Even if the rules of keeping are followed, poultry is confirmed to be susceptible to various diseases. Diarrhea is one of the most common pathologies detected in goslings. This disorder in some cases occurs due to serious illnesses. Therefore, it is important to first determine the type of diarrhea in goslings, then how to treat the pathology. Otherwise, death may occur.
The main causes of the disease
Goslings have the following types of diarrhea:
- white - occurs due to infection with salmonella;
- green with foam - develops with colibacillosis;
- a combination of diarrhea and nasal discharge is characteristic of pasteurellosis.
Infection of young animals occurs against the background of weakened immunity. This is caused by non-compliance with the rules for keeping birds. The following factors can provoke the appearance of diarrhea:
- drafts;
- lack of ventilation;
- high humidity;
- temperature changes;
- refusal to vaccinate;
- failure to comply with sanitary standards inside the poultry house.
Improper feeding and vitamin deficiency also lead to infection of young animals.
Common symptoms of diarrhea in goslings
The greatest danger to offspring is the infectious disease pullorosis, which causes white diarrhea. The course of this pathology is accompanied by the spread of the inflammatory process to the liver, spleen and other organs. In the absence of timely treatment for pullorosis, birds die.
In addition to white droppings, this disease is characterized by the following symptoms:
- constantly open beak;
- drooping wings;
- lethargy;
- lack of appetite;
- glued fluff in the anal area;
- violation of movement coordination;
- wide apart legs (caused by inflammation of the joints).
The first symptoms of pullorosis are often observed 1 day after infection. Green droppings appear with colibacillosis. The course of this pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- lack of appetite;
- increased body temperature;
- general weakness;
- decreased activity;
- intensive water consumption.
With pasteurellosis, diarrhea and nasal discharge appear simultaneously. The course of this disease is characterized by the following symptoms:
- goslings hide their heads under their wings;
- rapid breathing with severe wheezing;
- loose stools with bloody discharge;
- lethargy, low activity.
Pasteurellosis causes sudden death in birds with weakened immune systems.In the case of acute progression of this pathology, a rise in body temperature to 43 degrees is possible. During this period, the bird begins to drink intensively.
Diagnosis of the problem
A preliminary diagnosis is made based on collecting information about the nature of the pathology. But to identify the pathogen, a comprehensive examination of the poultry house and dead goslings is carried out, and samples are taken.
How to treat diarrhea in goslings
Treatment of infectious diseases that cause diarrhea is carried out with medication. Without medicines, all birds will die out. In the treatment of pullorosis, which provokes white diarrhea, 1% “Sulfadimezin” or “Furazolidone” is used. Both drugs are added to food or water for two weeks.
At the end of the specified period, the bird must rest for 3 days, after which a second course of treatment is carried out.
The following helps in the treatment of green diarrhea:
- "Biometsin" in combination with "Tetracycline";
- "Neomecin";
- "Levomycetin";
- "Baytril."
The dosage of these drugs is calculated based on the weight of the bird. The type of medication should be selected by a veterinarian.
Help in the treatment of pasteurellosis:
- "Levomycetin" with fish oil;
- "Sulfadimezin."
The dosage and type of medication used is also determined by the doctor. To speed up the recovery of the affected bird, it is recommended to change the daily diet. On the first day after the onset of the disease, goslings should be given bran or tobacco ash. Additionally, the diet should include ground barley, boiled eggs, oats, grated carrots and small greens mixed with milk.
If loose stools are caused by hypothermia, the temperature in the house must be raised. Healthy goslings in such conditions recover within three days. To speed up recovery, it is recommended to give the bird a weak potassium solution. Folk remedies are not used in the treatment of infectious diseases in poultry. Vodka is often used in the treatment of adults. But goslings can die if they consume alcohol.
Prevention of diarrhea
The basis for the prevention of diarrhea is compliance with the rules for keeping goslings. To do this you need:
- regularly clean the premises;
- exclude drafts and contact with rodents;
- change the litter in a timely manner;
- do not allow the temperature to drop to the minimum permissible values;
- keep young animals separately from adults;
- isolate infected goslings from healthy ones.
It is recommended to lay a mat soaked in a disinfectant solution in front of the poultry house. This way, infection from shoes will not penetrate inside the room. You should also carry out a preventive examination of the poultry to identify signs of infection and vaccinate the goslings.
During the first month of life, it is recommended to dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate in drinking water. In addition, young animals must be given vitamin complexes in a dosage appropriate to their age.