Instructions for using Alatar for the Colorado potato beetle

How I want to do without chemicals when growing vegetables, to find a way to rid the plantings of parasites. But such times are a thing of the distant past, and dangerous pests of gardens, like the Colorado potato beetle, do not leave us the opportunity to do without insecticides. The chemical industry produces many effective products that have a universal effect against parasites and do not harm the environment, birds and animals. One of these drugs is Alatar.

Description of the product

Alatar is produced in the form of a transparent liquid with a strong unpleasant odor.The insecticide consists of 2 potent substances: karbofos or malathion and cypermethrin.

such drugs

It is known about karbofos that it belongs to a broad-spectrum insecticide and is a representative of the class of organophosphorus compounds. In mixtures with other substances, malathion is actively used in agriculture to kill harmful insects. Once in the body of parasites, malathion turns into a more toxic substance.

Cypermethrin added to Alatar is recognized throughout the world as effective against many harmful insects that destroy cultivated plants in fields and garden plots. The substance causes paralysis of the nervous system of larvae and adults, remaining on treated plants for up to 20–30 days. If parasites develop resistance to karbofos, then cypermethrin destroys it.

Alatar remedy

As part of Alatar, both substances reliably protect vegetable gardens and orchards from parasites all season long. Thanks to the adhesive in the liquid, the insecticide remains on the treated surfaces for a long time without being washed off by rain. The product does not decompose under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

A concentrated insecticidal solution is produced in ampoules of 5 milliliters and bottles of 25. Use the product in accordance with the instructions, diluting it in the required amount of water.

The insecticide belongs to the 3rd class of danger for humans and the 1st class for bees.

protect vegetable gardens

The secret to efficiency

The advantages of using Alatar against parasites such as the Colorado potato beetle are that the product:

  • acts synergistically;
  • destroys the most persistent pests;
  • is not washed off by rain, does not roll off the leaves during processing;
  • resistant to sunlight;
  • economical, 5 milliliters of toxic liquid is enough for 10 liters of water;
  • persists on sprayed plants for up to 20 days.

washed away by the rain

You cannot get poisoned with drugs based on cypermethrin and karbofos if you follow safety precautions.

What insects does it work against?

The insecticidal agent is used for indoor plants and garden crops.

With the help of Alatar they destroy:

indoor plants

  • aphids, moths, thrips on plants in rooms;
  • scale insects, sawflies, leaf rollers on fruit trees;
  • Colorado potato beetle on potato plantings;
  • weevils, aphids on berry bushes;
  • cabbage fly, psyllid, cutworm on vegetable plants.

The substances in the base of the drug help organize the protection of all plants from common pests.

fruit trees

Instructions for use

An ampoule containing 5 milliliters of liquid is poured into a container with 4 liters of water. After mixing the solution, add water to 10 liters. After mixing thoroughly, you can begin treating potato plantings infected with the Colorado potato beetle. Plant bushes are sprayed during the growing season, using 4 liters of solution per 100 square meters. It is better to use a sprayer into which working liquid is poured to treat a potato field or planting tomatoes and eggplants.

The procedure is carried out in calm, windless weather, but on a cloudy day. The optimal processing time would be morning before 10 o'clock or evening, no later than 20 o'clock. It is not worth doing disinfection work in dew.

start processing

To increase the effectiveness of treatments, it is necessary to change insecticidal preparations to others. Then the pests do not develop immunity to poisonous agents.

immunity is developed

Precautionary measures

Although Alatar is slightly toxic to humans, you need to be careful when processing:

  1. Do not spray without a respiratory mask and gloves.
  2. Try not to spray the working solution against the wind.
  3. When liquid gets on the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or nose, immediately rinse the surfaces with running water. Hands and face are washed with soap.
  4. If a substance accidentally enters the digestive tract and causes poisoning, then it is necessary to urgently cleanse the stomach by inducing vomiting and taking activated carbon tablets.

The remaining solution should not be poured into nearby bodies of water, as the product will poison its inhabitants. It has a detrimental effect on bees. It follows that it is better to carry out treatment during periods of low activity of beneficial insects.

slightly toxic to humans


The following drugs have a similar effect as Alatar:

  • Arrivo.
  • Apache.
  • Karate.
  • Aktara.

Arrivo is a highly toxic product containing the active ingredient cypermethrin.

substance cypermethrin

The Colorado potato beetle can be combated with the drug Apache - a means of enteric contact and systemic action.

The action of the Karate insecticide extends to many garden pests. The product is effective in any weather and is not washed off by rain.

Aktara is used against the Colorado potato beetle on garden plants. The chemical acts systemically on larvae and adult beetles.

systemically on larvae
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