Maple is not just a tree, but a real decoration for any landscape; Norway maple is one of the most attractive types of maples due to its branched branches. It will decorate both a small garden plot and a green park. Before you start planting, you need to learn the basic nuances of caring for maple trees. We will tell you how to plant correctly and provide proper care.
Description of the tree
Norway maple globosum is an ornamental tree that is grown in gardens, parks, and public gardens.This is a small tree with a spherical crown formed by leaves that are tightly pressed to each other.
The five-lobed star-shaped leaves are green in color with dark green veins. They are densely located on the branches and create a dense crown that tolerates cutting well.
Maple prefers sunny or semi-shaded places. It easily tolerates winter frosts without requiring special care. Globosum can reach a height of up to 5 meters, making it ideal for small garden areas. It has a dense foliage crown with dense large leaves alternating on long petioles.
In spring, small yellow-green flowers bloom on it, collected in dense corymbs that appear along with new leaves.
The plant is unpretentious to growing conditions and can grow in both sunny and semi-shaded places. However, it is better to plant the tree in open areas with bright sunlight. It is recommended to choose fertile soils for planting Norway maple. The tree must be planted in well-drained soil to avoid stagnation of moisture. It is necessary to ensure regular watering, especially during the growing season and during the hot summer months. The Globozoom must be kept at a distance of at least 5-6 meters from each other to ensure the proper amount of light and air.
How to care for it
Regularly monitor the condition of the soil and feed with mineral fertilizers during the period of active growth. Also remember to water moderately, as too much water can cause root rot and hardening of the soil.
Pest Control
Norway maple globosum can become prey for pests. Here are ways to deal with them:
- Spraying the plant with insecticides.It is better to use insecticides that are designed to control specific pests. Use them according to instructions.
- Cleanliness and care of the plant. Regular removal of dead leaves and branches helps reduce the likelihood of maple damage from pests. It is very important to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers and maintain the required level of humidity to strengthen its immune system.
Additional details
Aphids, weevils and caterpillars cause great damage to plants. They can be destroyed using special insecticides called systemic insecticides. However, in addition to this, it is necessary to collect and burn fallen leaves around the trees to prevent pests.
Trees can also suffer from fungal diseases such as leaf margin necrosis and powdery mildew. To combat them, you need to regularly treat trees with copper-based preparations. This will help prevent the spread of diseases. It is important to follow the rules of agricultural technology, carry out prevention and add fertilizers to increase immunity.
This small tree with a rounded crown is often used in landscape architecture to create hedges, alleys and other decorative elements. It reaches a height of up to 6 meters and a crown width of up to 2.5 m.
Norway maple can also be used for planting in parks and gardens, as a single decoration, and also for creating fences, hedges, shrub compositions and other landscape design elements.