Hybrid zucchini varieties It’s no longer a curiosity in the country’s gardens. By combining genes from common varieties, breeders obtain disease-resistant and low-maintenance plants. Breeding work is aimed at eliminating the shortcomings that characterize the parent varieties. Zucchini Sangrum f1, bred by a Dutch breeding company, is known all over the world.
Description of the variety
This is an early ripening variety. The first fruits are harvested already 38–40 days after emergence. The bush of this hybrid is compact in size. The leaves are also small.
Fruiting continues throughout the entire growing season (July-August). One bush produces approximately 4–5 kg of zucchini.
The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. The color of the upper peel is pale green with characteristic spotting, reminiscent of zucchini. The weight of one is 350–400 g, and the length is 18–20 cm.
Advantages and disadvantages
First of all, Sangrum is famous for its increased productivity and good taste. It is suitable for preparing various heat-treated dishes and for marinating. Zucchini of this variety retains its taste even after overripening.
The pulp of Sangrum f1 zucchini contains 5.6% sugars, 7% dry matter, carotene and vitamins B and PP. The seeds of this variety are saturated with biologically active substances; they are used as an anthelmintic.
The important advantages of this hybrid are:
- resistance to fungal infections;
- undemanding to growing conditions;
- the ability to quickly recover from unfavorable conditions such as a dry period.
The disadvantage of Sangrum f1 squash is the fact that it is impossible to collect seeds from your harvest for planting next year, since they lose their varietal properties.
If you comply with the basic requirements of agricultural technology, you can get a higher yield of zucchini. Of course, you should observe crop rotation and carefully choose a place to plant this crop. The best predecessors for planting zucchini are onions, nightshades, root vegetables and legumes.
The bed should be located in an area that is well lit throughout the day. Optimal soil is considered to be one with a neutral pH, a light structure and a sufficient amount of nutrients.High acidity can be removed with slaked lime or limestone, scattering them evenly on the garden bed. This procedure should be done in the fall, not in the spring, before planting.
To obtain an earlier harvest, plant under film. This hybrid can be grown either with or without seedlings. To obtain seedlings, seeds are planted in separate peat pots around mid-April. When planting in open beds, mid-to-late May is considered optimal.
For free growth and development of zucchini bushes, they should be planted at a distance of at least 60 cm from each other in a square-cluster manner. Place 1-2 seeds in each hole. Planting depth is 4–6 cm.
Features of care
Zucchini respond well to fertilizing with a solution of chicken manure, green fertilizers or slurry. For care, zucchini requires regular watering, hilling, weeding and loosening of the soil.
Pests and diseases
Although Sangrum squash is a fairly disease-resistant crop, under unfavorable conditions it can be affected by bacteriosis, downy mildew, anthracnose and powdery mildew. Garden pests such as spider mites and melon aphids can negatively affect the development of plants. To combat such problems, ready-made preparations are used or traditional methods are used to protect plants.
When beds with zucchini are infested with melon aphids, insect-infected leaves curl and flowers fall off. Subsequently, the plant stops growing and dies. You can cope with the invasion of this aphid by spraying the beds with Karbofos or Tihometafos-3.
Spider mites are widespread throughout the country.Leaves affected by mites acquire a marbled color with characteristic light stains. Then the plant turns yellow, and if no action is taken, it subsequently dries out. To get rid of this pest, use Keltan, Isofen or ground sulfur.
Anthracosis most often affects plants that are grown in greenhouse conditions, but sometimes zucchini can also become infected in open beds. This disease begins with the appearance of yellow-brown spots on all above-ground parts of the plant. This occurs at high humidity and high air temperatures. For anthracose, colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate are used.
Powdery mildew attacks zucchini leaves. A peculiar white coating forms on them. Subsequently, the plant dies due to disruption of the photosynthesis process. Already at the first signs of this disease, planted zucchini should be sprayed with colloidal sulfur or disubstituted sodium phosphate. If the disease affects only a few leaves, you can simply tear them off the plant or smear them with ground sulfur.
Harvest and storage
Harvesting should be carried out at least 2-3 days, otherwise the fruits will lose the necessary ripeness and the upper peel will harden.
It is better to use young fruits, as they are easily absorbed by the body. They can be added to the diet of weakened people and children, as well as those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. It is recommended for use in diets for weight loss.
Young zucchini have a thin outer skin and seeds that are not fully formed. Therefore, they can be used for food without removing these parts.
The pulp of these zucchini is tender, light in color, remains juicy for a long time, without coarsening.The fruits are easily torn from the bush; they retain their presentation for quite a long time.
Reviews from gardeners
Valentina V., Kaluga: “I like Sangrum zucchini for its compactness of bushes, which allows me to plant them in small empty places in my summer cottage. The yield of these zucchini is quite high. 2 bags of seeds were enough to provide my family with zucchini not only for the summer season, but also for harvesting for the winter. The taste of pickled zucchini is not inferior to pickled gherkins.”
Anatoly Igorevich, Vladimir region: “I planted Sangrum on my summer cottage because I heard positive reviews about it. It so happened that it was not possible to regularly care for the beds, but the harvest turned out to be excellent.”
Anna Moscow region: “Sangrum f1 zucchini bushes do not form long vines, which is very convenient for growing in small areas. They grow quickly and begin to bear fruit early. They have pretty good taste. In addition, they are universal in use."