Spruce is a very unpretentious plant that has high decorative characteristics. Coniferous crops look great in home gardens and dachas. However, sometimes there is a decrease in the decorative properties of plants. In this case, gardeners are interested in what to do if the spruce turns yellow. A variety of factors lead to this. To deal with a problem, you need to identify its source.
Causes of yellowing
There are various factors that cause the spruce to turn yellow. This is caused by climatic conditions, violations of care, and pest attacks.
External factors
Many summer residents are interested in why spruce turns yellow.A variety of factors can lead to this:
- Moisture deficiency. Seedlings sold in temporary containers are often overdried. Therefore, after transplantation, the tree may not take root. This is due to the fact that small roots die. After some time, the needles become yellow and fall off.
- Late boarding. A tree that was planted in late autumn may not have time to take root in the soil. As a result, the spruce faces a lack of moisture. This leads to the death of young shoots and browning of the needles.
- Burns. In winter, young trees suffer from the negative effects of sunlight. They are reflected from the snow and burn the tender needles.
- Very coldy. The needles often turn yellow under the influence of low temperatures. However, with the arrival of warmer weather, this problem disappears.
- Deficiency of nutrients. In such a situation, there is a need to apply fertilizers.
- Excessive amount of fertilizing. This also has a bad effect on the appearance of conifers.
- Sharp warming after winter. Under the influence of heat and sun, active vegetation begins, but the root system does not have time to wake up. In such a situation, it is recommended to remove snow from the tree trunk circle, sprinkle the soil with ash and apply fertilizer. This will speed up the warming of the earth and help the plants awaken.
- Stagnation of moisture in the planting area or high groundwater location. In this case, only replanting will help the plant.
Spruce needles often turn yellow due to pest invasion. Fungal infections can also cause problems. Sucking parasites absorb the juices of pine needles, wood and even the root system. One of the common signs of problems is yellowing. The most common parasites include:
- Hermes - when these pests attack, yellowing of the needles and the formation of sticky and fluffy white lumps on the lower part of the needles are observed. In this case, young branches become covered with cones or galls. Up to 120 parasite larvae can develop in them.
- Spruce aphid – the most common types of spruce that suffer from these pests are spiny, Sitka and Serbian spruce. Insects are distinguished by their very small sizes, which do not exceed 1-2 millimeters.
- Spider mite - its presence can be detected by the formation of a thin and sparse web on spruce needles. Parasites harm plants most of all in hot weather. Over the summer, a female spider mite can produce 3-4 generations. Therefore, by the beginning of autumn, the size of the lesion increases.
Prevention measures
To avoid yellowing of spruce needles, you need to do the following:
- Choose the right site and follow the planting rules.
- Organize proper care for your spruce. It should include timely soil moisture and regular application of nutrients.
- Avoid heavy thickening and shading of plantings.
- Cover the tree trunk circle with peat chips or ash. This will help prevent winter chute from developing.
- Provide the crown with protection from severe frosts.
- Regularly inspect the tree and take action at the first signs of pathologies or pest attacks.
- Carry out preventive treatments. For this purpose, it is permissible to use fungicides and insecticides. In simpler cases, it is permissible to use folk remedies.
Of particular importance is the choice of place for planting and compliance with the rules for its implementation. It is important to consider the following:
- location of groundwater - if it is too high, the root system may rot, which leads to yellowing of the needles;
- placement of the root collar - its deepening or exposure provokes growth inhibition and the risk of developing stem rot at the base of the trunk;
- thickening of plantings - the contact of branches provokes their development, drying out and falling off of the needles;
- soil composition - dense and poor soil negatively affects the development of crops.
To cope with yellowing of the crown of a spruce tree that is grown in the country, it is recommended to do the following:
- Remove damaged branches. To maintain the attractive appearance of the crop and the rational distribution of useful elements, rejuvenating pruning is required every autumn. At the same time, it is worth getting rid of dry dead branches. In this case, the sanitary procedure should be carried out when the crop is damaged by parasites and diseases. Trimmed shoots must be burned.
- Water and feed the crop. Full moisture is required, first of all, for young spruce trees. In hot weather, it is also permissible to spray the plantings. It is recommended to use water with a temperature greater than +12 degrees. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil. This will improve the flow of water and valuable substances into the root system. When following the planting rules, minerals are applied only after 4 years.
- Treat plantings against pests. At the initial stages of infestation of branches by parasites, the use of folk remedies is sufficient. In most cases, a solution of potassium soap is used for this purpose. It is also permissible to use herbal infusions - based on garlic, wormwood and other crops. To destroy leaf rollers and spider mites, it is worth treating the plant with a solution of liquid soap.
Care products
If the yellowing of the spruce was not caused by natural factors, it is recommended to combat the problems with special preparations.The most effective means include the following:
- "Rakurs" - contains 2 active components, which differ in different dynamics of distribution in the plant. This helps the product to successfully cope with rust and rust at different stages of development. The solution contains special polymers that improve the adhesion of the product to the needles and accelerate its penetration inside. This increases the substance's resistance to precipitation. "Rakurs" has prolonged protective properties. The effect of the substance lasts up to 1 month.
- “Phytoumbrella Coniferous” - the substance is an effective growth stimulator. It has a unique formula that provides a wide spectrum of action. The substance can be used for germination of seed material and applied when planting in the spring. This helps speed up the rooting of the crop and promotes the development of a powerful root system. Thanks to the use of the substance, it is possible to make the spruce more resistant to fungal infections and pest attacks, improve its decorative properties and facilitate the plant’s adaptation to a new location.
- “Pinocid” is a systemic remedy that helps to cope with a number of dangerous pests. These include sawflies, scale insects, aphids, and hermes. The wide spectrum of action of the drug is associated with a unique combination of several active components that belong to different chemical classes. The first results are noticeable within 1 hour after treatment. In this case, the pests die completely after a day.
- "Vallar" - this product successfully copes with the larvae of the cockchafer, which damage the root system of young seedlings and cause their death. The substance is also effective against wireworms and false wireworms.To prevent damage to the root system, you need to use a mash based on insecticide and soil. Subsequent treatments involve adding granules to the surface of the soil with their further deepening by 5-10 centimeters.
To treat spruce trees, it is necessary to use magnesium sulfate, or magnesium sulfate. This product ensures rapid restoration of trees after winter. To make a working solution, it is recommended to take 10-20 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water. The working solution should be sprayed on the crowns of spruce trees in the morning and evening. This must be done in dry and windless weather.
The working solution can also be used to treat the spruce tree trunk. To do this, the dosage of magnesium sulfate should be tripled, using 30-50 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water. The consumption rate of the substance is 10 liters per 1 square meter. During the season, 2 treatments are required - in spring and summer.
Yellowing of spruce needles is considered a fairly common problem, which may be associated with the influence of natural factors or attacks of various parasites. With proper care of the plant, the problem usually disappears. If this does not happen, you should use a special drug.