Growing spruce trees in summer cottages is becoming increasingly popular. These crops are spectacular evergreens that are often used in landscape design. At the same time, not every person knows exactly how long spruce grows. However, this information is considered very important because it helps plan the design of the site. This process depends on many factors - the type and variety of tree, growing conditions, care.
What affects tree growth
The development of spruce trees depends on many factors.These include the following:
- Qualitative characteristics and conditions for growing seedlings.
- Soil quality. Spruce can grow even in poor soil, but there should be no stagnation of moisture in it. During the rainy season, it is necessary to make grooves around the plant to avoid rotting of the tree's root system.
- Illumination. Spruce grows quickly in sunny areas. In addition, sufficient illumination makes the plant’s needles brighter. Lack of light will affect the shape. The tree will begin to stretch and lose its decorative properties.
- Watering. Spruce seedlings do not tolerate excessive soil moisture. However, they still require dosed watering.
- Wind. If it constantly blows in one direction, there is a risk of deforming the wood and exposing one of its sides.
- Fertilizer application. In the absence of fertilizing, the spruce begins to lag behind in development. In addition, the lack of fertilizers negatively affects the shape of the crop and the color of the needles. To avoid such problems, it is worth using specialized compounds for conifers.
- Treatment against fungal infections and insects. In order for the tree to fully develop, it needs to be processed regularly. To do this, spray with insecticides and fungicides.
- Use protective barriers made of wooden cones or metal mesh. Such structures protect the tree from damage by animals and protect young shoots from large amounts of snow in winter.
Rates of growth
Young spruce trees are characterized by slow development. At the initial stage, they can only grow a few centimeters per year.
When the plant adapts well, the spruce will begin to grow faster. In this case, the increase is from 8 to 50 centimeters. Of course, these are average figures.For example, decorative dwarf crops develop much more slowly.
For dwarf
Such plants are characterized by a slow growth rate. Therefore they are ideal for small areas. As a rule, dwarf spruce trees grow by a maximum of 3-5 centimeters per year.
For medium height
These types of spruce trees are characterized by shoot growth of 30-50 centimeters. At the same time, the trunk increases by 10-15 centimeters per year, and the crown - by 8-15.
For ordinary
In the first year after planting, the common spruce grows by a maximum of 2-3 centimeters. Until 10-15 years, the plant develops slowly. It grows by 5-7 centimeters in height, and by 2 in width.
Trees 15-20 years old are characterized by a moderate growth rate. At this time, the trunk increases in height by 8 centimeters, and the crown - by 3. Upon reaching 20 years of age, the common spruce begins to develop rapidly. At this stage, it increases by 16 centimeters in height and 6 centimeters in width.
How long can a spruce tree grow?
An adult tree reaches its maximum height by 40-60 years. At this age he reaches maturity. In general, spruce usually grows for 250-300 years. Moreover, some specimens even live up to 600 years. They continue to bear fruit for up to 60 years.
Is it possible to speed up this process?
In order for the spruce to grow and develop quickly, it is important to choose the right site for its planting. Trees grow best in well-lit areas. Proper application of fertilizers will also help speed up the pace of development.
The culture responds well to fertilizing with a minimum nitrogen content. To accelerate growth rates in the spring, it is recommended to feed the tree with preparations such as “Uniflor-bud” and “Uniflor-cactus”.In this case, you need to use 2-3 milliliters of the substance per 1-5 liters of water.
Foliar feeding is highly effective. Experts advise giving preference to chelating agents that are designed specifically for coniferous crops. These include, in particular, the drugs “Quantum”, “Autumn”, “Oracle”. Brexil Combi is also considered an effective remedy. Coniferous plants can also be fed with growth stimulants. To do this, it is worth using products such as Kendal and Megafol.
To avoid the development of pathologies that slow down growth processes, it is recommended to use only disinfected garden tools for pruning. After mowing is completed, damaged areas should be treated with garden varnish or copper sulfate solution.
The development of spruce has certain characteristics. The growth rate of a crop directly depends on its variety and compliance with agrotechnical recommendations. At the same time, there are many methods that help accelerate the development of a coniferous tree. To do this, you need to choose the right place for planting, regularly water the plant and systematically apply fertilizers.