Green plantings on the site serve as its decoration and help purify the air. In addition, they can be used as a functional landscaping tool. One of the most successful options would be to use coniferous plants. At the same time, not every summer resident knows how to plant a spruce on his plot. In order for the crop to grow and develop normally, it is important to choose the right seedling and follow the recommendations for planting it.
How does spruce reproduce?
Spruce propagation can be carried out in various ways, each of which has certain characteristics. So, you can breed a culture like this:
- Seeds - this option is considered the most labor-intensive. However, it does not always give the required results. This method is recommended for summer residents who like to experiment and monitor all stages of cultivation.
- Cuttings are considered a simpler and faster method. In addition, this technology is affordable.
- Using seedlings is the simplest and most convenient method. However, it is associated with significant costs, since you will have to spend money on purchasing high-quality planting material.
When to plant a tree
Planting work can be carried out in spring and autumn. However, the first option is considered more preferable. The procedure must be carried out before the beginning of the growing season. This should be done before the sap flows. However, it is important to consider that the soil must be completely thawed from frost. Thus, planting work is usually carried out in March or April.
It is worth noting that seedlings with closed roots can also be planted in late spring or summer. However, in this case, the plant must be shaded immediately after planting. In addition, it needs to be watered regularly. However, experts still do not advise planting the plant in heat or drought. In this case, the seedling will take too long to adapt.
How to choose a seedling
It is recommended to purchase high-quality planting material from specialized nurseries. This is a guarantee of obtaining a plant of the required variety. Seedlings of coniferous plants are sold in pots of different sizes - it all depends on the size of the crop itself.
When planting a Christmas tree in the ground, it is important to completely preserve the lump of substrate in which it was sold.Thanks to this, the culture will take root faster.
When purchasing spruce from a nursery, it is worth getting specialist advice regarding the size of an adult crop, its resistance to frost, and requirements for watering regimes.
To choose the right seedling, it is recommended to pay attention to the following signs:
- the needles should be fresh and shiny;
- there should be tender shoots at the tips of the branches;
- the trunk and branches must have a natural shape;
- it is important that there is no rusty or white coating on the needles;
- When lightly pressed, the branches should bend and not break.
If a spruce is sold in a pot that is too small, this means that it was dug up specifically for sale and the root system was damaged.
Suitable landing sites
An important stage in carrying out planting work is the selection of a suitable location on the site. Spruce needs sufficient lighting. However, it should not be placed under scorching sunlight. The best option for the crop would be light partial shade. Do not plant the tree in deep shade or under too bright light.
Light and loose soil is most suitable for growing spruce. Light loam is considered the best option for this crop. It is important to consider that the plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil. Therefore, it is recommended to choose areas with deep groundwater. You should not plant spruce in lowlands where moisture accumulates. If there are no other places for planting, it is necessary to provide a drainage layer.
When choosing a place for planting, you should definitely take into account the future size of the tree. When purchasing small coniferous plants, they are allowed to be planted anywhere. This can be done even near the house. At the same time, large spruce trees should not be planted near the house or other fruit crops.The optimal distance between them is 10-15 meters.
Preparing the hole for planting
In areas with heavy clay soil, it is worth making a planting hole measuring 50x70 centimeters. For planting dwarf crops, a recess measuring 40x40 centimeters is sufficient.
A drainage layer of 10-20 centimeters in size must be poured onto the bottom. For this it is better to use expanded clay. Separately, it is worth making a soil mixture. To do this, you need to mix garden soil, leaf humus, sand and lowland peat in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. After filling the hole, the soil must be moistened abundantly. If necessary, it is permissible to add more land.
Planting work should be carried out 1 month after preparing the depression. This is exactly the period of time needed for natural subsidence of the soil.
Landing instructions
Planting a spruce seedling with closed roots is quite simple. In this case, you do not need to perform complex actions. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:
- Place a drainage layer and a special mixture into the prepared recess.
- Carefully remove the seedling from the container. It is important to avoid damaging the soil clod or ground fragments. To do this, you need to place the container on its side, gently tap it and pull out the plant.
- Place the seedling in the planting hole. In this case, the root collar should be 3-5 centimeters above the ground surface. It is strictly prohibited to bury it.
- Sprinkle the voids with nutrient substrate.
- Carefully compact the soil in the tree trunk circle.
- Water the plantings generously. It is recommended to use 3-4 buckets of water for 1 plant. In this case, you need to pour in the liquid gradually, waiting for it to be absorbed.
If, some time after the completion of planting work, the ground has settled, it is necessary to add more substrate to return to the previous level and water the plant again. When planting several trees, you need to maintain the optimal distance between plants.
Rules of care
In order for the plant to develop normally after planting, it needs to be properly cared for. In the first 1-2 years, the spruce does not need to be fed. At this stage, care comes down to shallow loosening and systematic watering. The use of mulch is of no small importance. This helps retain soil moisture and prevents soil compaction. Therefore, in hot and dry weather, it will be enough to water the spruce with 10-15 liters of water.
Large plants need more moisture. It is worth watering the plants in the evening. In this case, you need to use a watering can with a small diffuser. Sprinkling is of no small importance. Thanks to this, it will be possible to clean the coniferous crop from dust.
At the end of October, it is recommended to carry out moisture-recharging irrigation and treat the plant with a preparation containing copper. To do this, it is permissible to use “Hom” or copper sulfate.
Standard crops also need to be prepared for winter. Without additional fixation, they may be damaged by rain and snow.First, you need to apply a plastic garden varnish containing paraffin or beeswax to the grafting site. A standard-shaped scion requires the use of a frame shelter. In this case, the standard itself must be tied to a strong peg.
Popular varieties of spruce
Today there are many types of spruce trees known, which are distinguished by their beautiful decorative properties. The most famous varieties include:
- Hokkaido - is the oldest species, which is mainly found in the Far East. The culture is an ancient variety 40-50 meters high with a regular conical crown. Spruce has yellow-green or yellow-brown shoots and flat dark green needles.
- Brevera - North America is considered the birthplace of the culture. The tree reaches a height of 20-25 meters. In this case, the trunk diameter is 45-75 centimeters. The culture has resinous buds and red-brown young shoots. As the tree develops, they acquire a silver-gray color.
- Eastern - often found in the Caucasian forests and northern regions of Asia Minor. The height of the plant can reach 35-50 meters. It is characterized by a dense crown and brown bark. The needles are short and tetrahedral in shape.
Growing spruce has many features. To get an attractive and healthy tree, it is important to choose the right seedling and follow the recommendations for planting. It is also necessary to provide the spruce with proper care.