Black Diamond blackberries are considered a common crop that bears fruit well and produces tasty berries. To get a good harvest, you need to choose the right seedlings and follow the planting rules. The implementation of agrotechnical recommendations is of no small importance. It is also necessary to ensure that the bushes are protected from pathologies and pests.
- History of selection
- Description and characteristics
- The main pros and cons of Black Diamond blackberries
- Growing a plant
- Deadlines
- Selecting a location
- Preparation of planting material
- Planting scheme
- Subtleties of crop care
- Watering
- Fertilizers
- Wintering
- Protection from diseases and pests
- Harvesting and storage
History of selection
This variety was developed in the USA in 1987 by crossing Kotata and NZ8610L seedlings.Breeders set themselves the task of obtaining a high-yielding, thornless crop with high-quality fruits. As a result, it was possible to create a plant that is suitable for machine harvesting.
Today the crop is grown everywhere - in the USA, Europe, New Zealand. The variety is suitable for commercial breeding. Its fruits can be consumed fresh or processed.
Description and characteristics
The culture is characterized by the following features:
- Semi-creeping tall shoots do not have thorns in the main part of the stem. A small number of spines are located in the base area.
- Fruit branches have a rigid structure and medium length.
- The flowers are large in size and pink in color. They appear in mid-June.
- The plant is disease resistant. It rarely suffers from gray rot or anthracnose.
- The culture can withstand frosts of -27-30 degrees. At the same time, in the north the bushes need to be covered.
The first fruits ripen in mid-July or early August. The plant is characterized by black fruits with a glossy structure. They form multi-berry clusters and have a conical shape. The berries are distinguished by their dense structure and large size. Their weight is about 6 grams. The fruits have a sweet taste with a slight sourness.
The main pros and cons of Black Diamond blackberries
Growing a plant
In order for a crop to develop normally and bear fruit well, it needs to be properly cared for.
It is permissible to plant the crop in spring and autumn. It is best to carry out planting work in early March. In the fall, this should be done before the first cold weather. In this case, it is recommended to shorten the cuttings to 25 centimeters.
Selecting a location
Blackberries require a well-lit place to plant. When grown in the shade, the plant will not produce a good harvest. It is not recommended to plant blackberries near raspberries. Such placement of crops increases the risk of developing pathologies. In addition, it is advisable to change the site every 7 years.
Before planting, it is recommended to clear the bed of weeds and dig it up. Then you should make holes 50 centimeters deep. The gap between the bushes should be 100-120 centimeters. In each hole you need to add 50 grams of potassium sulfate, 5-6 kilograms of humus, 100 grams of superphosphate.
Preparation of planting material
For planting, it is worth using seedlings with closed roots. In this case, the roots must be moistened. It is recommended to buy seedlings from a nursery or from trusted gardeners. Bushes should include 2 stems and 1 live bud.
Planting scheme
Plants must be planted in rows, the distance between which should be 2 meters. There is no need to reduce this distance. As the blackberry grows, it will require free space.
Fences, walls or other vertical structures should be located at least 1 meter away from bushes.
Subtleties of crop care
In order for the plant to develop normally, it requires proper care. It is important to follow a number of recommendations.
For watering, you should use a drip system or irrigate the soil 2-3 times a week. To avoid waterlogging of the soil, it must be systematically loosened.
In the first year of bush development, it is necessary to use fertilizers and mulch the soil. To increase yield parameters, it is recommended to use organic products and compost fertilizers. Apply 5 kilograms of fertilizer per 1 square meter. At the initial stage of crop ripening, it is worth using potassium compounds.
The variety is resistant to frost and can withstand temperatures of -27-29 degrees. However, in winter it is better to cover blackberries. This can be done with humus, straw, spruce branches, and sawdust. It is also acceptable to use cardboard, film, and hay.
Protection from diseases and pests
This blackberry variety can suffer from the following parasites:
- Raspberry and spider mites. For prevention, you should use Karbofos. Actellik and Fufanon help fight parasites.
- Stem raspberry gall midge. In this case, the stems become covered with swellings. “Karate” and “Calypso” will help eliminate parasites.
- Stem fly. Parasites feed on young shoots of bushes. To combat them, Actellik and Karbofos are used.
The most common diseases of blackberry bushes include:
- Gray rot. The pathology affects flowers and fruits. “Switch” and “Teldor” will help you cope with it.
- Anthracnose. Its appearance is associated with a violation of the planting pattern. Bordeaux mixture helps to cope with pathology.
- White spotting. The disease develops in conditions of high humidity. The remedies “Baikal-M1” and “Agrozin” help get rid of the disease.
Harvesting and storage
Blackberries of this variety are characterized by the absence of thorns, which makes harvesting easier.At the same time, it is quite acceptable to pick the berries by machine. They can easily be transported and can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 days.
Black Diamond blackberries are characterized by high yield, excellent taste characteristics of the fruit and a long shelf life. In order for the cultivation of a crop to be successful, it requires high-quality care.