Instructions for use of the herbicide Fenizan, mechanism of action and consumption rates
Herbicides with two active components demonstrate increased efficiency and destroy different types of weeds. Strong drugs
Instructions for use of the herbicide Lumax and mechanism of action, how to prepare a working solution
When growing agricultural plants, you often have to deal with insect infestations or sudden onset diseases.
Instructions for use of Zeus herbicide, application rates and analogues
It is difficult to find a remedy for weeds that does not stop the growth and development of the root system
Instructions for use and description of the herbicide Totril
The use of the herbicide Totril allows you to achieve excellent results. With the help of this substance it is possible to provide onions
Instructions for use of Glyfor against weeds, description of the herbicide and consumption rates
The use of herbicides is justified by several arguments. There is no need for monotonous weeding of beds. The effect of the drug is longer
Instructions for use of the herbicide Targa Super, consumption rates and analogues
Targa Super is a herbicide that, according to the instructions, is used for post-emergence treatment and destruction of cereals
Instructions for use and principle of operation of the herbicide Banvel, consumption rates
Many garden owners are faced with weeds that need to be gotten rid of. This can be done in different ways
Instructions for use of the herbicide Proponit, principle of operation and consumption rates
The most effective selective action drugs that have an inhibitory effect on weeds include the herbicide “Proponit”.
Instructions for use of the herbicide Disulam, mechanism of action and consumption rates
Many summer residents and gardeners are faced with the need to clear their plots of weeds. Most often for
Instructions for use of Mortira herbicide, principle of action and consumption rates
Mortira herbicide is an effective remedy that is often used in agriculture. It is released in
Instructions for use and principle of operation of the herbicide Romulus, consumption rates
Romulus is an effective herbicide that is often used to protect potato and corn crops.
Instructions for use of Demetra herbicide, principle of action and consumption rate
The use of the systemic herbicide "Demetra" helps to destroy various types of weeds that interfere with the growth of fruit crops.


