Dwarf spruce variety Barry is considered a low-growing coniferous plant, which is distinguished by a dense conical crown. By the age of 10, the crop grows to a maximum of 1 meter. In this case, the maximum height of the tree does not exceed 2 meters. The compact size of the plant allows it to be used in landscape design. The crop can be safely planted near a house or other buildings, creating decorative compositions that will last for decades.
Description of the tree
Norway spruce Barry has an attractive appearance. Due to this, the plant is often used in landscape design.
If Barryi is characterized by a strong and powerful crown. This makes the crop look like a Christmas tree. The plant has a regular conical shape. It is characterized by a narrow top and wide bottom. The tree is also distinguished by a dense arrangement of needles. Due to this, it acquires a fabulous appearance. Old trees over 40-50 years old can grow up to 2.5-3 meters in height.
The culture of this variety is characterized by the following features:
- The needles have a beautiful dark green color. It is quite short and thick. The needles fit tightly to each other and have a shine.
- Height - by the age of 10, the tree can grow up to 50-100 centimeters. A 30-year-old plant reaches 2 meters.
- The branches are quite powerful and have a brown color. They are directed upward and tightly located on the trunk. With age, the spruce increases in width up to 3 meters.
- Frost resistance - spruce can withstand temperatures down to -34 degrees. However, it is recommended to cover young seedlings in the first years.
- Relation to the sun - spruce exhibits its decorative properties to the maximum when grown in well-lit areas. In the shade, the crop quickly grows tall and has a less lush crown.
- The moisture requirement is moderate. During drought, seedlings need watering.
- The root system is superficial. Therefore, the soil around the tree can be loosened to a depth of a maximum of 3-5 centimeters.
According to the description, this variety of spruce is often used to decorate the surrounding area. Trees can be planted along garden paths or used to arrange an alpine slide. Since the crop has a rich green crown, it is recommended to plant bright plants near it. Lilacs or tulips are perfect for this.
Landscape designers advise placing plantings in the form of a circle or square. This will make the garden more presentable. Some gardeners use this plant as a hedge. This helps create a cozy atmosphere.
How to plant correctly
Since spruce of this variety cannot withstand excessive moisture, when choosing a planting site, you should focus on the area where groundwater occurs. It is important that they are at a level of 3-4 meters below the surface of the earth. If groundwater is close, there is a risk of rotting of the root system.
In order for the seedlings to remain decorative, they need to be planted in well-lit areas. However, even in shady places the plants will develop without stopping. When choosing a planting site, protection from strong gusts of wind and drafts is of no small importance. Since the root system is close to the soil surface, the tree can be uprooted.
As for the choice of soil, loam and sandy loam substrate are ideal for Barry spruce. In order for the plant to develop normally, you should pay attention to the purchase of planting material. It is important to consider the following:
- there should be no stains or cracks on the surface of the seedling;
- the optimal plant height is 1 meter;
- it is important that the culture has developed roots;
- the seedling must have an earthen lump, which helps maintain an optimal level of moisture in the root system.
Planting work is required to begin in September or October. In this case, the soil temperature should be +7-9 degrees. To plant a plant, it is recommended to do the following:
- Dig a hole for planting measuring 70x100 centimeters.
- When planting several crops, maintain an interval of 2 meters.
- Place 10 centimeters of crushed stone or expanded clay at the bottom of the recess. This is required to ensure drainage.
- Pour a composition based on sand and fertile soil on top in a ratio of 1:2.
- Place planting material in the central part of the hole and cover it with soil.
- Water the spruce with 20 liters of water.
- Cover the tree trunk circle with a mulch layer. For this, it is recommended to use peat and straw.
How to care
For the normal development of trees of this variety, they require high-quality care. Timely soil moisture is of great importance. It is also worth adding nutrients from time to time.
Watering and fertilizing
In hot weather, it is recommended to water the plant weekly. It is worth pouring 15 liters of warm water under each tree. For five-year-old crops, the amount of liquid is increased to 30 liters.
In the second year after planting, the spruce should be fed with a solution of potassium nitrate. To do this, 40 grams of the substance should be used per 10 liters of water. In autumn, it is recommended to use the combined mineral preparation “Kemira Universal”. To prepare the working fluid for 5 liters of water, you should take 100 grams of the product. The prepared volume should be poured under 1 plant.
Between moistening the soil and adding nutrients, the top layer of soil needs to be loosened. In this case, garden tools need to be deepened by 7-8 centimeters. This helps avoid damage to the root system.
Mulching of the tree trunk circle should be carried out annually. This must be done in mid-October. To do this, it is recommended to mix humus or peat with straw and place it in the plant’s trunk circle.The thickness of the mulch layer should be 30 centimeters. This will protect the plants from frost and help maintain ideal soil moisture parameters.
Trimming and shaping
In order for the Barry spruce to have a compact and symmetrical crown, it is important to prune the tree in a timely manner. The first time this should be done a few weeks after planting. In this case, the crown must be trimmed so that it matches the size of the root system. In addition, this procedure gives the young crop the desired shape.
Autumn pruning can have a bad effect on crop development. The shoots will be more susceptible to frost. In addition, there is a high probability of their deformation. Sanitary pruning can be done at any time. Damaged and dry areas must be removed immediately.
Pest Control
Browning of needles is considered a dangerous pathology of spruce. This fungal infection is accompanied by the appearance of yellow colored needles. After some time it turns brown. To cope with the pathology, it is recommended to use special drugs.
In case of use fungicide "Horus" You should use 40 grams of the substance per 6 liters of water. If you use the drug "Quadris", you should use 100 grams of the product per 10 liters of water.
Also, spruce of this variety may suffer from necrosis. This pathology is accompanied by drooping and drying out of young trees. In this case, you need to use the drug "Amistar Trio" In this case, it is recommended to use 8 milliliters of the substance for 1 bucket of water.
Of the pests, the greatest danger to spruce is the false scale insect. Drugs such as Enzhio and Aktara will help you cope with parasites. Actellik will help destroy spider mites. You should get rid of aphids using Mospilan.
Barry spruce is a fairly popular decorative crop that is often used to decorate garden plots and parks. To grow a plant successfully, you must strictly adhere to the rules of agricultural technology.