When is it better to harvest garlic in the Urals in 2024 and unfavorable days, storage

What savory vegetable is no dish complete without? - This is summer garlic. Many housewives also plant winter varieties in their gardens. Both need proper care, on which productivity depends. It is also important to know the timing of garlic harvesting.

Ripening time for garlic in the Urals

Experienced gardeners, when carrying out garden work, take into account not only the climatic features of the region, they also rely on the lunar calendar. According to this, winter crops continue to ripen until the end of July.The harvest of spring garlic begins from mid-August to early September.

The ripening of the crop is influenced by the summer period. If the months are too hot, the cloves will be small in size. In a rainy summer, there is a chance that the crop will rot. As a rule, remove garlic from the beds, if it is a winter variety, it can be done 3.5–4 months after germination. Spring crops are harvested 2–3 weeks later.

The collection period also depends on the type of vegetable. Each of them has different maturation characteristics.

General signs of cultural maturity

To understand whether it is possible to remove a vegetable from the garden, you need to use the following tips:

  1. The appearance of the plant can indicate the maturity of the garlic head. At the same time, the neck of the false stem becomes soft, and the leaves themselves wither and turn yellow.
  2. Some housewives inspect the husks. To do this, you need to rake the soil around the bulb. If the husk appears dense and untouched, it is time to harvest.
  3. A ripe vegetable may have other signs. The head becomes hard, the husk peels off easily, and the inflorescences crack.

remove garlic

Before harvesting garlic, you need to prepare it for this. 2 weeks before harvesting, watering the beds is completely stopped. The vegetable must get rid of excess moisture in order to avoid the development of fungus when saving. In this way, a person will be able to avoid crop rotting in the ground.

If the garlic feathers begin to turn yellow, they are tied in a knot and the arrows are removed. A simple procedure will help direct nutrients to the root system. At the time of harvesting, the green mass should not grow.

collect culture

Harvesting garlic heads


When should garlic be harvested so that it is fully ripe and can be stored for as long as possible? Vegetable harvesting time, as a rule, falls at the end of July and can last until the beginning of August. The first thing to do is to make sure that the vegetable is ripe and ready for harvest. The degree of maturity can be determined by the lower leaves, which begin to bend down to the soil.

Yellowing of the green mass can also serve as a signal for harvesting. Nutrients leave the leaves and move to the head. In this case, there is no need to leave the garlic in the ground. At this stage the maturation process ends.

garlic heads

If the listed signs are not enough for a person to determine maturity, do the following. After the housewife has dug up several bulbs, they are examined. The teeth in the head should be hard to the touch and separate from each other without much effort. Winter garlic in the Urals, if it is ready for harvest, allows the scales to easily move away from the head.

Harvesting winter garlic is also done after the seed pod begins to open. It is located at the very end of the arrow. There is no need to wait until the bulbs in the box are completely dry. This way you can skip the deadline for harvesting vegetables.

the vegetable is ripe


When to Harvest Summer Garlic and how to determine the degree of maturity? Harvesting summer garlic in the Urals begins after harvesting winter garlic. There must be at least 2 weeks between dates. According to the lunar calendar, spring garlic should be dug in August and continued until mid-September.

In the Southern Urals, summer garlic is planted in the spring. It has a short growing season - from 3 to 3.5 months. Harvesting spring garlic may vary. Since the key role here is the disembarkation time. If several days have passed between sowings, it’s okay. The collection time can be moved to the same day.

degree of maturity

The collection time is influenced by various factors:

  • weather;
  • variety of planting material;
  • cultivation and care - watering and fertilizing vegetables.


You can determine that spring garlic is ripe in the same way as winter garlic. If the leaves turn yellow and the lower ones are completely dry, you can dig the vegetable. The upper feathers become weak and sink towards the ground. If you take a head of garlic in your hand and try to separate a few cloves, they should come off well, and the peel can also be peeled.

In 2024, the lunar calendar will help gardeners grow a good harvest and harvest it after it is fully ripe. If you plant, water and weed vegetables according to the dates indicated in the calendar, the result will please every summer resident. Spring garlic is stored better than winter garlic. The main thing is not to miss the moment of harvesting.

leaves turn yellow

Garlic varieties

Breeders developed special varieties especially for the Urals. They grow well in difficult weather conditions and do not require careful care. The best varieties of garlic:

  • "Scythian".
  • "Gradekovsky".
  • "Bashkirsky 85".
  • "Sofievsky".
  • "Dobrynya".
  • "Bogatyr".
  • "Lyubasha."

were breeders


Refers to mid-season varieties. It can reproduce by both cloves and air heads. The scales have a lilac hue, which distinguishes it from other varieties. A small onion contains many cloves with dense and piquant flesh.

The Skif variety is able to resist various diseases during the growing season. Resistant to gray rot and bacteriosis. Resistant to pest infestation. We plant "Skif" like any other variety.

mid-season varieties


Planting of winter garlic "Gradekovsky" is carried out in early spring. The vegetable ripens very quickly. You can harvest the crop 2.5 months after planting.Digged garlic has small bulbs.

The color of the husk is white-lilac. A clean clove also has a lilac tint. The aerial bulbs have a rich dark lilac color. Their shape differs from other varieties as it is slightly oblong.

ripens quickly

"Bashkirsky 85"

This variety is also considered early ripening, as it fully ripens 3 months after planting in the garden. The garlic heads themselves are small, with 5 to 6 cloves. The pulp is dense and sharp. Harvested garlic can be stored for a long time.

The color of the harvested garlic cloves is white. In some places the husk is covered with lilac purple stripes. The vegetable resists various pests well. The immune system protects against many diseases.

Bashkir variety 85


Refers to mid-season varieties. "Sofievsky" has a round head with oblong teeth. Each bulb contains an average of 8–9 pieces. Growing the savory vegetable should take place in direct sunlight. Garlic is harvested after it is fully ripe.

The yield of the crop is high; from one bed you can harvest from 1 to 1.5 kg of garlic. The amount of garlic collected will be enough for the rest of the fall, winter and spring. It is valued by chefs for its excellent taste. The pulp is dense with pungent notes.

mid-season Sofievsky

Like most winter varieties, it is white with lilac veins. Planting and harvesting are very easy. The culture is unpretentious in care. It is resistant to many fungal diseases.

It should be remembered that hybrid varieties have an accelerated growing season. Their immune system is better able to resist many diseases.

winter varieties

Harvesting culture

Now a person knows when to harvest garlic from the garden; all that remains is to study the tactics of harvesting itself. Garlic does not leave the soil as easily as onions.Therefore, in order not to injure the heads, it is better to use a shovel for digging. This is done very simply:

  1. Forge the heads with a pitchfork or shovel and pull them out by the tops.
  2. Clean the dug up bulbs from adhering soil and place them in the garden bed.
  3. Don't throw each vegetable on top of each other, creating a common pile. Hitting the heads may damage them. At the site of damage, as a rule, during storage, rot settles.

forge with a pitchfork

When should I dig up garlic that was planted in the fall? There are varieties that overwinter in the soil and their growing season begins in early spring. Regardless of the moment of planting, many summer residents are wondering when to harvest garlic in the Urals in 2024. Harvesting is carried out exclusively in sunny weather.

Direct sunlight destroys various bacteria that can parasitize the bulbs. In turn, this increases the shelf life of the crop. As soon as the top part is completely dry, it is cut off, leaving a small neck near the bulb. The collected fruits are placed in small boxes, which must have holes.

Sun rays

Preparation for storage

The harvested crop should not be taken to the cellar immediately after digging. First you need to spread the vegetables under the canopy. The place should be protected from direct sunlight. It is better to choose one where the wind passes through. While the bulbs are being aired, a person can prepare the storage space itself.

If a person follows the growing conditions of the crop and knows when to harvest ripe garlic, the harvest will delight you with its abundance and unusual taste. It's not difficult at all. It is necessary to monitor the weather, choose suitable varieties and often look at the lunar calendar.

preparation for storage

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