Instructions for use of Falcon fungicide for grapes and expiration date

To protect plants from diseases and preserve the harvest, special preparations called fungicides are used. Their use requires compliance with certain rules, knowledge of how to work with drugs, their properties and principles of action. To combat grape diseases, a fungicide called Falcon is used; detailed instructions for its use can be read on this page.

Composition of the drug

The fungicide contains 3 components: Spiroxamine 25%, Tebuconazole 16.7%, Triadimenthol 4.3%. Spiroxamine has the ability to penetrate plant cells and inhibit the growth of fungal spores. Tebuconazole is a systemic drug that penetrates into plant cells and destroys fungal spores at the cellular level.

Triadimenol is an excipient that enhances the effectiveness of all components. Falcon has a narrow focus of action, aimed at combating the disease of grapes with powdery mildew and oidium.

Preparative form

Falcon is a liquid from light brown to dark brown. Available in polyethylene canisters, bottles or glass ampoules of 2, 5, 10 milliliters (for amateur gardeners with small garden plots).

falcon fungicide

Advantages of the product

The advantages of Falcon include the following properties:

  • the fungicide belongs to the systemic group, penetrates plant cells, and is not washed off by rain;
  • the fungicide belongs to toxicity group 3;
  • low cost of the drug compared to analogues;
  • duration of the protective period;
  • use in combination with other drugs;
  • does not cause addiction when spraying a plant; it is possible to irrigate the site for several years;
  • complete decomposition of the drug within 40 days after treatment;
  • cost-effectiveness of spraying.

Vnograd processing

Requirements for the drug

The main requirements for fungicides, including Falcon, are:

  • environmental Safety;
  • low toxicity class;
  • complete disintegration of the drug and its non-accumulation in the soil and crop residues;
  • non-accustoming of plants to the drug and duration of use in one area;
  • low cost;
  • long shelf life after opening and resealing the packaging container.

Falcon fully complies with the requirements for fungicides.

falcon fungicide

Impact speed

If you follow the rules for spraying grapes (preparation of the working solution, treatment time, presence of wind and precipitation), the waiting period for the drug to take effect is about 2 hours. During this time, the fungicide penetrates the plant cells and begins to have a destructive effect on fungal spores.

Period of protective action

The maximum effectiveness of grape protection lasts for 2 weeks from the day of treatment, after which the effect of the drug begins to weaken due to its decomposition as a result of the vital activity of the plant. The disintegration time of the drug accelerates at high ambient temperatures. Falcon decomposes at temperatures above +25 0C. Plant protection lasts, depending on weather conditions, from 30 to 40 days.

ripe grapes

Scope and spectrum of activity

Falcon is used for the prevention and control of pathogenic fungal spores that cause diseases of grapes, grain crops, and sugar beets. Amateur gardeners successfully use this remedy in the fight against diseases of the following garden crops: roses, currants, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers.

Despite the narrow spectrum of its action, it is in demand in areas with a humid and cool climate, where climatic conditions are favorable for the development and vital activity of spores of pathogenic fungi.


The fungicide is used to treat:

  • grain crops from powdery mildew, spotting, rust, brittle stems, septoria;
  • sugar beets of different varieties against powdery mildew, phomosis, cercospora;
  • grapes, for the disease and prevention of oidium.

grape processing

Compatibility with other substances

The narrow focus of Falcon's action suggests its use in combination with protective agents aimed at other types of plant diseases. Compatibility can be determined by mixing a small amount of drugs in water and observing that they do not interact.

If there is no release of bubbles, precipitation in the form of flakes, formation of turbidity, or generation of heat, these drugs can be used together, mixed in one container and diluted with water.


Falcon belongs to toxicity class 3 products, which defines it as a low-toxic product. When using personal protective equipment while working with it, nothing threatens human health.

drug in a bottle

What makes it an environmentally friendly substance is its properties: decomposition in light and at temperatures above +25 0C, complete disintegration after 40 days from the moment of application.

Instructions for use

Falcon is a narrow-profile drug for the prevention and treatment of grapevines and berries from oidium. For eradication treatments in the spring and autumn periods (April and October), when the plant is dormant, it can be used in combination with other means.

Instructions for using the Falcon fungicide contain all the necessary information about its properties, rules for working with it, timing and rates of spraying grapes during preventive work and in case of disease.

Required materials and tools

For spraying in garden plots, ordinary hand sprayers are used; for large areas occupied by vineyards, more expensive equipment is used, with large volumes for working solutions and powerful sprinklers (nozzles).

plant treatment

There are modern new generation devices that, when sprayed, form a finely dispersed mixture of fungicide with cold or heated steam.

Consumption rate

The average consumption rate of the working solution when spraying is from 80 to 100 milliliters per 1 square meter of leaf surface. In fact, the working solution must completely cover the surface of the sheet before droplets form.

During preventive work, the main solution is taken 2 times less than during disinfection. Every year, when preparing working solutions, the dose of the main solution is increased compared to the previous year.

grape processing

Preparation of working solution

For preventive spraying, prepare a working solution from the base solution by diluting it with 10 liters of water according to the following scheme:

  • 1 year – 3 milliliters;
  • 2 year – 4 milliliters;
  • 3 and 4 years - 6 milliliters;
  • 5 year – 10 milliliters.

To disinfect a diseased plant, solutions are prepared according to the following scheme:

  • 1 year – 6 milliliters;
  • 2 year – 12 milliliters;
  • 3, 4, 5 years – 20 milliliters.

drug scam

Working solutions are prepared immediately before starting work, using personal protective equipment. The working solution retains its properties for up to 24 hours.

Rules for the procedure

The effectiveness of treatments directly depends on the correctness of the spraying procedure. Spraying is carried out in calm weather, which ensures uniform application of the drug.When there is wind, the fungicide quickly evaporates and the amount of the product necessary for the prevention and treatment of the plant is lost.

Treatment is carried out in cool and evening hours, since the fungicide loses its properties in bright light and temperatures above +25 0WITH.

The treatment is carried out no earlier than 2 hours after rain - it is necessary for the moisture to evaporate from the surfaces of the leaves and developing brushes. When spraying, the working solution should completely cover the surface of leaves, branches, tree trunks and root surfaces.

grape processing

Precautionary measures

When working with fungicide, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: overalls or canvas protective suit, with buttoned sleeves, rubber boots, rubberized gloves, a respirator, safety glasses, and a hat.

Carry out the work in calm weather so that the drug does not come into contact with people. After treatment, wash clothes using detergents. Rinse shoes, glasses, gloves, used equipment and auxiliary means with water: pump, bucket.

Timing and frequency of vineyard treatment

To prevent infection of grapes with oidium (regardless of whether the plant was infected in the previous year), plants are treated before flowering and after flowering, during the period when berries begin to set on the clusters.

grape processing

If the grapes are infected with spores of pathogenic fungi, the treatment is carried out 30 days before the harvest ripens. In case of plant disease, spraying is carried out 4 times during the year: before flowering, after flowering, 30 days before the crop ripens and in the fall, before the plant goes dormant.

Storage conditions and shelf life of the fungicide

The drug is stored in a cool place, avoiding freezing and heating above +25 0C, at high temperatures it loses its active properties. Store in places not used for food products. The drug has a long shelf life - up to 4 years; When opening a large package, the drug is quickly and hermetically sealed. After opening, the drug is stored for up to 2 years.

Cost and analogues of Falcon

There are various types of fungicides with properties similar to Falcon, which have disinfecting properties directed against pathogenic strains of fungal spores that cause grape diseases.

These drugs include: Chorus, Topaz, Strobi, Quadris. The advantages of Falcon are efficiency, low cost and toxicity; One of the disadvantages is the narrow effect of the drug. The average cost of the drug is about 12,000 rubles for 5 liters of the product, a 2-milliliter ampoule costs from 20 rubles.
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