The benefits and harms of watermelon seeds and whether they can be eaten, use in medicine and cosmetology

Few people know that watermelon seeds are healthy and should not be thrown away. They contain minerals necessary to maintain good health. You can eat watermelon seeds, unless a person is allergic to this product. If you regularly eat grains, your body will never lack vitamins.

Chemical composition of watermelon seeds

Grains contain a large amount of microelements and vitamins. Among them are:

  1. Vitamins of group B and PP.
  2. Phosphorus.
  3. Sodium.
  4. Calcium.
  5. Magnesium.
  6. Potassium.
  7. Zinc.
  8. Manganese.

watermelon seeds

In melons and melons, mainly the pulp is used for food. Starting from the end of July, I just want to eat watermelon. But not only the pulp is used for food. Watermelon seeds are considered beneficial for the body.

Where are watermelon seeds used?

It is difficult to imagine that a product such as watermelon seeds can be useful. After all, most people prefer to simply throw them away along with the peel. But the seeds are used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

seeds of watermelon

In folk medicine

The medicinal properties of watermelon seeds are not known to many. But, nevertheless, they are often used in folk medicine.

  1. The seeds help relieve swelling. Pour 500 milliliters of boiled water over the grains and cover with a lid. Infuse the broth until the water cools to room temperature. Drink 100 milliliters of infusion for five days.
  2. A drink based on seeds will help with cough and fever. Grind the seeds in cold water in a ratio of 1:10. Take the medicine 1 teaspoon every two hours. If desired, sweet syrup or sugar is added to the drink. This remedy will help to quickly cope with fever and get the patient back on his feet.

folk medicine

In addition, watermelon seeds help remove worms from the intestines, normalize high blood pressure, and help cope with uterine bleeding. Before using watermelon seeds as a medicine, you need to make sure that it will not negatively affect the body.

You should first consult a doctor before using grain-based products as a medicine.

In cosmetology

Watermelon grains are also used in cosmetology. Various masks are made based on them.

intestinal worms

  1. Anti-acne masks are made from watermelon seeds. To prepare the mask, the seeds are dried and then soaked in water for three hours. After this, grind the seeds in a blender. Mix the resulting mass with parsley juice and mix thoroughly. Apply to cleansed facial skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water.
  2. Natural scrubs are made from watermelon seeds. Rinse the seeds in water and grind in a blender until smooth. Then mix the pulp with sour cream or honey. Use as a regular scrub.

Such masks reduce inflammation and help cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells.

epidermal cells

Is it possible to eat bones, and how does it affect the body?

Eating watermelon seeds is possible and even necessary. They contain micronutrients that are necessary for human life. In addition, they are often used in folk medicine.

affects the body

Saturates with vitamins and minerals

First of all, benefits of watermelon seeds is that they saturate the body with vitamins, as well as minerals, and replenish the deficiency of microelements. The seeds are eaten dried or fried.

organisms with vitamins

Gets rid of worms

Decoctions and infusions based on watermelon seeds help remove worms from the body. 200 grams of seeds are crushed using a blender or masher. The grain particles should not be very small.

Then the gruel is poured with 1 liter of water and put on fire. You need to boil for 45 minutes in a water bath. After the resulting broth has cooled, it is filtered. Drink 200 milliliters of decoction every day for two weeks.

Another remedy for worms is prepared based on grains and milk. Dry the grains in the oven and grind. Then add milk in a ratio of 1:10. Drink this milk in the morning before meals for two weeks.

worms from the body

Reduces high blood pressure

Watermelon seeds have the ability to reduce blood pressure in hypertension. To prepare a blood pressure remedy, you need to take 300 grams of seeds and divide them into two equal parts. Dry one part of the grains in the oven, the second part in the open sun. Grind both parts in a blender and combine. Take half a teaspoon daily for one month.

Before using watermelon grains to stabilize blood pressure in case of hypertension, you should first consult a doctor. If you don't do this, you can only make your health worse.

preparing the product

Stops uterine bleeding

The beneficial properties of the grains will help women cope with uterine bleeding. Preparing a remedy for bleeding is simple. To do this you need to take 100 grams of seeds. Then pour two glasses of boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse. Take 100 milliliters between meals twice a day.

Before using the infusion to stop uterine bleeding, you should consult a doctor. Uterine bleeding is a dangerous symptom that, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to serious consequences, including death.

uterine bleeding

How to cook watermelon seeds

Although watermelon seeds are rarely used in cooking, they can be eaten. Most people immediately throw out the seeds, not even realizing that this is a nutritious product that contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

Dried seeds

Dried watermelon seeds can replace salted peanuts and regular seeds. Drying the seeds is quite simple. To do this, the seeds are washed under running water so that they do not have a watermelon taste, and sprinkled in a thin layer on a paper towel. When the seeds dry a little, they are transferred to a baking sheet and put in the oven. The oven is preheated to 180 degrees. The seeds need to be dried for 30 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees.

used in cooking


For those who have not tried fried watermelon seeds yet, it’s time to try this dish. Plus, preparing the seeds is easy.

Stages of frying watermelon seeds:

  1. Rinse the watermelon seeds under running water and dry on a towel or in the sun.
  2. While the seeds are drying, you need to prepare the brine.
  3. To prepare the brine, take 60 milliliters of water and 1 teaspoon of table salt.
  4. Heat a frying pan and place the seeds on it.
  5. After some time (about 5 minutes), pour out the brine.
  6. Fry the seeds until all the brine has evaporated.
  7. The dish will be ready after all the water has boiled away and the seeds become dry.
  8. Wait until the seeds cool down.

Roasted watermelon seeds are an alternative to the usual sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

try this dish


To prepare oil based on watermelon seeds, you will not need many ingredients - just vegetable oil and seeds. And preparing it is easier than it seems at first glance.

Preparation of oil:

  1. Rinse the seeds in water and dry on a towel.
  2. Then pour into a glass jar and fill with vegetable oil.
  3. Infuse for three weeks in a dark, well-ventilated area.
  4. After 3 weeks, strain the oil.

many ingredients

You should drink 1 teaspoon of the oil in the morning before your first meal. It is not recommended to drink it with water.

Another way to obtain oil is to put the seeds under a press and squeeze the oil out of them. From 1 kilogram of seeds only 300 grams of oil is obtained. But, unlike the first option, it will be clean.

squeeze the oil out of them

Contraindications for consuming seeds

Despite the fact that watermelon seeds are considered a relatively safe remedy, they can also cause harm. First of all, the grains contain citrulline. Upon penetration into the body, the substance breaks down and is converted into ammonia. Other contraindications when using watermelon seeds include the following:

seed consumption

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. It is not recommended for pregnant women and women during lactation to eat the seeds.
  3. The seeds are contraindicated for people who suffer from kidney and bladder diseases.
  4. Children's age up to 3 years.
  5. Due to its high calorie content, it is not advisable to overuse the product for obese people.

Otherwise, eating grains is allowed. This is a nutritious product that replenishes the lack of minerals in the human body. The main thing is to choose the right watermelon. After all, if the pulp of the berry contains a high content of nitrates, then the content of this substance in the seeds will be increased. And this, in turn, can lead to serious poisoning.

lactation period
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