How to treat, spray cabbage to get rid of midges using folk remedies

Every gardener needs to know how to treat cabbage against midges using folk remedies. Many pests love this crop. The biggest threat comes from midges, which pester young plants throughout the growing season. If midges are found on the plant, it is necessary to resort to the use of means that eliminate this problem.

In most cases, small black bugs cause damage to cabbage in early spring. Entire plantations can suffer from midges. Seedling bushes are also attacked at the stage of emergence. The scientific name of this pest is cruciferous black midge on cabbage.

Description of the insect

Many types of plants suffer from black fly, not just cabbage heads. All plants of the cruciferous family are at risk: radishes, radishes, daikon, horseradish. The midge eats them all.

Midge eggs survive the winter in the soil, and with the appearance of the first spring sun they come to the surface. After a period of hibernation, they are hungry; the food they receive is soil organic matter. When the larva becomes an adult insect, it begins to gnaw on seedlings of cucumbers and cabbage, while the latter type of plant is more attractive to the cruciferous midge.

First, the midge eats the first layer of the leaf, so it is more pleased with young plants whose leaves are softer. The affected head of cabbage begins to grow more slowly, as a result of which it becomes more vulnerable to diseases and other pests.

How to deal with midges

What to do to overcome the cruciferous midge, which eats cabbage leaves and causes so much harm to several types of plants in the garden?

You can get rid of the pest using different methods:

  • using chemical insecticidal preparations;
  • using folk remedies.

cabbage care

The gardener decides which method to choose, but when choosing, it is worth taking into account both the total area affected and the nature of the damage to the plants. If a large number of insects are found on the plant - more than 15 pieces, it is worth considering treating the cabbage with a chemical preparation.

It is important that insecticide treatment should be carried out no later than three weeks before the expected harvest date. This is due to the fact that the effect of the insecticide can be quite long-lasting, and their consumption as food is contraindicated.

When examining a plant, you need to pay attention to whether flea beetle larvae are present on the root system or on the soil surface. This will determine the choice of drug and will allow you to understand how to treat cabbage against midges.


If the damage has reached a critical stage and the midge is actively eating cabbage, treatment cannot be done without chemicals that are used to water the plants.

They fight fleas with the following drugs:

  • Aktellik;
  • Angio;
  • Spark;
  • Decis Pro.

All of these products are intended to kill garden pests. They are available in different forms, but have a long duration of action (up to 14 days) and can have an immediate effect. After treatment, insects do not eat cabbage.

Folk remedies

There are many ways to deal with cruciferous flea beetle. All gardeners need to know about how cabbage is treated against midges using folk remedies. A special place is occupied by those that include in their composition drugs available in every home or every garden plot. These methods are called folk.

folk remedies

The most common folk remedies are the following:

  1. Tobacco ash combined with tobacco dust. At the first stage of processing, you should sprinkle with cold water and then sprinkle with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust in a 2:1 ratio.
  2. Celandine. To use it effectively, you need to dry the plant, grind it, and then sprinkle the resulting powder onto the cabbage.
  3. Vinegar. From 70% acid you need to make a weak solution of midges. Using this product, you can create an acidic solution on the surface of the earth that the cruciferous flea beetle does not tolerate well. Every summer resident can resort to rescue using this method.
  4. Red hot pepper.An infusion should be prepared from it: take 1 liter of water at a temperature of 20-22 ABOUTC, add a pod of hot pepper, previously crushed using a coffee grinder or blender. The composition must be infused for five to six hours, after which it can be processed. A plant infected with cruciferous flea beetle must be sprayed, and the insect will no longer eat cabbage leaves.
  5. Fir oil. It can be added to the water used to water the beds. You need to dissolve 12 to 15 drops of oil in a bucket, after which you can pour over the cabbage.
  6. Chicken droppings. This product is not very pleasant to use, but it is quite effective. Before getting rid of black insects, you need to prepare the composition. Dilute diluted in a ratio of 1:50 or even 1:100 quite effectively destroys flea beetles on plants. As a result, the probability of obtaining an excellent harvest increases several times.

  1. Naphthalene. For 10 square meters of land you need to use 50 grams of the product. The entire crop must be subjected to sprinkling treatment, and after a few days the procedure must be repeated. This will make it more likely that all insects will be killed.
  2. Garlic. One of the main enemies of midges on cabbage. You can simply plant it near the cabbage beds; you can prepare an infusion using a crushed head of the aromatic plant and a couple of liters of water. After leaving for two hours, the entire garden should be sprayed with the solution.
  3. Dandelion leaf. To save the plant, you can use both the leaf and the stem of the plant. To destroy the pest, the material is thoroughly crushed, then filled with water and left for two hours.Water the affected heads of cabbage with the prepared mixture several times, once every three days.
  4. Glue traps. You can make them yourself. As a base, you need to take white plywood leaves, which are lubricated with any adhesive composition. The cruciferous flea flea will stick to the surface, and its pestering time will stop. The best option is to use a trap together with other drugs.

In order for the fight to be successful, and for the soil and heads of cabbage to be treated not in vain, and for the chances of the spread of midges to become minimal, it is necessary to pay special attention to weeds, since they are one of the carriers of insects.

Deep digging of the soil in late autumn is recommended. This is explained by the fact that cruciferous flea eggs that fall on the surface will immediately freeze at low air temperatures.

planting cabbage

It is recommended to plant cabbage near crops such as dill, garlic, marigolds, nasturtium and calendula - their smell repels pests.


To avoid the appearance of midges in the garden plot and not subsequently resort to methods of exterminating the pest, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Cabbage seedlings should be planted earlier.
  2. The soil can be covered with agrofibre, then the pest will not be able to reach future heads of cabbage.
  3. Spray the heads of cabbage with a weak vinegar solution.
  4. Weeds must be removed.
  5. After harvesting, the soil needs to be dug up.

To increase the resistance of seedlings to diseases and pests, you need to regularly fertilize the plants and plant repellent crops next to the cabbage beds.
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