Instructions for the use of fungicides for grapes and the best preparations

Among the wide list of fungicides for treating grapes, you need to choose the most effective and safe drug. All of them prevent the spread of crop-hazardous diseases. The solution is made in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions. You cannot independently exceed the dosage of the components. Preventive and therapeutic spraying is carried out at certain periods in compliance with certain rules.

Features of fungicides for grapes

Grapes are susceptible to infection by various infections. Diseases negatively affect not only the quantity and quality of the crop, but can also lead to the death of the bush. Many varieties have been bred that exhibit high resistance to diseases, but sometimes even this does not protect from the problem:

  1. Fungicides are designed to destroy diseases and prevent further spread of infection.
  2. The preparations are used to protect young and adult plants.
  3. When used correctly, organic fungicides are harmless to humans and animals. Chemical components do not accumulate in fruits and do not change their taste.


Manufacturers offer a large list of chemicals, which are divided into three types.


Systemic drugs are used for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of already infected plants. The components of the solutions are able to penetrate deep into the tissues and are distributed along with the juice to all organs of the plant. As a result, the growth and spread of pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed.

Systemic drugs, unlike contact ones, are characterized by the following properties:

  • quickly penetrate into the pathological focus;
  • are not washed off with water;
  • components are able to get rid of viral and fungal infections;
  • Three applications over the entire season are enough to provide reliable protection against diseases.

The disadvantage is that the fungus quickly adapts to the incoming components, so fungicides of the same group are not used more than twice a year.

spray the vineyards


Features of the use of contact drugs against grape diseases:

  • The prepared solution should be distributed evenly over the entire above-ground part of the plant.Be sure to treat the trunk, leaves and vine.
  • The procedure is carried out in dry, windless weather. If it rains, spraying is repeated again.
  • The disadvantage of using such fungicides is the repeated treatment. To achieve reliable protection, at least 7 treatments are required.
  • Contact fungicides are more suitable for prevention. They do not destroy the mycelium, so healthy plants or bushes from which damaged parts have been removed should be treated.
  • It is worth following the established scheme. If the next treatment is not carried out on time, then the damaged plant should be sprayed with systemic or complex preparations.

apply to leaves


Modern fungicides have complex effects. They are distinguished by their effectiveness and high speed of impact on the lesion:

  • The products combine the properties of contact and systemic drugs.
  • Particular care should be taken when using the products, as the components are toxic to others.
  • The substances fight infection at any stage of the disease.

inspection of grapes

The most effective drugs

Among the many preparations, gardeners highlight the following.


The drug is intended for the control and prevention of common fungal diseases:

  • Belongs to the group of contact drugs.
  • To prepare the working solution, dissolve 10 g of granules in a bucket of water.
  • The infected plant is treated three times with an interval of 11 days. The last spraying is allowed two months before harvest.


The drug is effective against fungal infections and has a systemic effect:

  • To prepare the solution, it is enough to dissolve 5 ml of the substance in a bucket of water.
  • After spraying, the protective effect appears within two weeks.
  • The drug is safe for humans and animals.

packet of Speed


For the prevention and treatment of fungal infections, the drug “Mikal” is used. Spraying with the solution is carried out no later than three days after the first signs of the disease are detected.

"Convertible Top"

A combined drug that has a complex effect on the plant:

  • The components can be effective when grapes are infected with several infections.
  • In addition, the drug removes harmful insects.
  • After treatment, a protective film is formed on all parts of the plant, which is not washed off with water for a long time and is not destroyed by sunlight.
  • There is no need for frequent spraying, therefore reducing the risk of toxic substances accumulating in the plant.

Convertible Top

Revus 250 SC

The drug has a complex effect. Capable of simultaneously protecting the bush from mildew and Alternaria:

  • It is recommended to carry out up to 4 treatments throughout the entire growing season.
  • The last spraying is carried out 3.5 weeks before harvesting ripe grapes.
  • Does not wash off with water.
  • The components are safe for others.


It is recommended to treat grapes with a solution based on this drug up to 4 times per season. Work stops a month before the start of harvest.


For preventive and therapeutic purposes, a solution based on Tilt is used. For preventive treatment, it is enough to dissolve 0.3 ml of the substance in a liter of water. For medicinal purposes, the dosage is increased to 0.5 ml.

Tilt bottle


To protect against infections, prepare a solution from Polyram:

  • 200 mg of the substance is dissolved in a liter of water.
  • During the season, up to 4 sprayings of the prepared solution are carried out.
  • Stop use 3.5 weeks before harvest.


After treatment, the antifungal agent provides the plant with reliable protection for a long time:

  • It is enough to dissolve 200 mg of the substance in a bucket of water.
  • During the season, two sprayings are carried out with fresh solution.
  • If the grape bush is heavily infected, three treatments are required with an interval of 2.5 weeks.
  • The components are highly toxic, so the treatment is carried out in protective clothing.

Shavit bag


The drug “Paracelsus” copes well with fungal infections:

  • has a contact-systemic effect;
  • promotes healing of damaged tissues;
  • components provide protection for 1.5 months;
  • the drug is not toxic to others;
  • does not wash off with water.


Has a combined effect. After treatment, a protective film is formed on the green part of the plant, which is not washed away by precipitation. Use is stopped a month before harvest.

Thanos complex


For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the drug “Strobi” is used, which has a systemic antifungal effect:

  • The solution is especially effective against oidium and mildew.
  • Two treatments per season are enough to provide the grapes with reliable protection against the fungus.
  • Efficiency is manifested at any stage of the disease.
  • Add 2 g of the substance to a bucket of water.
  • The components are not toxic to the environment.
  • Processing can be carried out in any weather.

Soda solution

A soda-based solution is considered safe and effective:

  • add 55 g of soda and 105 g of crushed laundry soap to a bucket of water;
  • bushes are sprayed before and after flowering, as well as in the fall, after harvesting;
  • folk composition is allowed to be used every week.

spoon of salt

Azure water

To obtain an antifungal agent, you need to dissolve 110 g of copper sulfate and 305 g of ammonia in a bucket of water.Grape bushes should be treated up to 6 times per season. The last spraying is carried out 2.5 weeks before harvesting the bunches.

Colloidal sulfur

For preventive and therapeutic purposes, a solution based on colloidal sulfur is used:

  • To prepare a medicinal solution, you need to add 100 g of the substance to a bucket of water. For preventive spraying, it is enough to take 85 g of the substance.
  • Up to 6 sprayings are carried out per season.
  • To increase efficiency, copper-containing components are added to the solution.

colloidal sulfur


It is advisable to treat grapes with a solution based on iron sulfate 1% in early spring, before buds open. The solution reduces the risk of infection.

The component protects the plant from late frosts, as it delays bud break. In the fall, the grapes are treated with a 3% solution of iron sulfate.

Bordeaux mixture

The product can protect the plant from infections and pests:

  • 350 g of copper sulfate and 550 g of slaked lime are dissolved in a bucket of water;
  • It is recommended to carry out at least 6 sprayings per season;
  • The last treatment is done two weeks before harvest.

Bordeaux mixture

Which one is better to choose?

To choose the right drug, you must take into account some conditions:

  • type of infection;
  • stage of the disease;
  • growing season of grapes.

Grape processing scheme

It is easier to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases than to fight an infection that has already appeared.

vineyard fields

Therefore, it is important to follow the spraying schedule:

  • Processing begins in early spring, in mid-March.
  • Before, during flowering and after flowering, spraying is repeated again.
  • Summer treatment is carried out if the weather is rainy and cloudy.

Dilution and use of solutions is carried out according to the instructions for use.
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