Instructions for use and description of the herbicide Totril

The use of the herbicide Totril allows you to achieve excellent results. With the help of this substance, it is possible to provide onions and garlic with reliable protection from weeds. The drug helps to cope with broad-leaved annuals. To use the product as effectively as possible, you must strictly follow the instructions. Safety rules are of no small importance.

Composition and release form of the drug Totril

The active substance of the herbicide is ioxynil. The volume of this substance in 1 liter is 225 grams. The product is produced by the popular company Bayer. The composition is sold in the form of a concentrated emulsion. Containers of 30 or 500 milliliters, as well as 5 liters, are available for sale.

Weeds that can be eliminated

The herbicide helps control the following weeds:

  • white pigweed;
  • spreading quinoa;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • sunflower carrion;
  • field nondescript;
  • field mustard;
  • small-flowered galinsoga.

This is not a complete list of weeds that can be destroyed through the use of herbicide.

drug Totril

Principle of operation

The basis of the product is a special chemical substance - ioxynil. When it gets on the surface of the foliage of a dicotyledonous weed, the process of photosynthesis in the structure is disrupted.

It is possible to obtain noticeable results a few hours after treatment. As a result, the foliage turns yellow and begins to dry out. The weed dies in 10-15 days.

Advantages of the drug

The key advantages of Totril herbicide include the following:

  • effective against most dangerous dicotyledonous weeds;
  • wide period of use - the composition can be used at the stage of 2-6 leaves in the treated plants;
  • the ability to add the composition in several stages;
  • no impact on the soil structure;
  • lack of phytotoxicity - the composition does not pose a danger to cultivated plants.

drug bottle

Consumption rate

The dosage of the herbicide depends on the type of plant that needs protection:

  1. Onion. To protect such plantings, it is recommended to take 30 milliliters of the product and mix with 4 liters of water.Treat crops at the stage of appearance of 3-6 leaves. 1 acre will require 30 milliliters of herbicide. It is allowed to cultivate beds in this way only if the onions are not grown for feathers.
  2. Onions when used separately. It is recommended to take 15 milliliters of the drug for 4 liters of water. The product is used in the phase of 1-2 leaves.
  3. Garlic for cloves. To spray such beds, it is recommended to take 30 milliliters per 7 liters of water. The composition is applied at the stage of 2-3 leaves.
  4. Winter garlic. It is recommended to take 30 milliliters of herbicide per 7 liters of water. The substance is used in the phase of 2-3 leaves.

Preparation of working solution

To obtain a working solution, it is recommended to fill the sprayer tank one third with clean water and turn on the mixer.

Add the required amount of herbicide, then add the required amount of water.

It is recommended to use the working fluid immediately after use.

application of the solution

How to use the ready-made mixture

To achieve success in processing plants, the instructions will have to be followed clearly. For spraying plantings, use only freshly prepared solution. The composition is recommended to be used in the morning or evening. To avoid getting the product on neighboring plants, it is worth treating the plantings in calm and windless weather.

The product can be used for all generations of garlic and onions. The exception is for crops that are planned to be grown by pen. It is best to treat plants at the stage of formation of 1-6 pairs of leaves.

For onions, the standard consumption is 1.5-3 liters per hectare. The amount of working fluid is 300-400 liters per hectare.

spray onions

There are several methods of using the product:

  1. Half methodIn this case, the drug is applied in 2 doses - 1-1.5 liters per 1 hectare. The first time the composition is applied at the stage of 1-2 leaves, the second time - as the weed grows. This can be done until 6 true leaves are formed.
  2. Quarter method. It is recommended to apply the drug 4 times in a volume of 0.7 liters per 1 hectare. For the first time, the product is used at stage 1 sheet. The next 3 times are used with an interval of 7-8 days.

It is recommended to process garlic when 2-3 true leaves appear. 1.5-2 liters of substance are required per 1 hectare. This dosage is relevant for spring planting of cloves. For a winter plant you will need 1.5-3 liters of product per 1 hectare.

It is allowed to loosen the rows a week after using the herbicide.

watering herbicide

Safety precautions when working with herbicide

In order for the use of Totril to bring results and not cause negative consequences, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. There is no need to spray the beds less than 6 hours before precipitation. If the solution is partially washed away, re-treatment is not performed. This will cause damage to the plants.
  2. Do not spray crops that have suffered stress. These include fungal infections, pest attacks, and unfavorable climatic factors - for example, drought or frost.
  3. During the first week after treatment, loosening row spacing is prohibited.
  4. The herbicide should not be used to treat closed soil.

Do not combine the product in tank mixtures with other substances that are used to protect crops.

work gloves

The degree of toxicity of the drug

The product does not accumulate in the main crop and does not affect the soil structure.

Compatibility with other substances

The drug is not recommended to be combined with other protective agents in tank mixtures.

Terms and conditions of storage of the product

It is recommended to store the herbicide in a dry and dark place. It is prohibited to keep the substance near food.

It is important to keep Totril away from children and pets.

chemical warehouse


To cope with weeds in beds with garlic and onions, it is permissible to use the following means:

  • Stomp;
  • Lontrel;
  • Gesagard.

Totril herbicide is highly effective and successfully destroys weeds. To achieve good results, you should strictly follow the instructions.
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