Herbicides are divided into continuous action preparations, when all vegetation is destroyed, and selective ones, affecting certain species. The herbicide "Milagro" belongs to the second type and is used on fields with corn. Thanks to the drug, the crop is not suppressed by harmful weeds, grows quickly and reaches technical ripeness in the shortest possible time.
- Composition, release form and purpose of the drug "Milagro"
- How does weed killer work?
- Action speed
- Period of protective action
- Pros and cons of the drug
- Herbicide consumption rate
- Methods for preparing the working solution
- Instructions for use of the finished mixture
- Precautions for use
- Toxicity of the drug
- Herbicide compatibility
- Terms and conditions of storage
- Analogues of the product
Composition, release form and purpose of the drug "Milagro"
The Milagro herbicide is based on the substance nicosulfuron, the amount of which per 1 liter of concentrated suspension is 240 grams. The drug is a post-emergence product and has an inhibitory effect on all types of weeds in corn crops. It destroys not only their aboveground part, but also the entire root system.
Most often, the pesticide is packaged in plastic canisters with a volume of 5 liters. The suspension in the form of a creamy mass is made on the basis of mineral oil. For use, it is diluted with water according to the instructions and consumption rates.
How does weed killer work?
Herbicide "Milagro" has a systemic effect on weeds. After the substance gets on the foliage of weeds, it quickly penetrates into it and has a depressing effect on the roots and growth points. This is because nicosulfuron inhibits cell division by blocking amino acid enzymes. Weeds first stop growing, stop competing with corn, and then finally die.
Action speed
The speed of action of the Milagro herbicide is influenced by the condition of the plants and the weather at the time of treatment. Under favorable climatic conditions, the development of particularly sensitive weeds stops within 6 hours. The first visible changes, necrosis and deformation of tissues of harmful plants occur after two days, complete death - after three weeks. Young weeds are most susceptible to the drug.
You should not use the Milagro herbicide if corn grows in stressful situations - drought, excessive humidity, low or high temperatures. In this case, spraying is postponed to a later date.
Period of protective action
Maximum effectiveness of the herbicide can be achieved in the shortest possible time. The drug lasts from one and a half to two months. For this reason, corn seedlings are treated once per season.
Pros and cons of the drug
The advantages of the herbicide "Milagro" include:
- the possibility of using the drug for corn grown for both grain and silage;
- high efficiency of the pesticide, which allows you to destroy the most malicious weeds;
- systemic action (through foliage and roots);
- convenience and ease of use (no need to use special adhesives mixed with herbicide);
- rapid decomposition in soil;
- Possibility of use at different stages of weed development.
Disadvantages include:
- danger to fish, insects and humans upon direct contact;
- gradual change in soil composition.
Herbicide consumption rate
Corn is processed at the 3-10 leaf stage. To destroy annual and perennial weeds, a herbicide is used at a rate of 1.0-1.5 liters per 1 hectare. The consumption of the working solution is 200-400 liters per 1 hectare.
Methods for preparing the working solution
Do not prepare the working solution for spraying in advance. This is done on the day of the work. It is necessary to check the cleanliness of the tank, tubes and nozzles of the sprayer, test it for performance and uniformity of liquid supply using water.
The tank is filled halfway with clean warm water, the mixer is turned on and the calculated amount of Milagro herbicide is poured in. Bring the volume of liquid to the required volume with water and mix. Next, the working solution is applied to corn crops according to the instructions and in compliance with all safety measures.
Instructions for use of the finished mixture
To treat corn with herbicide Milagro should adhere to several rules:
- spraying is carried out in the morning or evening, in calm, windless weather;
- the greatest efficiency can be achieved if the weeds are in the 5-8 leaf phase and reach a height of no more than 30 cm;
- the optimal air temperature for processing is from 15 ⁰С to 30 ⁰С;
- Do not spray crops in wet weather or when there is a high probability of precipitation;
- two weeks later it is worth cultivating to destroy the weeds that have sprouted after spraying with the herbicide;
- To keep corn crops clean, a single application per season is sufficient.
Precautions for use
When using a herbicide, you must take precautions to avoid harm to your health and the environment:
- monitor the tightness of the container when transporting the drug;
- comply with consumption rates according to the instructions for use;
- do not allow children, pregnant women and sick people to work with pesticides;
- use the necessary protective equipment when spraying corn;
- do not carry out treatment near reservoirs and water sources;
- maintain the required distance from residential buildings and apiaries;
- avoid getting the chemical into food and animal feed;
- do not eat or smoke until work is completed;
- Wash your face and hands thoroughly after processing the field.
Toxicity of the drug
According to the WHO classification, the herbicide "Milagro" belongs to the third class of danger. It is mildly toxic to birds and bees and poisonous to fish.
For corn, toxicity does not appear even when the dose of the drug is doubled, but experts recommend testing for the reaction of the crop (phytotoxicity).
Do not use the drug if seeds or crops have been treated with insecticides containing phosphorus.
Herbicide compatibility
According to the instructions, to enhance the effect of the Milagro herbicide, it can be mixed with other pesticides (Callisto, Dual Gold, Karate, Banvel), subject to a compatibility test.
The expiration dates of the intended components indicated on the packaging label must match.
Milagro should not be used together with the following medications:
- “Lentagran”, “Besagran” - leaf burn is possible;
- based on 2,4-D - are in conflict.
Terms and conditions of storage
Milagro herbicide must be stored in a special warehouse for pesticides. The place must be dry, closed, and not accessible to unauthorized persons. In the original factory packaging, the chemical can be stored for up to three years from the date of manufacture at temperatures from -5 ⁰С to +35 ⁰С.
Analogues of the product
Analogs of Milagro include chemical preparations:
- “Milafort” is a suspension concentrate that has an inhibitory effect on weeds in corn crops in the initial phase of weed development;
- “Priority” is a highly effective selective herbicide for the destruction of harmful plants in corn fields;
- "Milafuron" is a post-emergence pesticide based on nicosulfuron for the destruction of weeds of one-year and two-year development cycles;
- "Mildar" is a selective herbicide, used when corn has 4 to 10 leaves.