Timing of willow flowering, in what month it occurs, varieties and photos
Willow is a beautiful, graceful tree, suitable for beautifying park areas. And in our climate
Description of albizia, planting a tree and rules for caring for it in open ground
A beautiful tree, related to mimosa, naturally grows in the tropics and subtropics, but growing albizia
Description of the Norway maple globosum, its planting and care, application
Maple is not just a tree, but a real decoration for any landscape; holly globosum
Description of the Norway maple variety Drummondi, its planting and care, application
Norway maple variety Drummondi is an excellent tree used for various types of plantings. Culture
Description of Chinese ash and photos, properties and uses of the highest ailanthus
Chinese ash or, as it is called, ailanthus highest, is a popular crop that belongs to
How to propagate a weeping willow - 5 step-by-step methods and tips
The weeping willow is a fairly large tree that mainly grows near rivers and ponds.
Top 10 best types of willow - names and varieties of trees with descriptions and photos
Willow is a deciduous crop that belongs to the Willow family. In total there are more
Description of aspen and the properties of its wood, how it propagates and uses
Aspen is one of the most common trees that grows in different countries of the world. This
What does an ash tree and its leaves look like, description of species and photos, legends
Ash has been called the “tree of peace” for a long time. In the old days it served as a symbol of the rebirth of life


