With a variety of fruit trees, it can be difficult to choose exactly the one that will please the gardener and bring a tasty harvest. Few people look towards the apricot, because it is known that this crop bears fruit well only in warm weather and does not tolerate cold months. But breeders are confidently moving forward in their developments. Thanks to their work, the Urals have long been producing apricot growing Kichiginsky.
- History of the Kichiginsky variety
- Description
- Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
- Characteristics
- Pollination, flowering period and ripening time
- Productivity, fruiting
- Resistance to diseases and pests
- Landing Features
- Landing dates
- Choosing a landing site
- What can you plant nearby?
- Selection and preparation of planting material
- Planting stages
- Care
- Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention
History of the Kichiginsky variety
By the end of the 20th century, at the Chelyabinsk Institute of Horticulture, specialist breeders developed a new fruit crop by crossing two apricots - Siberian and Manchurian. This is how the Kichiginsky variety appeared, characterized by increased resistance to frost.
The authors are K.K. Mullayanov and A.E. Pankratova. Their variety of apricots passed all tests and was recorded in the register for the Urals in 1999.
The trees of the Kichiginsky apricot variety are medium-sized, their height is 3.5-5 m. The shoots are straight, the crown is well formed.
The fruits grow round and even. Color - yellow, weight from 13 to 15 grams. Each fruit has an easily removable pit, which makes it easy to use apricots in processing.
The description of the variety says the following about the fruit pulp:
- density and juiciness at a high level;
- the share of sugar is 6.3%, organic acids - 2.3%;
- taste sweet and sour;
- there is no bitterness;
- Tasting score: 4.5 points out of 5.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The main advantages of Kichiginsky apricot are considered to be the following:
- increased level of winter hardiness;
- a bountiful harvest;
- long distance transportation.
The negative aspects include the small size of the fruits, as well as self-sterility in the case of a single planting.
The Kichiginsky apricot has several amazing properties that deserve a detailed description.
Drought resistance, winter hardiness
The variety is not susceptible to dry conditions. Trees are watered only during flowering, if there is not enough rain during this period.
The trees tolerate winter well and are highly resistant to frost down to -40 °C.
Important! Apricot varieties are susceptible to root collars becoming warm. When a thaw sets in, water appears between the snow and the soil, freezing and thawing several times.
Pollination, flowering period and ripening time
Kichiginsky begins to bloom in early May, this happens earlier than other fruit crops. But due to the early entry into the period of flower formation, there is a risk of bud death, because at this time there are spring frosts.
Apricot Kichiginsky is not capable of self-pollinating. The apricot varieties Chelyabinsk Early and Piquant are perfect for helping him. One of the main features of Kichiginsky is that it serves as the best pollinator for all varieties developed in the Urals.
By the beginning of August, the fruits can already be picked and eaten. When picking fruit from trees, the skin is hard and softens during storage.
Productivity, fruiting
The fruits are first harvested in the 5th year. Compliance with growing conditions allows you to collect a maximum of 15 kg from one tree.
Resistance to diseases and pests
Kichiginsky is noted to be highly resistant to many infections. But we still recommend preventive treatment of each tree. After all, the presence of high humidity and low temperature can provoke the development of fungi.
Landing Features
Planting seedlings and caring for them is generally not difficult. You just need to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology.
Landing dates
The crop is planted in the spring, at the very beginning. The planting hole has been prepared since the end of the last summer season. Autumn plantings are also allowed. In these cases, the holes are dug within 2 weeks.
Choosing a landing site
It is best to plant apricot in an area where:
- there are no cold and gusty places (plantings should be protected by a house or a high fence);
- flat ground surface;
- loamy soil predominates;
- good daylight available.
If you plant a tree in a low-lying place, it will develop very slowly, and you may not get a harvest at all.
What can you plant nearby?
Kichigin apricots cannot develop well close to currants, raspberries, apples, pears, plums and hazels.
Experts recommend planting a group of apricots of various types. Under them, perennial grasses belonging to shade-loving varieties develop well.
Selection and preparation of planting material
Trees that are 1 year old and have strong roots are suitable for planting. Each of them is carefully inspected, and a copy is selected that is free of rot and damage.
Before the planting procedure, a mash is prepared; mullein and clay are used for preparation. The mixture is cooked until a consistency similar to sour cream is formed. The root of the seedling is lowered into it.
Planting stages
To successfully land, you must complete the following steps:
- A drainage layer of small pebbles is poured onto the bottom of the prepared hole, after which it is left for 14 days.
- The following are added to fertile soil: humus, superphosphate (500 g), wood ash (1 liter).
- The seedling is placed in a hole, the root is covered with earth.
- The soil is compacted, the planted Kichiginsky apricot is watered abundantly.
For 4 years, trees are protected from freezing. To do this, they are wrapped in burlap, or a special frame is made, covered with film.
When using organic fertilizers during planting, their re-application is possible only after 3 or 4 years. But a complex of mineral fertilizers are added every year.
Attention! Fertilizers containing nitrogen accelerate the development of shoots and slow down their ripening, which leads to a decrease in the level of resistance of the Kichiginsky apricot to cold and warm weather. Such fertilizers are used until the middle of the summer season, and it is even better to use potassium and phosphorus fertilizers together with them.
Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention
The formation of brown spots on the fruit indicates damage to fruit rot. Trees are treated with Horus or Nitrafen.
Green marks on the leaves, as well as with a brown tint, gradually affecting the shoots and fruits, are caused by scab. In such situations, treatment is carried out with products that contain copper.
To prevent these diseases, fallen leaves are promptly removed and sprayed with fungicides.
If the leaves curl into a tube and cracks appear on the bark, this means that there is a leaf roller on the tree. Chlorophos can save you from it.
A sign of a weevil invasion is damage to leaves, buds, and flowers. Serious lesions lead to loss of leaves. Spraying with Decis or Kinmiks will help get rid of the pest.
Prevention against parasites is as follows: dig up the soil around the tree trunk and treat the Kichiginsky apricot with insecticides in early spring and late autumn.