EkoNiva-Semena is an organization that began operations in 1998. Operates on the seed market in Russia. Known as one of the best companies for the supply of field crop seeds. He is engaged in growing new varieties, and then sells them to representatives of other agricultural companies.
Range of services provided by the company
The seed-growing enterprise is engaged in the cultivation of varietal crops, which are supplied throughout Russia, as well as throughout the world. The list includes remote corners of the world.The company's product range includes not only seeds produced by the agricultural company, but also imported planting material. The assortment of the agricultural enterprise is constantly updated with new seeds.
The agricultural company EkoNiva-Semena is one of the three leaders in the supply and cultivation of grass forage seeds. Offers Russian farmers modern genetic material with the best characteristics. Production is concentrated not only in Russia. Maintains cooperation with top breeding centers in Europe, America and Russia.
Wide range of field crops
One of the largest seed production companies is ready to offer the following types of field crops:
- legumes;
- cereals;
- perennial forage grasses;
- potato.
Among the varieties are seeds of Russian selection, as well as Ukrainian, Canadian, French, German and Scandinavian. The fields grow types of wheat that are distinguished by their standing density and bushiness. Gives a harvest every year. It produces flour with the best baking qualities.
In addition to wheat, barley also stands out for its productivity. Also used as feed for farm animals. Suitable for brewing. The plant is resistant to drooping spikelets.
After a season of growing EkoNiva legume crops, you won’t want to look for new ones. Pea varieties produce seed crops. The agricultural company grows early, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties. A characteristic feature of the crops is their resistance to cracking, regardless of weather conditions. Working with soybeans and lentils gives results.
Among the forage grasses, alfalfa, clover, perennial ryegrass, meadow timothy and others are grown.
Breeders of the agricultural company "EkoNiva-Semena" are improving in the business they are engaged in.In addition to growing proven varieties, they constantly update the assortment, adding new specimens to it. Varieties of sunflowers are also grown on the farm. The harvested crop is suitable for producing sunflower oil.
The agricultural company is searching for and studying new varieties of crops. These are plants from breeding schools in America and Europe. New varieties are being tested to study quality and yield. The company uses equipment to work with crops of the best quality to ensure modern technologies. A special storage space is allocated for the harvested crop.
Product quality control
Large-scale cultivation and sale of varieties does not begin without first studying each individual crop. The enterprise has a plot of land on which varieties are tested. The seed quality control laboratory deeply studies the characteristics of each specimen. Thanks to this approach, the resulting seeds are classified as premium. Over the years of activity, the agricultural company has formed highly qualified personnel, without whose attention not a single process can be completed.
Customer support, training seminars
Every year, the seed-growing enterprise holds a holiday dedicated to its activities - Field Day. Training seminars are regularly held for agricultural technicians from all over the Russian region. The event touches on the topic of growing crops while preserving their characteristics.
The specialists of the agricultural company prepare material that helps agronomists obtain a rich harvest and seed material with subsequent planting.
Each employee undergoes advanced training. He also goes on internships to other countries.Learns a lot of new and useful information through visits to European exhibitions. Invites representatives of other agricultural companies to exchange experiences and do the work even better.
Sales of seed material are accompanied by consultation. The company's clients will learn the latest innovations in the technology of growing various crops. It describes in detail what to do with the seeds after collection and how to ensure quality storage. Employees of the EkoNiva-Semena agricultural complex are ready to answer any question on the topic of selection.