Instructions for using the Aktara insecticide, how to dilute and consumption rates

"Aktara" is a popular drug. It is often used by gardeners, gardeners and flower growers. This product is usually used on small farms. It occupies a leading position among insecticides. The advantages of the substance include the absence of a strong aroma and the possibility of obtaining a systemic effect. To achieve good results, the instructions for using Aktara must be strictly followed.

Composition and principle of action

The drug is considered an insecticide, which is characterized by an intestinal-contact effect. It helps control pests that attack berry plants, vegetables and ornamental crops. The active component of the substance is considered to be thiamethoxam, which belongs to the category of neonicotinoids. 1 kilogram of product contains 250 grams of this ingredient.

When processing cultivated plants, the active component quickly enters their structure through the leaves or during soil moisture. After this, it rapidly moves through the vessels of the plant.

Insects eat the chemical-impregnated fragments, which causes the insecticide to enter their bodies. In this case, the active component of the substance provokes the destruction of the nervous system of parasites, which causes their paralysis. After half an hour, the insects cannot absorb food, which leads to their death.

In addition to ingesting poisoned crops, parasites can die from drops of the drug solution. The substance gets on them when processing plants. Then the solution penetrates the insects’ body and begins to act there.

drug actara

Application area

"Aktara" is an enteric-contact insecticidal agent that has a wide spectrum of action. It belongs to the category of neonicotinoids. The substance is considered an effective systemic drug. It helps destroy various types of pests. However, bad weather conditions do not have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the powder.

The product is recommended to be used to combat various types of parasites. These include thrips, the Colorado potato beetle, and aphids. The substance is also effective against scale insects, whiteflies, and scale insects.

medicine bottle

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug has certain pros and cons. The advantages of the product include the following:

  • effective destruction of a number of parasites, including pests that are located on the lower part of the leaf;
  • long-lasting insecticidal effect - it lasts 2 months;
  • independence from weather;
  • ease of use;
  • resistance to precipitation;
  • lack of habituation of parasites to the insecticide;
  • accumulation of the solution in the foliage and stems of crops and the complete absence of hazardous elements in the fruits;
  • the possibility of using the substance for treating above-ground plant fragments and introducing them into the soil;
  • use in tank mixtures;
  • no danger to human health - it is important to follow all rules for using the substance.

However, the insecticide also has some disadvantages:

  • toxic effects on bees;
  • the need to use personal protective equipment;
  • short shelf life of the working solution – does not exceed 24 hours.

wooden table

Release forms

"Aktara" is easy to use, since it is produced in various forms. The substance is produced in the form of granules and emulsion concentrate. The form of release of the insecticide affects the type of packaging in which the insecticide is sold.

Thus, the granules are packaged in bags weighing 4 grams. Such packaging is usually sufficient for processing tomatoes that grow in protected soil. For large producers of agricultural products, bulk bags weighing 250 grams are suitable. In this case, liquid substances are sold in ampoules of 1.2 milliliters of the drug or bottles containing 9 milliliters of the drug.

box with bottles

Instructions for use of the pesticide "Aktara"

The insecticide can be used to treat ground fragments of plants or for application by the root method. Regardless of the use of the substance, you should first make a working solution. It is recommended to dilute the composition outdoors. You cannot prepare the product indoors.

It is better to mix the drug with warm liquid. Its temperature should be at least +25 degrees. This will ensure good dissolution of the granules. To water at the root, you should use 8 grams of the substance per bucket of water. This composition will allow you to get rid of thrips, scale insects, and aphids. It also kills mealybugs and rootbugs. The consumption rate of liquid insecticide per 10 square meters of planting reaches 10 liters.

For indoor plants, it is recommended to use Aktara in 2 ways. This requires simultaneously spraying and watering the crops with a solution. To treat foliage, it is recommended to mix 1 sachet of the drug weighing 4 grams with 5 liters of water. To destroy weak pests, such as fungus gnats or soil beetles, you should mix 1 gram of the drug and 10 liters of water. You can water the soil with the prepared solution.

spray the bush

To get rid of caterpillars, thrips, aphids and other parasites, it is recommended to take into account the type of crops being treated:

  1. To water tomatoes that grow in open ground and in greenhouse conditions, you should mix 4 grams of the substance with 10 liters of water. This will help get rid of whiteflies. The mixture successfully controls aphids and Colorado potato beetles. For spraying you need to use 1.2 grams per bucket of water.
  2. To protect eggplants and peppers from thrips and aphids, they need to be watered with a solution that includes 4-8 grams of product and 10 liters of water. To spray foliage, you should use 2-4 grams of the drug per 10 liters of liquid.
  3. To destroy whiteflies, aphids, and thrips on cucumbers, you should use 8 grams of Aktara per bucket of water. The beds need to be watered with this solution. To spray leaves, use 4-8 grams of product per bucket of water.
  4. To eliminate codling moths and copperheads on apple trees, it is recommended to spray the plants with a solution consisting of 3 grams of product and 10 liters of water. For pears, you should use 4 grams of the substance per 10 liters of liquid.
  5. To destroy onion flies and thrips on onions, mix 4 grams of the substance and 10 liters of water. The finished composition is suitable for spraying the above-ground parts of plants.
  6. When thrips appear on rose bushes, you need to mix 16 grams of Aktara and 10 liters of water. To destroy aphids you will need no more than 4 grams of product.
  7. If it is necessary to destroy flies and flea beetles on cabbage, the seedlings should be watered with the solution. To make it, 3 grams of the product are mixed with a bucket of water.

Usually, for fruit trees and vegetable crops, the dosages of the drug are the same. On average, they amount to 4-8 grams of product per bucket of water.

The composition is completely distributed throughout the tissues of the crops 20 hours after watering. When using the substance for large plants, this may take 1-3 days.

The waiting period is the period after crop processing until the fruit is harvested. When spraying plants, you need to wait 14-21 days; in the case of watering crops at the root, the time interval increases to 40-60 days.

bugs on potatoes

Safety precautions when working with the product

"Aktara" belongs to hazard class 3. This means that it is a moderately dangerous drug. As when applying fertilizers, when using an insecticide, you should use protective equipment - goggles, gloves, a respirator. Also, when working with chemicals, you need to wear a special protective suit. Do not drink, eat or smoke while using the substance. It is also not recommended to talk.

After finishing work, tools must be cleaned. In addition, it is recommended to wash your hands and face, and rinse your mouth. Indoor flowers should be sprayed in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated room.

It is recommended to keep the product in a dry place. It is important to ensure a temperature range from -10 to +35 degrees. The composition must be kept out of the reach of children and pets. It should not be kept near food or medications. It is recommended to use the prepared working fluid immediately. It is not subject to long-term storage.


Actions in case of poisoning

If symptoms of illness appear during work, it is recommended to take immediate action. To do this you should do the following:

  1. Take the person outside when the first symptoms of intoxication occur. They usually manifest themselves in the form of nausea, vomiting, and general weakness.
  2. If the composition comes into contact with the skin, blot the affected area with a clean cloth. However, it is not recommended to rub it in. Then the affected area should be rinsed with water.
  3. If the substance gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed with running water. It is recommended to do this for a quarter of an hour.
  4. If the substance is ingested and the person remains conscious, he needs to be given an activated carbon solution and induce vomiting. However, this is prohibited if the victim is fainting. In this situation, you need to immediately call an ambulance. There is no specific antidote to Aktara. Therefore, doctors prescribe symptomatic therapy.

poisoning guide

Compatibility with other substances

"Aktara" is compatible with many fungicides and insecticidal preparations. However, before doing this, it is important to evaluate the compatibility of the components. "Aktara" combines well with "Epin" and "Zircon".The exception is products with an alkaline reaction.


Effective analogues of Aktara include:

  • "Tiara";
  • "Adamant";
  • "Doctor".

"Aktara" is an effective remedy that helps cope with a number of dangerous insects. In order for the drug to give the desired results, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for its use. Compliance with safety rules is of great importance.
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