Description of aspen and the properties of its wood, how it propagates and uses

Aspen is one of the most common trees that grows in different countries of the world. This crop is used to decorate parks and gardens. Anyone can grow a tree if they want. A characteristic feature of aspen is its moving, fluttering leaves. That is why it received the name “trembling poplar”. The plant has decorative properties and high-quality wood.

Description of the tree

This crop belongs to the Willow family. The tree trunk grows in a columnar pattern. The largest plants reach 1 meter in girth. In this case, the height can be 35 meters.

The aspen root system is deep underground. It is characterized by the active development of offspring. The tree trunk is covered with smooth, light green bark. The main part of the wood has a white tint with greenish notes.

A distinctive feature of the culture is considered to be trembling leaves. They are quite dense and are fixed on thin petioles. Therefore, the foliage is very susceptible to even the smallest blows of wind.

Other important features of aspen include the following:

  • regular arrangement of leaves;
  • rounded or diamond-shaped leaves;
  • feathery veins and crenate edges;
  • flattened petioles on the sides;
  • dioecious nature of plants.

Aspen is characterized by not very expressive flowering. Only observant people can determine its beginning. The tree has small and inconspicuous flowers that form dangling catkins. Flowering continues until the leaves bloom.

In summer and spring, aspen leaves look quite simple. They are distinguished by their green color and shiny surface. In autumn, foliage can take on different shades - yellow, orange, red.

Aspen: description and properties of its wood

The fruits of the tree are presented in the form of boxes. They contain small seeds inside. Old branches are prone to severe brittleness. Flower buds are thick and have dark shades - most often red-brown or green-chestnut.

Aspen pollen spreads over many kilometers. This is due not only to its lightness, but also to the presence of special fibers, which are characterized by high windage. Under normal conditions, aspen lives 60-80 years. With careful care of the tree, this period can increase to 100 years. It should be borne in mind that old trees do not have very high quality wood.Plants no older than 40-45 years are used in industry.

In addition to the common aspen, its triploid variety is also found. However, this tree is quite rare. Its characteristic features are the large size of the foliage and dark gray bark. This plant is characterized by large earrings that reach 25 centimeters. This type of crop has very durable wood. That's why woodworkers value it.

Distribution area

Aspen grows in Russia and in many other countries of the world. This culture has become widespread in European countries, China, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. These trees are also found in South Korea.

This culture is often found in forests and forest-steppes. It can also be seen at the borders of forests and tundra. This tree grows on forest edges and on the banks of ponds. Sometimes it is found in ravines, on dry sand and in clearing areas. The wide distribution of the tree is due to its undemanding nature in terms of soil composition.

Aspen: description and properties of its wood photo

There are pure aspen forests and combinations of the crop with other plants - pines, birches, spruces, oaks, larches, alders. In the steppes, aspen trees form colonies called kolki. They can occupy significant spaces - up to several hectares.

Aspen prefers well-lit areas. It is also found in shady areas. However, in such areas the tree is small. Growth rates are directly affected by soil fertility. In loamy or swampy soil there is a high probability of plant death.

Young plants may shed branches. This is not due to the influence of mechanical factors. When the shoots fall off, an even and smooth cut remains. Such a discharge protects the culture from a deficiency of useful elements.Aspen can also shed its leaves.

Properties of wood

Aspen wood is characterized by its white color, which contains bluish or greenish notes. Sometimes yellow spots appear in the cut area. This material is soft, but at the same time quite strong. When it dries, it almost never cracks. Such wood can be easily cut and processed.

Aspen wood is homogeneous, which makes it possible to make thin shavings from it. This material is actively used for the manufacture of packaging. It is also often used in creativity.

Aspen: description and properties of its wood

How aspen reproduces

When planting aspen on your site, it is important to choose the right place for it. It is recommended to focus on the following points:

  1. Lighting – aspen requires good lighting. If there are tall trees nearby, the crop will always be located in the shade. This could cause her death.
  2. Protection from wind - mature aspen trees themselves serve as a barrier from drafts for other plants. However, young seedlings are not as strong. Under the influence of sharp gusts of wind, the tree may break. Therefore, aspen should not be planted in areas that are heavily blown.
  3. Soil characteristics - aspen is undemanding in terms of soil composition. To make the crop look decorative, it should be planted in fertile soil.

An important feature of aspen seeds is low endurance. The material for planting is unsuitable just a few days after collection. In addition, to obtain full-fledged seedlings, it is important to plant the seeds in well-moistened soil. If the soil is dry or covered with a thick layer of leaves, the grains will get stuck. This will lead to their death.

To grow aspen from seeds, you need to do the following:

  1. Clear the area.First of all, you need to remove plant debris. It is recommended to burn them or take them far away from the site.
  2. Loosen the soil. This is required for the aspen to take root well. If the soil is not very fertile, it is worth adding a small amount of compost during the loosening process. It is also permissible to use rotted humus for this.
  3. Water the area. To do this, it is recommended to use warm and settled water. It is important that the soil is irrigated abundantly.
  4. Sow the seeds. After preliminary preparation, you can plant the seeds. In this case, there is no need to make special grooves - just scatter the grains onto the loosened area.


Aspen is characterized by rapid development. In just 2 years, a full-fledged tree will appear on the site. There is also a quick way to grow a young crop. To do this, the tree is propagated using shoots. To get the required result, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Find the shoots. Planting material can be found in the forest. Suitable shoots are usually located a short distance from the adult crop. That's why it's easy to find them.
  2. Separate the young plant. After detecting a shoot, you need to carefully clean the soil around it. Under the layer of soil you will be able to find a long and thick root that goes to an adult tree. It needs to be carefully separated. This can be done with a shovel.
  3. Transport the shoot to the site. To do this, the root system of the dug crop needs to be wrapped in a damp cloth. This is required so that it does not dry out during transportation.
  4. Prepare the plant for planting. To do this, it is recommended to open the root system and carefully examine it. Dry or damaged areas must be removed.After this, the roots of the seedling should be soaked in a growth stimulator. This will help the plant quickly adapt to new conditions.
  5. Replant the crop. It is recommended to plant a young plant 10-12 meters from buildings. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the foundation. When digging a hole for planting, you need to focus on the size of the roots. When planting several trees, it is important to maintain a spacing of 2 meters. If you break this rule, the grown plants will not be able to develop normally.

In the first two weeks after planting aspen, the soil needs to be well watered. It is recommended to continue this procedure until the sprout adapts to the new conditions.

Where is it used?

Aspen wood is often used in construction. It is used in the construction of houses and other buildings. The material is hygroscopic and quickly releases moisture. Therefore, it can be used for the construction of baths and saunas. Such structures will serve for a long time without releasing resin. In addition, they have a pleasant aroma.

Another advantage of aspen wood is its affordable price. In addition, this material has bactericidal properties. It is important to take into account that not all materials on the market are of high quality. Aspen wood is characterized by severe shrinkage. This leads to the fact that the material twists and turns out during mandatory drying. This is why it is so important to carefully control humidity.

Aspen photo

At woodworking enterprises, this type of wood is used to produce the following materials:

  • Fiberboard;
  • chipboard;
  • boards;
  • beam;
  • slats;
  • round timber

Aspen furniture can be installed in bathhouses, swimming pools, kitchens and other rooms that are characterized by high humidity.It is also permissible to place such products in the fresh air or in rooms that are not heated. An important advantage of such furniture is its relatively low cost. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, it can be safely placed in children's rooms.

The downside of such products is their not very attractive appearance. However, they fit perfectly into some styles - rustic, ecological, hunting. In addition, visual imperfections can be eliminated by painting. The following products are often made from solid aspen:

  • tables;
  • boxes;
  • cabinets;
  • chairs;
  • buffets;
  • racks;
  • shelves;
  • frames of upholstered furniture.

Aspen wood is also used to make interior doors and country log houses. This material is suitable for artistic carving and making all kinds of accessories.

Aspen is actively used in landscape design. This tree can be safely used for landscaping areas, including city parks and squares. This solution has additional advantages. Fallen leaves quickly saturate the soil with valuable substances. Thanks to this, you don’t have to add additional fertilizing to it. This compost is perfect for private gardens and flower beds. The root system strengthens the crumbling banks of rivers and lakes. It can also be used to strengthen the slopes of ravines.


Densely leafy aspen protects other plantings from wind and drafts. This tree is characterized by rapid growth. This is of great importance for landscaping large areas. The tree can be grown even in polluted places. It looks good in single and group plantings. You can also create a hedge for aspen.

The possibilities for using aspen do not end there.Salicylic acid is obtained from the bark of this culture, which is actively used in the cosmetics industry. This substance activates collagen synthesis and makes the skin smoother.

Aspen is also used to solve the following problems:

  • tree branches are used to ferment cabbage;
  • aspen shavings are a good source of fuel for thermal power plants and serve as insulation;
  • in private homes, aspen firewood and pellets are often used;
  • wood is used to make cardboard and paper;
  • Aspen veneer is used to make plywood, matches, baskets, boxes, toothpicks;
  • wood burned in a vacuum environment is high-quality charcoal, which is used in the chemical industry, medicine, and creativity;
  • the bark is used for tanning leather and for the production of red and yellow dyes;
  • Aspen flowers are excellent honey plants and are used to make glue.

Interesting Facts

Aspen has an elegant appearance. This is due to the small ratio between the height of the trunk and its cross-section near the ground surface. There are also many other interesting facts about aspen:

  1. There is an ancient belief that aspen is an excellent weapon against various evil spirits - in particular, against werewolves and vampires.
  2. The tree grows quickly, but often faces diseases.
  3. Aspen leaves tremble and rustle even from the slightest breeze.

Aspen is a fairly common crop that is found in different countries of the world. It is used in construction and landscape design.
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