Every person knows from school that many birds fly to warmer regions with the arrival of cold weather. However, not everyone knows which representatives of birds go on long journeys in search of good conditions. Below is the TOP 30 migratory birds with names and descriptions. It will help you better understand the structure of wildlife in a particular area.
This migratory bird belongs to the Raven family. Rooks create nests in the upper parts of trees. These birds are considered omnivores. They readily eat earthworms and plant seeds. Rooks also often feed on May beetles. In addition, birds eat small rodents and amphibians.
Rooks fly away in October. These are quite early birds that prefer to return back in March. At the same time, the researchers noticed that in some regions these birds lead a sedentary lifestyle, remaining there for the winter.
City swallow
These are relatively small birds that require a lot of effort to cover significant distances. Therefore, swallows reach warm regions gradually. They need to constantly stop to rest.
For the winter, city swallows fly to Turkey. It is in this country that the most favorable climate for them is observed. The birds fly away in September and return back in early May. It is noteworthy that swallows fly to their own nests, which they created last year, and continue to use them for life.
Barn Swallow
In appearance, the barn swallow is almost no different from its relatives. She's just a little bigger. This bird belongs to the Swallow family and has a wide habitat. These birds are found on all continents. The only exceptions are Antarctica and Australia.
The female and male who created a pair are no longer separated. They also fly away to warmer climes together. Barn swallows cannot fly high into the air. At the same time, they are able to fly longer distances at a time than city ones.
The migration of barn swallows begins at the end of September.In this case, the final point of their journey may be South or Southeast Asia. These birds can also fly to Turkey. Barn swallows require 2-2.5 months to migrate. At the same time, they return to their native lands on the tenth day of May.
This is a rather large bird that belongs to the Duck family. A distinctive feature of this species of birds is its unusual beak. Geese are also characterized by a developed layer of down.
Birds migrate only at night. Geese live in pairs, but migrate in schools, which have a distinct wedge-shaped structure. Each flock has its own leader who shows it the way.
Geese begin to migrate in September-October. The wintering place for these birds can be any place in Europe that has a temperate climate. In more rare cases, geese may fly to Japan or South Korea. The flight itself takes birds at least 2 weeks. They return back in mid-April.
gray heron
These birds fly away early for the winter. Individuals form flocks at the end of August and begin their journey. This species of birds is characterized by large wings. Thanks to this, herons can cover significant distances at a time.
The flight altitude of birds reaches 2 kilometers above the ground. Therefore, during migration it is almost impossible to see them. Only scientists can track the movements of gray herons. These birds choose Holland and Scotland as their wintering destination. They are attracted by large quantities of food and local climatic conditions.
Black swift
These birds go to wintering in the first half of August. It takes black swifts 3-4 weeks to get to warm countries. They fly in flocks and stop from time to time to rest.
Black swifts fly at impressive speed.In addition, these birds have excellent reactions, which allows them to eat insects on the fly. This makes it possible for birds not to make additional stops to find food. The hunting process is simplified by the fact that these birds migrate mainly during the day. This gives them the opportunity to clearly see their prey. For the winter, black swifts fly to the island of Madagascar and to the warm countries of Africa. They like hot climates and an abundance of insects.
Common nightingale
This bird belongs to the Flycatcher family. In appearance, the nightingale is very inconspicuous, but many people know it for its outstanding singing. It consists of clicks, whistles and trills.
Nightingales primarily live in European countries and Siberia. They have a mixed diet, which consists of worms, nuts, and seeds. These birds also feed on insects and berries. When choosing a nesting site, nightingales rely on sufficient moisture and light.
These birds fly to warmer climes at the end of September. For wintering they choose the eastern and northeastern regions of Africa. It takes 1-1.5 months for this species of birds to travel. Moreover, they return home at the end of May or in the first half of June.
Common Starling
This bird has long ago and very successfully adapted to life around people. Starlings are more willing to create nests in buildings than in open areas. Often, representatives of the Skvortsov family settle under the roofs of rural houses. This provides them with constant access to food.
Starlings live almost throughout the entire territory of European countries that have a temperate climate. These birds are also found in Siberia. This species of birds is characterized by a rather expressive appearance. They have rich black plumage and a bright yellow beak.
Common starlings migrate at the end of October. For wintering they choose southern European countries, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Middle East. Also, the wintering place may be the northern or northeastern regions of Africa. In more rare cases, common starlings choose the northern part of India. It takes them 3-7 weeks to fly. Birds return home from early March to mid-May. Specific timing depends on local climatic conditions.
Common cuckoo
This bird has gray plumage and is slightly smaller in size than a pigeon. It is distributed in different areas - from tundras to semi-deserts. Cuckoos are polygamous birds. They throw eggs into the nests of small birds from the order Passeriformes.
As the cuckoo grows, it can throw other chicks out of the nest. However, his foster parents continue to feed him. Adults are voracious and active. They eat grasshoppers, caterpillars, and slugs all day long. Cuckoo flights are carried out singly. At the same time, adults fly out earlier. This happens at the end of August. For wintering, these birds choose Arabia, Asia and Africa.
White stork
Previously, these birds lived mainly in the Leningrad region. However, today their distribution area has increased significantly. This has led to the fact that wintering areas have become much more diverse. Moreover, they directly depend on the place of residence of the stork. Today these birds fly to Africa and India.
It is noteworthy that during the flight, storks soar high into the sky and maneuver with the help of accompanying air currents. Thanks to this, they don't get so tired. People often watch the migration of storks. However, they do not fly over the seas, but mainly travel over cities and plains.Due to this, the birds do not have problems if urgent landing is necessary.
These birds live near bodies of water and fly to warmer climes for the winter because the water freezes. Birds have large wings that allow them to easily reach the coast of the Caspian and Black Seas. Swans also often migrate to Asian waters.
These birds can easily withstand the cold. If the water where the swans live does not freeze, they can stay in these areas for the winter. In this case, the birds do not fly south.
These birds belong to the Crane family. At the end of summer, they gather in large groups, numbering up to several thousand individuals, in safety and begin preparations for migration. The large size of birds forces them to spend a lot of energy on flight.
Cranes predominantly nest in swamps surrounded by forests. If they are not there, birds can live near agricultural land - near ponds and pastures. For wintering birds, elevated places that are densely covered with greenery are suitable.
Such birds begin migration in September-October. They fly to India, Spain, France, and the eastern part of China. Birds can also choose northeast Africa for wintering. The flight takes a long time for cranes - 4-6 weeks. They return home in April. At the same time, the main reason for the migration of cranes is not considered to be cold, but a lack of food.
Song thrush
The song thrush belongs to the Drozdov family. Mostly these birds live in forests with dense undergrowth, forming large flocks. This species of birds is characterized by a wide habitat. In many regions, birds lead a sedentary lifestyle. They are able to survive winter in temperate climates.
Song thrushes have a mixed diet.It is based on berries and worms. The birds set off on their journey in large flocks. At the same time, adults actively look after young birds, helping them overcome the path. Blackbirds migrate mainly at night.
These birds fly to warmer climes in the second half of October. At the same time, they winter in northern Africa, as well as in southern or western European countries. Birds are on the road for 2.5-3 weeks. However, they return back in mid-April.
This is the only migratory bird that belongs to the Partridge family. Quails have long adapted to living with people and develop normally even in captivity. They are characterized by a mixed diet, which includes larvae, worms, and seeds. Quail also readily eat young green shoots.
The migration of this species of birds includes 2 stages. First, the males go to warmer climes. They must explore the path and settle down in a new place. After the females arrive, the territory is already arranged - everything is prepared there for nesting.
The first wave of quail migration begins in the first half of September, and the second - in mid-October. Birds choose the Mediterranean for wintering. However, they mainly settle in the Balkans and Middle Eastern countries. It takes birds up to 1 month to migrate. They return back in early May.
Field lark
The name of this bird is due to the fact that it builds nests directly in the ground, in a meadow or field. It is important that the space is free and open. Representatives of the Zhavoronkov family are accustomed to settling in large colonies. They eat worms, insects and their larvae.
These birds will definitely return to their habitat. Moreover, they dig their nests directly from under the snow. Sometimes birds have to rebuild their homes almost from scratch.However, with common efforts the process goes quite quickly.
Skylarks begin migrating in the first half of September. However, they winter in southern Europe or in Mediterranean countries. The birds are on their way for 2-3 weeks. They return home in mid-March.
This small bird is famous for its booming trills. Finches live in forest areas, gardens, and parks. They build their nests in low trees. Adults eat caterpillars, worms and seeds.
For wintering, finches move to the Caucasus or southern European countries. Some individuals simply migrate further south. The birds arrive in early April, and begin laying eggs a month later.
This songbird is brightly colored and lives in the center of Europe. The oriole chooses mixed forests and groves to live. This species of birds tries to remain unnoticed, therefore it builds nests in the crowns of trees. In appearance they look like baskets.
The oriole is considered a fairly cautious bird. She tries not to fly off the branches. Adult birds eat beetles, caterpillars and snails. This bird is very valuable from a forestry point of view. In summer, the oriole feeds on mulberries, bird cherry and all kinds of berries.
In August, birds fly to India and African countries for the winter. They return home only in May - after the air has warmed up well.
White wagtail
This bird moves well on the ground and actively eats insects. The white wagtail builds its nests near rivers or close to populated areas. In the first half of September, the bird flies to Mediterranean countries. She spends the winter there. After returning, the wagtail can settle in its own nest, provided that it has been preserved.
In the south of the Russian Federation, birds do not fly away for the winter.They feel normal even at low temperatures. The same applies to insects, which form the basis of the diet of birds. Thanks to this, the bird can freely survive the cold in its nest, from time to time flying out in search of food.
This bird is considered the closest relative of the nightingale and belongs to the same family of Flycatchers. However, they differ significantly in appearance. At the same time, the birds have obvious similarities in singing. The robin builds its nests in forests, preferring spruce forests. If possible, the bird prefers to settle near water bodies.
The robin has a mixed diet. At the same time, insects are considered its basis. These birds do not flock. They also fly away to warmer regions one by one. In the spring, robins do not try to find last year's nest, but immediately begin building a new one.
The migration of robins begins around the twentieth of September. They fly to southern Europe and northern Africa. These birds spend 3-5 weeks on their journey. However, they return home at the end of April.
River cricket
This species of bird belongs to the passerine order. Its representatives are large in size and have a brown body with green feathers. River crickets are also characterized by pink legs and a dark beak.
The bird inhabits large areas from western Siberia to the center of Europe. For the winter, the river cricket moves towards the tropical parts of Africa. He flies there in mid-July and arrives there by December. River crickets return in mid-spring.
For life, the white-browed bird chooses coniferous forests and birch groves. It can often be found in the tundra. This bird is considered an omnivore.The basis of its diet are insects and earthworms. The whitebrow also actively absorbs hawthorn and rowan. For the winter, this small bird moves to the southern regions. It can also fly to African countries.
This is one of the species of swallows that is listed in the Red Book. Beregovushka prefers to live in ditches, quarries, and on clay banks. These birds do not fly to cities. Sometimes they can settle in the cracks of abandoned houses.
For the winter, birds fly to southeast Africa or India. This occurs at the end of August or beginning of September. The bird returns back by mid-spring. The shorebird migrates in a flock. Birds are able to cover up to 200 kilometers in a day.
This is a fairly large bird with a thin beak and short legs. For the winter, she moves to Afghanistan or India. Woodcock can also fly to Iran, Ceylon or northern Africa.
Bird migration begins in October - with the onset of the first cold weather. At this time, they appear in places where they have not previously nested. This is the main sign of the beginning of migration.
This migratory bird belongs to the Bekasov family. She is characterized by an attractive appearance and long legs. Godwit settles in swamps. It also lives near lakes and reservoirs. In addition, bird nests can be seen in low, damp places and in perennial grasses.
Godwit lives in Eurasia and North America. For the winter he flies to African countries, Indonesia, and Australia. Birds can also migrate to South America.
This bird is considered the closest relative of the woodpecker. However, unlike it, the whirligig is a migratory individual.The basis of the bird's diet are fruits, berries, and small ants. It also feeds on pupae and larvae.
For wintering, the whirligig moves to the south of Asia or Africa. In this case, the bird chooses to live in hollows abandoned by woodpeckers.
This species of birds belongs to the Charadriiformes family. It is characterized by its small size. The bow tie lives in the Arctic part of Eurasia. It mainly lives on the sea coast. The bird can also be found near rivers and lakes. Nesting occurs only in the warm season. The ruffed one goes to warmer climes to spend the winter. With the arrival of spring, he returns to the same place from which he flew.
This is a fairly large warm-blooded bird. The largest specimens live in Russia and Ukraine. The basis of the birds' diet are seeds, berries, worms and insects. With the arrival of cold weather, the blackbird moves to warmer regions.
This migratory bird is distinguished by its motley color and friendly disposition. She lives in Africa, Russia, Eurasia. Robins can also be found on the shores of the North Sea. For life, she usually chooses thickets of alder and hazel. The bird also nests in dense forests. With the arrival of cold weather, the robin flies to Africa and the Caucasus. The bird returns back in early April.
Badger Warbler
This bird is widespread in European countries. It is found in Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Finland. The badger warbler also robs in Sri Lanka and Asia Minor. In most cases, it lives in gardens and bushes. In this case, the bird chooses an area near water bodies.
This species of birds needs warmth, so migration begins quite early. In most cases, the warbler flies to India.Birds that live in Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan do not fly away for the winter.
This is a waterfowl from the rail family. She begins to migrate in September-November. At the same time, the birds return back between March and May.
Migratory birds amaze with their diversity. Today there are many names of birds that leave their usual habitats and move to warmer climes. When the weather warms up, they return home again.