Characteristics and description of winter wheat variety Bezostaya 100, planting and care

The winter variety, created by employees of the Lukyanenko National Grain Center, was sent for test cultivation in 2014, and in 2017 was included in the register of breeding achievements. Immunity to infections, resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions, low maintenance requirements, excellent baking qualities - these are the characteristics of Besostoy 100 wheat, highly valued by Russian farmers.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Bezostaya 100 is considered an improved variety of the popular variety Bezostaya 1.This is winter wheat with soft grain, ideal for baking purposes. The amount of protein in ripened products is from 15%, and gluten is not less than 28%. The variety belongs to the mid-early variety, the growing season lasts 220-295 days. Bezostaya 100 wheat is not prone to lodging and is not afraid of drought.

By the end of the growing season, the semi-creeping plant reaches a height of 80-105 cm. In the tillering phase, the leaves are not pubescent, pale green, with a slight waxiness. The ears are cylindrical, the awns are short. The glume has a slightly curved tooth, a high, wide shoulder and a noticeable keel. The grain has an elongated egg-shaped shape, an uncovered base and a weakly defined furrow. The weight of 1000 grains ranges from 38 to 45 g.

Experimental yield of Bezostoy 100 – 99 kg per 1 ha. The maximum - 100.7 c, was recorded in 2016 on state areas in the Stavropol region.

Over the course of 3 experimental years of cultivation, Bezostaya 100 showed consistently exceeding the yield standard for the fallow field. The yield of 82.2 centners taken from 1 hectare turned out to be 3.7 centners higher than the Pamyat variety accepted as the standard.

Pros and cons of wheat Bezostaya 100

The Bezostaya 100 variety is in demand among farmers, as it has many advantages:

  • does not require complex care;
  • not susceptible to root rot;
  • resistant to hot and dry weather;
  • can be grown after a cereal predecessor;
  • when the requirements of agricultural technology are taken into account, it gives a high yield in unfavorable conditions.

Of the minuses it should be noted:

  • high cost of seed material;
  • a drop in yield by 1 c per day after a missed grain harvest due to the gradual destruction of starch.

varietal cereal

Features of cultivation

Recommended areas for cultivating grain crops are the North Caucasus, Central Black Earth Region, and Lower Volga region. Bezostaya 100 wheat grows remarkably well after previous cereal species, including food corn. It also shows good growth when sowing buckwheat, food and fodder beans, potatoes, table beets and fodder beets. It is not advisable to sow Bezostaya 100 after barley, since the risk of root rot increases.

The recommended amount of grains for sowing is 5 million per 1 hectare. The best sowing time is from the last week of September to the end of the first week of October. It is not advisable to sow earlier, since the wheat will bush a lot and may ultimately not survive the winter. And late sowing will lead to the fact that the roots will not have time to fully form and will die due to frost. If the deadlines cannot be met, it is better to postpone sowing to spring.

Wheat Bezostaya 100 prefers chernozem soil, neutral or with a low level of acidity, rich in nutrients. For good wheat growth, the soil must be structured, breathable, and well-permeable to water. The sown area must be loosened and leveled. The height of the soil piles should not be higher than 8 cm. The fallow field should be fertilized and 25-30 tons of fertilizer should be applied per 1 ha. Immediately before sowing, it is necessary to enrich the soil with a potassium-phosphorus complex in the amount of 10-15 t/ha.

Sowing Bezosta 100 wheat should include the following activities:

  • cultivation of the soil using a non-moldboard method with a deepening of 8-10 cm after previous types, not on a fallow field;
  • treatment of seed material with insecticides and fungicides;
  • embedding grains to a depth of 5 cm with simultaneous compaction with a roller;
  • harrowing.

crop field

Rules of care

Bezostaya 100 wheat is not capricious and does not require special conditions. But to get the desired harvest, you still need to follow the rules of care.

The main thing is to apply nitrogen fertilizing on time. For “lean” soil, autumn fertilizing with 30% nitrogen is required. At the beginning of spring, it is necessary to apply fertilizer with a nitrogen concentration of 60-70%. When the stem begins to grow, a preparation with a nitrogen component of 80-90% is required. The last fertilizing of the season is carried out during the formation of ears, using 30-40% fertilizer. Feed the wheat according to the instructions written on the fertilizer container.

Also, for the full growth of wheat, it is important to get rid of weeds in a timely manner.

harvest ripening

Protection from diseases and pests

Let's consider the resistance of Bezosta 100 wheat to infections and insects.

Malicious factor Sustainability
brown and yellow rust +
septoria +
powdery mildew +
fusarium head blight +
viral infection +
basal bacteriosis
helminthosporium root rot
ground beetle
bread beetle
cereal fly

Winter wheat is not susceptible to many infections due to frost at the initial stage of development. But this does not mean that culture cannot become sick. The likelihood of damage increases if crop rotation is not observed, weeds are ignored, fertilizing is untimely, and low-quality grains are planted.

Signs of wheat infection are inhibition of growth and formation of ovaries, rotting of ears and root zone of the stem.

When wheat is infected, it is treated with fungicides, for example, the drug “Fundazol”. When attacking insects, use suitable insecticides. Preventive insecticidal treatment is also important.Typically, broad-spectrum systemic contact insecticides are used, for example, Fostran. In addition to dressing, to protect against insects, loosening the soil before sowing and processing the seed must be used.

field processing

Collection and storage

The harvest is harvested using a combine in one pass. Wheat ripens in 8-9 months, so the optimal harvest time is the second half of May and June. The moisture content of mature grain should not exceed 17%. It is advisable that cleaning one area does not take more than a week.

Before being sent to storage, the grain is cleaned, dried, and disinfected with an insecticidal preparation in the form of an aerosol or gas. The humidity in the storage should not exceed 70%, the optimal temperature is +6-8 °C. High-quality and constant ventilation is important.

Winter grain can be stored for a maximum of 2.5 years. The optimal shelf life is 6 months. Periodically, grain should be checked for fungal infections.
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