TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors

When visiting distant countries for the first time, many tourists are faced with an abundance of exotic fruits, the names of which they have never even heard of. To understand such fruits and their taste, it is worth studying their characteristics. Below is the TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions. This will help you get to know where they grow, their taste characteristics and rules of consumption.


This fruit has an irregular oval shape and is covered with sharp spines. Under the skin there is a viscous pulp that has a unique taste. Durian is called the “king of fruits”. At the same time, it has a pronounced ammonium odor. It is so intense that the fetus is prohibited from being taken on board an airplane or brought into hotel rooms. The notices near the entrance say this. Moreover, this fruit contains many vitamins and nutrients.

People who want to try durian should adhere to the following rules:

  1. You should not try to choose the fruit yourself. It is especially dangerous to do this out of season. It is best to contact the seller for help. He will cut the fruit and wrap it in transparent film. You can also purchase cut fruit in the store.
  2. Press the pulp a little. It is important that it is not elastic, but bends easily under your fingers. The consistency of the fruit should resemble butter. The elastic pulp has an unpleasant odor.
  3. It is not advisable to consume durian with alcoholic beverages. Its pulp has a pronounced stimulating effect on the body. Residents of Thailand believe that durian has a warming effect on the body.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is native to Southeast Asia. Moreover, it is actively grown in tropical Africa, Colombia, and Central America. Mangosteen is mainly consumed fresh. However, sometimes its pulp is preserved.

This fruit is characterized by its large size. It reaches 7.5 centimeters in diameter. The fruits may be dark burgundy or purple. The outer shell is quite dense and contains many coloring components. It cannot be eaten.Inside there is juicy sweetish pulp with a slight sourness. It is divided by seeds into 4-8 parts.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


These fruits are the largest in size. India and Bangladesh are considered their homeland. Also, these plants are found in almost all countries of Southeast Asia. The length of the jackfruit reaches 20-90 centimeters and weighs 34 kilograms.

If you knock on a ripe fruit, you can hear a sound like a ripe watermelon. Inside the jackfruit there are large slices that contain sweet pulp with a pronounced aroma. However, in addition to pronounced pineapple and banana notes, the smell of the fruit contains subtle shades of acetone.

Ripe tropical fruits are very filling. They include up to 40% carbohydrates. In addition, this fruit contains a lot of sulfur, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin A. The seeds are also tasty and nutritious. They are usually roasted like chestnuts. Ripe jackfruit is consumed fresh. The greenish fruits can be boiled and fried like vegetables.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit is pear-shaped and reaches a length of 20 centimeters. The top of the avocado is covered with a tasteless and inedible peel, which is best peeled off with a knife. Inside there is dense pulp and one large seed. Avocado tastes like an unripe pear or pumpkin. In well-ripened fruits, the pulp becomes softer and oilier. Its taste is noticeably improved.

Avocado is more often used for preparing various dishes rather than for fresh consumption. Therefore, you don’t have to chase after tasting this fruit. At the same time, dishes with its addition will help to perfectly diversify the festive table. There are many avocado recipes online. Among them there are soups, salads, and main courses.However, on vacation this most likely will not be necessary.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors

Eye of the Dragon

This fruit is a cactus fruit. It is also called dragon fruit or pitahaya. The fruits are quite large in size and elongated in shape. On the outside they may have a pink, yellow or red tint. Inside there is white or red pulp, which includes many small black seeds.

The pitahaya pulp is very tender and juicy. It has a slightly sweet, but not very pronounced taste. The fruit is convenient to eat with a spoon. To do this you need to cut it in half. Fruits with red and white flesh belong to different varieties. Their color does not indicate differences in the degree of maturity. Pitahaya, which has red flesh, has a sweeter taste.

Dragon's eye is a fairly useful product. It can be used for stomach pain, diabetes and other endocrine pathologies. Pitahaya is harvested throughout the whole year.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is found in all tropical regions, but is mainly cultivated in Oceania and Southeast Asia. The high yield of breadfruit results in its fruit being a staple food in some countries.

The fruits are very large in size and round in shape. They can reach 30 centimeters in diameter and 4 kilograms in weight. Only fresh fruits can be consumed fresh. It is better to heat unripe fruits like vegetables.

On vacation, it is recommended to buy ripe fruits, which are cut into portions. Cutting and eating a whole fruit yourself is quite difficult. When the fruit is ripe, the pulp acquires a soft texture and a slightly sweet taste.It is a cross between a potato and a banana. The bready taste appears only when the unripe fruit is cooked. The breadfruit ripening season lasts 9 months. At the same time, you can buy fresh fruits throughout the whole year.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is native to Mexico and Central America. However, it is grown commercially in a wide variety of countries. Although guava is considered quite popular, you should not expect an unusual taste from it. It is characterized by sweetish pulp with slight sourness and a pleasant aroma. It is difficult to compare the taste of guava with a specific fruit or berry. It may vary depending on the variety.

Guava can be consumed fresh. It is also actively used for the preparation of confectionery, drinks, and sweets. All kinds of sauces, jams, and marmalade are prepared based on the fruits of this plant.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit is a shaggy green melon with an elongated shape. It weighs up to 12 kilograms. The plant is found in the tropics of America. The fruits have a refreshing taste with a slight sourness. They perfectly quench thirst. At the same time, the pulp literally melts in your mouth.

Guanabana is also called soursop. This is due to the fact that it has white and very tender pulp with an amazing aroma. With the systematic use of guanabana in food, it will be possible to achieve weight loss. In addition, local residents are sure that the fruits of the plant help cope with a hangover.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This crop grows in South America. It can also be found in Southeast Asia. This is a rather interesting fruit with a pleasant taste. However, it is quite rare. This is due to the fact that the tree is characterized by slow growth, and therefore it is almost not cultivated.

A distinctive feature of the plant is the unusual arrangement of the fruits. They grow directly on the trunk and not on the branches. The fruits are small in size and do not exceed 4 centimeters in diameter. These fruits are characterized by a dark purple color. Under the thin, dense skin there is a soft, jelly-like pulp with a pleasant taste. The tree bears fruit throughout the year.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit is distinguished by its round shape and red color. It reaches 4 centimeters in diameter. This fruit is characterized by excellent taste and pleasant aroma. Lychee has juicy and sweet fruits, which sometimes have a slight sourness. The peel is easily separated from the white-transparent pulp.

Fresh lychees can not be eaten all year round. In Southeast Asia, the harvest season begins in May and lasts until the end of July. The rest of the time it is almost impossible to find fruits. During the off-season, you can buy canned lychee in Asian countries. It is prepared in coconut milk or in its own juice. Ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Peeled fruits can be frozen. In this case, their shelf life increases to 3 months.

Lychee contains a large amount of carbohydrates. This product also includes pectin substances, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C. The fruits contain a lot of vitamin PP - nicotinic acid. This substance helps prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. It is believed that the widespread distribution of lychee in Asian countries leads to the fact that this disease is quite rare in the region.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit is considered one of the most delicious in the world. It is widely distributed and sold in a wide variety of countries.In warm regions, the plant is distinguished by more juicy and aromatic fruits with a rich taste.

The top of the fruit is covered with an inedible yellow or green peel, which is difficult to separate from the pulp. That's why it needs to be cut with a knife. Green and yellow mangoes are of different varieties. Ripe fruit can be distinguished from unripe fruit by its softness. If you press on the peel of a ripe mango, it will press down a few millimeters. An unripe fruit will have a hard skin, like an apple.

Inside the fruit there is a large, flat-shaped pit. The pulp is difficult to separate from it. That’s why you have to cut it with a knife or eat it.

For local consumption, it is recommended to buy the ripest yellow or orange fruits. They can also be green and red. At room temperature, slightly underripe mangoes can last for 5 days. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 30 days.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is native to South America, but is now found in almost all tropical countries. Papaya fruits have an elongated cylindrical shape and reach a length of 20 centimeters.

Many people who have tried this fruit say that it is more like a vegetable. However, this is most likely due to insufficient ripeness of the fruit. Unripe papaya is often used for cooking. It is used to make salads and added to meat.

Fresh ripe papaya is quite tasty and sweet. The texture is similar to a dense melon. At the same time, the plant tastes like something between a pumpkin and a melon. In tropical countries, this fruit is sold all year round.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This tree is found in China, Vietnam, Indonesia. However, longan can be tried in other Asian countries.This fruit is characterized by a thin peel that can be easily removed. Its shade can vary from yellow-red to brown. Inside the fruit there is juicy and sweet pulp with a slight musky aftertaste.

Longan grows in clusters on trees. They sell it in the same form. When buying bunches, it is worth trying one fruit. This plant is characterized by sour and sweet varieties. However, experts do not recommend consuming longan that has just been picked from a tree. He needs to lie down for a couple of days. This will make the fruit tastier. The fruits of this plant contain a lot of vitamins A and C, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, the product is a powerful antioxidant.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is characterized by red fruits, the diameter of which is 5 centimeters. They are covered with soft processes that resemble spines. The pulp that covers the seed is a transparent white elastic mass. It has a pleasant sweet taste. Sometimes there is a slight sourness in it. The bone is tightly connected to the pulp. It can be eaten.

Rambutan contains carbohydrates, calcium, protein, and iron. The fruit also contains vitamin C and nicotinic acid. The fruits can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 3 weeks. Harvesting is required from May to September. Rambutan fruits can be eaten fresh, canned, and used to make jellies and jams.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit is the fruit of the Hylocereus cactus. It has an attractive appearance - a bright pink hue and a slightly elongated shape. The top of the fruit is covered with large scales. Moreover, its edges are green in color.If you cut off the peel, you can see white, purple or red pulp inside, which includes many seeds. Pitaya is often used to make fruit smoothies. It goes especially well with lime.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit is found in Southeast Asian countries. It is also grown in the USA. This fruit is distinguished by its yellow-green color and non-standard shape. Cutting the carambola crosswise creates a beautiful star shape. That’s why the fruit is often used as decoration.

At the same time, carambola has a very unique taste. It is a cross between gooseberry, apple and cucumber. Carambola contains a large amount of liquid. The fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, sodium, iron, and calcium.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


The fruits of this fruit can have a flattened, pear-shaped or round shape. On average, ripe figs weigh 80 grams and have a diameter of up to 8 centimeters. The top of the fruit is covered with a thin, smooth skin of different shades - from yellow-green to purple. Inside there is a white crust, under which there is a sweet and juicy pulp with small seeds. It has a jelly texture and tastes like strawberries. In this case, the flesh may be pink or bright red. It is not recommended to eat unripe fruits.

When choosing ripe figs, you should give preference to fruits that have a thick skin and a slightly soft texture. The fruit should be kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 days. Figs spoil very quickly. You can eat it with the peel, cut into slices.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This citrus fruit resembles a grapefruit. It has white, yellow or pink flesh. At the same time, the taste of pomelo is much sweeter. This fruit is actively used in cosmetology and cooking.When choosing a pomelo, you should focus on the smell. It must be fresh and concentrated.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


When ripe, the shell of the fruit becomes covered with yellow spines, and the flesh turns bright green. The fruits have an elongated shape. At the same time, they are not cleaned, but cut, like a watermelon or melon.

Kiwano tastes like a cross between cucumber, melon, avocado and kiwi. The product can be added to both spicy and sweet dishes. Kiwano is also often pickled. Unripe fruits can also be eaten.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit has small round or oval fruits that are covered with a thin, fleecy brown skin. The weight of kiwi can reach 80 grams, and the diameter is 7 centimeters. Inside there is juicy pulp, the color of which can vary from green to yellow. In the center the pulp is white and surrounded by a large number of black seeds. Kiwi has a sweet taste with a slight sourness. It is a cross between an apple, pineapple and gooseberry.

When choosing fruits, you should give preference to smooth fruits without dents or other damage. Their ripeness is determined by their softness. Tough and hard fruits are easily ripened at home.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is found in different countries of the tropical zone. Coconuts are large in size and round in shape, up to 30 centimeters in diameter. The fruits can weigh up to 3 kilograms.

Young coconuts have a light green or green-yellow surface. There is a hard bone inside, under which there is clear water or a white emulsion. The liquid has a sweetish taste and perfectly quenches thirst.

More mature coconuts are covered on the outside with a fibrous, rough layer.Beneath it is a hard brown shell, and inside there is thick white pulp and a small amount of cloudy liquid.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is distinguished by small fruits that resemble mini-oranges with a thin rind. Fruits can be consumed whole, excluding the seeds. In terms of taste, kumquat is slightly sour than orange. At the same time, it has a distinct lime scent.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is distinguished by round or oval fruits that reach 10 centimeters. Moreover, their weight is 100-150 grams. In appearance, sapodilla is similar to a plum. On top it is covered with a thin and matte peel and has a brownish color.

Ripe fruit is characterized by a sweet taste with caramel notes. The pulp is similar in texture to persimmon. Inside there are several large black seeds. The fruit can be stored for a maximum of 3 days. It quickly turns sour and spoils. Unripe fruits should not be consumed - they do not have a very pleasant taste.

It is worth choosing ripe fruits based on color and softness. It is not recommended to buy hard fruits. A mature sapodilla can be easily pressed, while an overripe sapodilla can be pressed hard. Most often, the fruit is added to salads, drinks and desserts. It contains carbohydrates, calcium, and iron. The product also contains vitamins A and C.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors

Sugar apple

This fruit is light green in color and brings great health benefits. Beneath the lumpy skin there is sweet, aromatic pulp and seeds the size of beans. There are barely noticeable pine notes in the smell. Ripe fruits should be moderately soft. Sugar apple is often used to make Thai ice cream.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit is shaped like a bell pepper. Moreover, it may have a pink or light green color.Inside there is dense white pulp. The fruit has no seeds and does not require peeling. At the same time, it is characterized by a not very expressive taste. To a greater extent, the fruit resembles slightly sweet water. When chilled, it perfectly quenches thirst.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit is characterized by an orange or reddish-yellow skin. After full ripening, the fruit bursts. In this case, you can see creamy pulp with large glossy seeds.

It is important to consider that this is a very dangerous fruit. The unripe, unopened fruit contains many toxic substances. It is allowed to be eaten only after boiling for a long time. Ackee tastes like a walnut.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is distinguished by oval golden-colored fruits. They are covered with a thin, hard skin and form clusters. Inside there is juicy, crispy yellow flesh and a hard bone covered with spines. In terms of taste, ambarella is a cross between mango and pineapple. Ripe fruits are consumed fresh. They can also be used to make marmalade, juices, and jam.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit has a very unusual taste. It looks like borscht with sour cream. Bam-balan has a dark color and an oval shape. It also has a slightly pungent aroma. To get to the pulp, you just need to peel off the peel. The fruit can be added to side dishes.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is distinguished by small round or elongated fruits. They do not exceed 5 centimeters in length. Salak can be red or brown. The top of the fruit is covered with small dense spines.

The fruit has an original and rich sweet and sour taste. It is important to be careful when peeling fruit.It has very dense spines that easily penetrate the skin.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit grows on trees and reaches 5-20 centimeters in diameter. The fruit can be yellow or brown and is covered with a dense, rough skin that resembles a nut shell. Ripe fruit is characterized by brown, mushy pulp, which can be sweet or sour.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is characterized by oval or round fruits that reach a diameter of 10 centimeters. They are covered on top with a thin, smooth peel that can be green, brown or purple in color. Inside there are peels and white or purple pulp. It is distinguished by its juiciness and apple flavor. The fruit includes up to 10 hard seeds up to 2 centimeters long.

To choose a ripe fruit, you should pay attention to the wrinkled peel. It should be soft when pressed and not damaged. It can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors

Buddha's hand

This fruit is quite interesting and healthy, but it is not recommended to eat it fresh. The fruit consists almost entirely of peel, which tastes like lemon peel and has a violet aroma. In this case, the pulp of the fruit is not eaten.

In appearance, the fruit resembles a palm with many fingers that reach 40 centimeters in length. The product is used to prepare dishes with citrus flavor.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is distinguished by small round or elongated fruits of a red or brown hue. They are covered on top with many small dense spines. The fruit has an original sweet and sour taste. It is recommended to clean the fruits very carefully. Its dense thorns can seriously injure your hands.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant is characterized by rounded fruits with a diameter of 8-15 centimeters.They are distinguished by a long stalk. Depending on the variety, santol can be yellow or brown. Its peel has a slightly velvety texture.

The fruit has an uneven color and is covered with pigmentation. Under the thick skin there is white opaque pulp, which is divided into segments. It has a juicy sour or sweet and sour taste.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


The fruits of this shrub are round or egg-shaped. They reach a length of 2-6 centimeters - it all depends on the variety. The top of the fruit is covered with a smooth, shiny peel of a heterogeneous shade. It practically does not separate from the pulp.

Inside there is dense, sweet pulp that tastes similar to an apple. When choosing fruits, you should give preference to dark red fruits. They don't have to be very hard. It is recommended to consume jujube directly with the peel. The fruits have a short shelf life, so they are often dried.

Fruits contain many vitamins A, C, B. They also contain acids, sugars and microelements. The fruits are used to make wine, jams, and drinks. They can also be canned.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


In appearance, the fruit resembles a tomato. That's why the colonialists began to call it the tomato tree. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste. It is recommended to peel tamarillo before eating. The fruit has an unusual taste, which is similar to a combination of tomato and passion fruit. The fruits contain many antioxidants that help slow down skin aging.

Fruits are used to prepare a variety of dishes - fruit or meat. Tamarillo slices are also placed on sandwiches and added to vegetable stews. Stewed fruits go well with apples.Before preparing the fruit, it must be peeled, which has an unpleasant taste.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This plant belongs to the legume family, but is consumed as a fruit. The fruits have a curved shape and reach a length of 15 centimeters. The top of the fruit is covered with a brown peel, and inside there is a sweet and sour pulp. It functions as a spice and is part of Worcestershire sauce. Tamarind can also be used to make desserts, snacks and drinks.

It is permissible to make sweets from ripe dried fruits. Tourists often take home sauces for meat and syrups for cocktails, which are made from tamarind.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors

Magic fruit

The taste of the fruit itself is unremarkable. However, after eating it, any other food will seem sweet to a person. The taste buds are deceived by a special protein that is present in the magic fruit. It's called miraculin. Sweet foods seem tasteless after eating the magic fruit.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


Fresh marula can only be tasted in Africa. This is due to the fact that within a few days after ripening the fruits begin to ferment. The result is a kind of low-alcohol drink. Ripe fruits have a yellow tint and are visually similar to a plum. Inside there is white pulp, which has a hard bone. Before the fermentation process begins, marula has a savory taste and a pleasant aroma.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors


This fruit looks quite original. However, its taste leaves much to be desired. The citron consists almost entirely of peel. Its taste is reminiscent of lemon, and its aroma is reminiscent of violet. Therefore, the fruits are not consumed fresh.They are usually used to make jellies, candied fruits or compotes. The plant is often planted in a pot as an indoor flower.

Exotic fruits literally amaze with their diversity. They differ in appearance, taste and aroma. To choose the most delicious and healthy fruits, you should familiarize yourself with their descriptions and rules of use in advance.

TOP 40 exotic fruits with names and descriptions, fruit flavors
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