The use of folk-made fungicidal preparations, for example, Bordeaux mixture, in the garden and garden can be effective and profitable. Let's consider the composition and effect of this product, when and why it is used, how it should be prepared and applied to various crops. And also the mistakes that vegetable growers make, and how you can replace Bordeaux mixture at home.
Composition of Bordeaux mixture
The fungicidal mixture was invented in the 19th century for treating vineyards. Due to its effectiveness, other crops began to be processed with it in subsequent years. And to this day the mixture has not lost its popularity, although it is usually used on private farms.
Bordeaux mixture consists of 2 components: quicklime and copper sulfate. It is prepared by pouring vitriol solution into a lime solution and mixing them until a homogeneous consistency.
What is it for?
As a fungicidal agent, 3% Bordeaux mixture is used in gardening in the fall to destroy bacteria and fungi that may remain over the winter. In this case, it acts as a prophylactic agent.
In spring, the mixture is also used to prevent the development of fungal diseases. The bark and branches are treated before the buds open to prevent pathogens from penetrating into the plant tissue. During the season, the mixture, but with a lower concentration (1%), can be used for treatment if signs of the disease appear. Treatment must be started as early as possible for it to be effective. In total, 3-4 treatments can be carried out during the season with a frequency of at least 1.5-2 weeks.
Mechanism of action
Copper ions at the cellular level have a detrimental effect on fungi. Calcareous calcium neutralizes the toxic effects of copper on plants. Due to the effectiveness of the element, the drug can have an effect on pathogens that are located not only on the bark, but also on the leaves and inflorescences. The product also has a repellent effect and repels pests from plants.
How to properly prepare Borodos mixture
The preparation sequence looks like this: dilute a solution of lime and vitriol in separate buckets, and then mix both solutions together, stirring continuously.You should get a blue opaque liquid.
To dissolve in water you need to take quicklime. You cannot use plastic containers to slak lime, and metal containers to mix the general solution, since metal reacts with the preparation.
To make a 1% solution, dilute 100 g of vitriol in 5 liters of water, and dissolve 100 g of lime in the same volume of water. To get a 3% liquid, you need to take 300 g of vitriol and 300-350 g of lime. After dissolution, mix both solutions in one container.
You need to use the Bordeaux mixture immediately; you will have to stir the liquid as you work to maintain its homogeneity. During long-term storage, particles settle and stick together; when sprayed, they can clog the sprayer nozzle.
Instructions for use on various crops
Let's consider when and in what volume to use Bordeaux mixture for a number of crops in the garden.
For cucumbers
You need to use a 1% solution, which is prepared for the garden. Spray in cloudy weather, in the absence of sun, so that burns do not form on the leaves. During the season, you can process cucumbers 2-3 times with a break of at least 5-7 days. For 10 sq. m. you need to consume 1 liter of liquid.
For potatoes
In the 1st treatment, tubers are sprayed 1-2 hours before planting. In the 2nd stage, young plants are sprayed when the tops grow to 15-20 cm. For 10 sq. m. consume 0.5-1 liters.The third spraying is done after another 1-1.5 weeks.
For grapes
Grape bushes are sprayed at the green cone stage, that is, when the buds have just begun to bloom. In this case, a 3% mixture is used. During the growing season, you need to use a liquid with a weaker concentration.
For currants
Berry bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture to prevent the development of spotting. For early spring treatment, take a solution of strong concentration, for the next 2 or 3 – weak. For the drug to work, you need to wet the foliage on both sides.
For tomatoes/tomatoes
You should use a 1% preparation on tomatoes when signs of a fungal infection appear. To prevent late blight and other diseases dangerous to the crop, it is necessary to start spraying from the end of June and do only 3-4 treatments with a break of 1.5-2 weeks.
For strawberries
Strawberry bushes in spring need to be treated with a 3% solution with a consumption of 0.5-1 liters per 10 square meters. m. When new leaves grow, another treatment is carried out - this time with a weak solution. Make 2 more sprayings - when the buds appear and after the berries are collected.
For trees
For spring treatment, before the leaves bloom, the fungicide is prepared at a concentration of 3%. Liquid is consumed in a volume of 2-3 liters per young tree and 10-15 liters per fruit-bearing adult. Then the trees are sprayed at the stage of buds beginning to open, as well as at the stage after flowering. In this case, the permissible solution concentration is 1%.
Security measures
Do not spray with Bordeaux mixture in hot weather, before rain, or in strong winds. The wind will blow the drops away, and the sun may cause burns on plant leaves, ovaries, and crack the skin of the fruit.
Bordeaux mixture is not entirely safe for humans and plants. Therefore, when working, you need to remember about safety precautions, protect your hands and face from the solution. When preparing Bordeaux mixture and spraying, you need to try to prevent drops from getting on the skin.
Work in protective clothing: wear long sleeves, a hat, gloves, a respirator and clear plastic goggles. While working with the fungicide, do not drink, smoke, or eat food. After work, be sure to wash your hands and face with soapy water. Wash off any liquid that gets on the skin with water. In case of possible poisoning, gastric lavage should be performed. If this does not help, you should seek medical help.
You should not eat fruits immediately after spraying with Bordeaux mixture. The minimum waiting period for vegetables, berries and fruits is 3 weeks. Before use, you should wash the fruits with clean water.
The prepared solution should be used throughout the day. Reagents for preparing the mixture should be stored in a dry place, in sealed packaging. The preparations must not be exposed to moisture. Keep copper sulfate and lime away from food, medicines, and household products.
Common mistakes
What mistakes should be avoided when using Bordeaux mixture for a vegetable garden or garden:
- make the solution more concentrated than it should be;
- use 3% liquid on green plants;
- process more often 3-4 times a season;
- spray in extreme heat and humid weather, before expected rain;
- neglect protective equipment during spraying;
- Use the mixture on almost ripe fruits.
If you take precautions and follow the recommendations for handling Bordeaux mixture, the processing will not cause problems.
What can be replaced
Instead of Bordeaux mixture, you can use copper-containing preparations on your site: “Blue Bordeaux”, “Kuproksat”, “Indigo”, “Idol”, “Oxychom”. Products with copper have a guaranteed protective effect for 1-1.5 weeks. After this period, if the disease has not stopped, spraying must be repeated.
As for mixing Bordeaux mixture with other insecticides, it cannot be combined with FOS and is generally better used separately. After spraying with the mixture, you need to wait at least a week, then use another drug. When used together, they can be toxic to plants.
The use of Bordeaux mixture on the site makes it possible to use a cheap and accessible insecticide. It is not difficult to prepare if you have copper sulfate and lime available. There is no need to purchase special fungicide preparations; the mixture can protect plants from fungi and pests just as well as they can. It can also, to some extent, replenish the plants’ needs for copper as a nutrient.
Its use is primarily beneficial in private households, both for preventive and therapeutic purposes. In most cases, spring and autumn treatment is enough to prevent the disease from developing during the season. If trees or shrubs are already infected, you will have to spray them for 2-3 seasons in a row to not give pathogens any chance.Despite the labor intensity, treatment with Bordeaux mixture is effective and is still used by many gardeners in their households.