Planting, growing and caring for blueberries in the Moscow region, choosing the best varieties

Blueberry is a highly branching, frost-resistant, durable subshrub or shrub of the Ericaceae family. Grows in temperate climates, forest, forest-tundra zones, tundra, peat bogs and swamps, prefers acidic soils. Berries are useful to eat to improve metabolism, regulate the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Let's look at the varieties of blueberries, how to plant them and provide care for the bushes in the Moscow region.

Varieties suitable for the Moscow region

The two most famous types of blueberries are:

  • marsh blueberry (low, marsh);
  • high blueberry.

Both species are common in areas with cool and short summers. The average height of the bushes is 50-70 centimeters. Garden forms are taller and more productive, reach a height of 1.5-2 meters and produce up to 10 kilograms of berries per bush.

For planting in the country, it is recommended to choose high blueberry varieties bred in the USA and Canada and having English names. They differ from the low variety by oval shiny leaves and larger sweet berries, up to 2 grams.

The swamp blueberry has a wide wedge at the base of its leaves, the leaf blade is matte, the berries are small and collected in clusters, the yield does not exceed 1.5-2 kilograms of berries per bush.

The fruits of different types of shrubs differ in the composition of nutrients and vitamins:

  • marsh - contains 5-6 percent sugar in berries and up to 50 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of product;
  • high – accumulates up to 15 percent sugar and 18-20 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of berries.

blueberry fruit

Beginning gardeners often confuse blueberry and blueberry seedlings, as well as the berries themselves. The main difference is that blueberries grow as a creeping bush, young shoots are green, without bark, and the berries are located singly on a branch. Blueberries have erect, lignified branches, the fruits grow in clusters, and the juice of the berries is lighter in color compared to blueberries, which stain the hands with dark blue juice.

Let's consider blueberry varieties for the Moscow region


Known to gardeners since the mid-20th century.The height of the bushes is 1.5-1.8 meters, the berries are 2 centimeters in diameter, weighing up to 1.4-1.9 grams, the skin is of medium density with strong pubescence. Ripens at the end of July (mid-season). A distinctive feature of the variety is fruiting on shoots of the previous and current year. The bushes are slightly spreading, the buds are light-colored in spring. A very frost-resistant variety, tolerates drought, and is not affected by diseases.


The variety was bred in America in the mid-70s of the last century. Early ripening. The harvest can be harvested in the Moscow region in mid-July. The berries are oval, matte blue, up to 1.2-1.5 centimeters in diameter, the skin is dense. They tolerate storage and transportation well.

Blueberry Patriot


Brought out in Michigan in the mid-20th century by crossing the Berkeley (high-growing) variety and 19-H (a hybrid of the low-growing blueberry and the Pioneer variety). The bush is low or medium, reaches a height of 1.2 meters, spreading. In autumn, the foliage acquires red-purple shades, the variety is highly decorative. The berries are round, 1.6 centimeters in diameter, the skin is dense, light blue, with a bluish bloom, ripen in mid-July. The taste is sweet, the aroma characteristic of wild berries. The variety produces regular harvests, but is not resistant to drought.


Brought out in the United States by crossing tall and narrow-leaved forms US-3, G-65 and Dwarf, it has increased frost resistance and tolerates frosts down to minus 35 degrees. The height of the bushes does not exceed one meter. The berries are large, with a small scar, the skin is dense. The juice contains an increased amount of anthocyanin, which has a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect. For annual abundant fruiting, the variety requires cultivation in well-lit areas.


Late ripening (mid-August), suitable for long-term storage and processing.Medium sized berries with balanced taste. The variety is a good pollinator for all of the above.

Blueberry Jersey

Airlie Blue

The variety has a mid-early ripening period; the first harvest can be carried out in early July. The diameter of the berries is 1.5 centimeters, the brushes are conveniently located for picking from the branches. Withstands frosts down to minus 27 degrees.


A variety with powerful erect shoots, up to 2 meters high. The berries are medium-sized, round, with a pleasant sour taste.


The bushes are powerful, reach a height of two meters, and have a late ripening period. Berry picking is carried out in the second and third decades of August. The variety is frost-resistant and is not affected by diseases and pests.

Blueberry Toro

New varieties

Description of new blueberry varieties recommended for cultivation in the Moscow region:

  1. Aurora - berries are blue-black, round, weighing over two grams, ripens late, frost resistance - down to minus 20 degrees.
  2. Duke is a dessert variety, a very early variety, the berries are flattened, the skin is medium, slightly pubescent, tolerates frosts down to minus 30 degrees, and is not affected by diseases.
  3. Liberty - ripens late, the berries have a high content of vitamin C, frost resistance - down to minus 20 degrees.

Note! For better cross-pollination of the plantation, at least two varieties of blueberries should be planted at your summer cottage. The best pollinator for all varieties is Jersey.

Modern varieties of marsh blueberries:

  • Iksinskaya;
  • Taiga beauty;
  • Shegarskaya;
  • Yurkovskaya.

Many gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to plant marsh and tall blueberries side by side in the same plantation. The answer is yes, you can, it will not affect the quality of the berries.

growing blueberries

According to reviews from experienced gardeners in the Moscow region, the rating of popular blueberry varieties in terms of frost resistance is as follows:

  • North Blue (-35);
  • Duke (-30);
  • Airlie Blue (-27);
  • Bluecrop (-25).

When choosing varieties in nurseries, first of all, pay attention to their frost resistance and ripening period.

Peculiarities of blueberry cultivation in this region

Blueberries feel comfortable in the Moscow region. However, before planting it on your site, you should carefully study the growing recommendations in order to avoid the destruction of plantings of this valuable berry.

When to plant

The most favorable time for planting is the third ten days of April - the first ten days of May, when the optimum air temperature is 12-16 degrees and soil moisture. When planting in autumn, fragile young bushes are more often damaged by frost; damage to the plantings can be caused by hares eating the young bark.

Site selection and soil preparation

Contrary to popular belief, it is correct to grow blueberries in sunny, wind-protected areas. The soil should be light, well permeable to water and air.

blueberry bushes

Important! The reaction of the environment in the soil for growing blueberries should be acidic - from 3.5 to 5.

In the Moscow region, not all soils have such acidity. To acidify the soil, in the fall it is recommended to water the planting hole with a solution of vinegar at the rate of 100 milliliters per bucket of water. Watering blueberry plantations with acetic acid solution can be repeated every 3-4 years. Small portions of the solution are evenly distributed over the surface of the soil around the bush and allowed to soak in. After this, the operation is repeated, pouring 10 liters of the prepared solution.

A planting hole 34-40 centimeters deep can be filled with organic matter - peat, which has a pH below 5.0. In early spring, before planting, 50-60 grams of ammonium sulfate, superphosphate and potassium chloride are added to one planting site.All fertilizers are thoroughly mixed with the soil.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

It is advisable to buy blueberry seedlings at reasonable prices in the nursery near Timiryazevka, where large-berry varieties are propagated in open ground. For spring planting, you should take seedlings with a closed root system (in a container). They take root faster because their roots were not outside the substrate and did not lack moisture.

Before planting, fill the containers generously and allow the water to soak in. You can prepare a solution of root formation stimulator Kornevin and pour it into the roots. Branches that are too long are slightly shortened with pruning shears, cutting them to a well-developed bud facing outward.

How to plant

The seedling is carefully removed from the container and planted in a pre-prepared planting hole to a depth of 8-10 centimeters. The roots are pressed well and watered with at least 10 liters of water. Mature bushes can reach a diameter of 1.2-1.5 meters, so they are planted at such a distance from each other.

Nuances of caring for blueberries in the Moscow region

With proper care, blueberry bushes are productive and durable, they are not damaged by diseases, and are more frost-resistant. They should be looked after from the moment of planting and throughout the entire productive period of 12-15 years.


In the spring and summer, the plantation needs watering. The first watering is given at the end of May, the next - after flowering. During the berry filling period, give one or two waterings. After harvesting, the bushes must prepare for winter, so watering is stopped.


Fruiting in many blueberry varieties occurs on last year's twigs and current year's shoots. However, branches younger than six years old are not cut out, since they bear young fruitful shoots.After this age, the bush needs thinning. After ten years - in rejuvenation. To do this, the old branch is cut to the place where the young, two-three-year-old branch grows.

blueberry pruning

Feeding seedlings

Young bushes need annual spring fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers - ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate in a dose of 60-80 grams for each adult bush. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied in the fall - at the end of September, at a dose of 50-60 grams for each adult bush. In spring, the soil under the bushes is mulched with peat or sawdust, which acidifies the soil.

Loosening the soil and weeding

Loosening is carried out on young plantations, combined with three to four weedings. It is advisable to keep mature plantations, where the branches of the bushes are closed, under peat mulch.

Preparing for winter

For better ripening of shoots and increased winter hardiness, the bushes are additionally fertilized with potassium fertilizers in mid-August. Potassium chloride is given at the rate of 30-40 grams per adult bush. If a frosty and little snowy winter is expected, the bushes are covered with black non-woven material, which is tied around the bushes.

blueberry bush

Protection from diseases and pests

When a white coating of powdery mildew appears on the leaves, the bushes are treated with fungicides - HOM, Ridomil Gold, Topaz. To protect against pests and ticks, one or two treatments with Aktara are needed.


Favorite varieties are propagated vegetatively. To do this, cuttings are harvested in early March, then they are planted in warmed sandy soil at a distance of 12-14 centimeters from each other. Another option is to bury the branch in early summer, and in the fall separate the young bush from the mother plant.


The harvest is harvested manually or using machinery three to four times per season.Many varieties do not shed berries when overripe, while others quickly lose quality. By following our recommendations, you will get a high yield of valuable blueberries.
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