Description and dimensions of the spruce root system, growth pattern and transplantation rules

Growing trees in summer cottages is required according to the rules. In this case, special attention should be paid to the structure of the root system. This helps to avoid a number of unpleasant problems - for example, damage to the foundation by overgrown elements. The root system of spruce is characterized by a number of features. They must be taken into account when choosing a place for culture.

Features of growth

Under natural conditions, spruce is characterized by rapid development. Depending on the variety, the plant can grow 20-40 centimeters in height. In the first 10-15 years for blue and other types of spruce are characterized by a tap root system.Then the main root dies, after which only the superficial ones remain.

Trees that grow on the slopes of mountain rivers or in open areas adapt to their environment. To maintain integrity, crops form a very strong root system. Such trees are not afraid of strong gusts of wind. Spruce trees, which grow in dense forests and have a large crown, are more exposed to wind. It is much easier to fell such trees.

spruce root system

Root development

Not every person knows what features are characteristic of the spruce root system. This culture is distinguished by a clearly expressed superficial structure of the roots. Approximately 85.5% of the elements are located 1-9 centimeters from the earth's surface. The roots are predominantly distributed horizontally and densely intertwined with each other, forming a powerful network.

The number of roots at a depth of 9-30 centimeters decreases almost 6 times. At a depth of 30-50 centimeters, only 2% of the roots are present. Even fewer elements are present in compacted areas. Here the roots mainly spread through the tubes of rotten roots and along the passages of the animals that live in these places. In general, the root system of spruce trees penetrates a depth of 165 centimeters.

In the very top layer of soil, conditions for the development of the root system are considered the most favorable. In the upper soil structures at a depth of 5-7 centimeters, the root system is densely intertwined in different directions and firmly connected to the ground and organic residues. This layer of horizontal roots can be easily separated from the mineral layer of soil.

The vertical roots of spruce are characterized by weak development. Its roots develop more strongly in the upper layer of soil. This is due to the fact that they require full aeration.Small spruce roots are the shortest. They do not contain hairs and are dark brown in color. In this case, thin roots are always darker than thick ones. The top of the spruce roots is covered with lamellar scales, which peel off easily.

spruce root system photo

If the plant does not encounter any obstacles during its development, its root system develops normally and reaches the size required to feed the crown. For an adult tree, this circle is about 4 meters. Thus, it is better not to plant anything within this distance, so as not to create competition for crop nutrition. Loosening the soil near a tree should also be done with extreme caution.

Varieties of spruce roots

Up to 5 years, the spruce root system has a core structure. Then the roots grow, and their core gradually atrophies. To be more precise, it changes its structure, becoming covered with first-order tree bark. Thus, from the age of 6 years, the root system acquires a fibrous type. In this case, vertical fragments fall into the soil to a depth of 1.5-1.6 meters.

The root system does not just develop horizontally, but begins to branch and intertwine strongly, forming a kind of tangle. It grows in breadth, but mainly grows inside the ball. Spruce roots grow in width throughout the life of the tree. By the age of 20, their radius can be 2 meters or even more.

Features of transplantation

It is important to plant spruce taking into account the type of root system and its individual perception of the groundwater level. It is worth remembering that crops with shallow roots are relatively tolerant of high water levels. The rod system does not withstand moisture well.

If water is near the surface of the root collar, almost all plants will suffer from soaking of the root system and will soon die. Spruce is characterized by shallow roots, so only areas that are constantly flooded are not suitable for it. Additionally, it is worth providing a drainage layer consisting of crushed stone, sand and crushed brick. Its thickness should be 15-20 centimeters.

spruce root system presentation

Another problem when carrying out planting work is the placement of trees near structures and structures. The root system of crops planted next to each other should not overlap each other too much, intertwine or grow together. It is important that plants do not compete for water and nutrition. At the same time, during development they should not encounter obstacles - communications and foundations.

If a plant has a shallow root system, it will not only suffer itself, but will also cause damage to buildings. To prevent this, you need to adhere to certain standards. It is recommended to plant the tree at least 5 meters from the wall of the building and 1.5 meters from the sewer pipe.

If it is necessary to replant a spruce tree, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Mark the north side of the spruce trunk. This should be done with chalk or garden varnish.
  2. Dig around the spruce. The radius should be no less than the length of the largest roots. Experts advise starting to dig at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from the trunk. If there are no roots at a depth of 15 centimeters, the circle can be narrowed. As a result, it is worth digging a hole half a meter in size. It is important to avoid damaging the roots whenever possible.
  3. Carefully remove the dug tree from the hole. In this case, you need to hold the roots.
  4. Place the dug plant in a previously prepared piece of natural fabric of suitable size.
  5. You must take the top part of the soil selected during the excavation process with you. It will be needed when planting a tree in a new place and will speed up its adaptation.
  6. In the new area, dig a hole 60-70 centimeters deep. In this case, the diameter of the recess should be 1 meter. After that, a drainage layer 15-20 centimeters thick should be placed at the bottom of the hole. It may consist of brick, sand or crushed stone.
  7. Place the seedling in the hole. It is recommended to take into account the location of the mark. It must be placed in the same position as in the old place.
  8. Pour a solution of nutrients for coniferous plants into the bottom of the hole.
  9. Plant the spruce and sprinkle the hole with the remains of the substrate removed from the previous place.

When moving a tree to a new location, its root system must be wrapped in a damp, thick cloth. At the same time, it is important to ensure that a lot of soil is retained on the roots of the spruce. When planting a crop in a new place, it is worth checking that there are no other plants in the vicinity of a three-meter spruce within a radius of at least 3 meters.

The spruce root system has certain characteristics. They must be taken into account when planting a crop or moving it to a new area. Only in this case will it be possible to obtain a strong and healthy plant with excellent decorative properties.
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