no baits for these pests, since they only like to feast on green leaves. Therefore, to combat it you have to use one of the above remedies.

Prevention of aphids on apple trees

To avoid the appearance of aphids in the garden, it is necessary to follow a number of preventive measures. Often it is brought into the garden along with seedlings. Therefore, they must be carefully inspected before purchasing. It is recommended to plant only healthy seedlings in the ground.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to attract birds to the territory. They will prevent the occurrence of not only aphids, but also other harmful insects.

To prevent the occurrence of any pests and diseases, it is necessary to spray the garden in early spring. Aphid eggs are resistant to low temperatures, so they do not die in winter frosts. And before the first leaves appear, they are in “hibernation”. Therefore, at this moment you can easily destroy them without harm to the plant. Thus, aphids are an insect that has a detrimental effect on the condition of the tree. To avoid its death and reduction in yield, it is necessary to prevent aphid invasions and destroy them in a timely manner.
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