Instructions for use of herbicide Express, composition and release form
Herbicides are an integral element in the fight against weeds in crops and plantings. One of
Instructions for use of continuous action herbicide Total
Weeds are the scourge of gardens and vegetable gardens. But if we ignore the fact of their existence,
Instructions for use of the fungicide Tiovit Jet and mechanism of action
Berry, fruit and flower crops need care and additional protection from pests and
Instructions for use of Amistar Extra fungicide and method of preparing the solution
Before using the fungicide "Amistar Extra", you must read the instructions for use. The drug is characterized
Instructions for use of the herbicide Gesagard, composition and release form
The word “herbicide” takes its roots from the Latin words: “gerba” - grass and “cide” - destruction.
Instructions for use of Alto Super fungicide and how to prepare a working solution
Cultivated plants are often affected by fungal diseases that affect the above-ground parts of the plant, actively spreading throughout
Instructions for using the herbicide Lontrel against weeds
The quality of the harvest and the health of the crops directly depend on the presence of weeds in the cultivated area.
Instructions for using the herbicide Doubloon for corn
Small individual entrepreneurs and large agricultural enterprises are engaged in growing various crops using chemicals.
Instructions for use of Granstar herbicide and consumption rate
Granstar is a drug that causes the death of weeds. The product is available in several forms and
Instructions for use of the herbicide Agritox and the spectrum of action of the drug
Austrian pesticide manufacturers Nufarm GmbH and Co. KG produce drugs that are safe for humans and
Instructions for use of the herbicide Dual Gold and consumption rates
“Dual Gold” is a preparation that is applied before the cultivated plants reach the surface. He's great
Instructions for the herbicide Zenkor and rules for using the product
The herbicide Zenkor is widely used in agriculture; detailed instructions for use are included with the chemical


