How to make potatoes germinate faster before planting

Growing crops on a personal plot has a large number of nuances that are not recommended to be forgotten. Sprouting potatoes is a necessary measure with which you can increase the yield several times. There are a large number of methods for germinating potato tubers. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Why do you need to sprout potatoes?

When potatoes are planted, at that moment they are already growing, regardless of whether the root crop is in the soil. Potato seedlings grow faster after germination.

Also during germination the following risks can be prevented:

sprout potatoes

  • Availability in seed potatoes rotten, moldy or rodent-gnawed root vegetables. Before the process, the tubers are inspected in advance and those unsuitable for planting are thrown out.
  • Planting small tubers in the soil, the weight of which does not exceed 30 g.
  • Use irregularly shaped root vegetables. Such tubers rarely produce a normal crop, so it is not recommended to use them for germination.

Tubers that are not prepared for the summer season sprout within 10–15 days, and sprouts appear after another 12–20 days. The whole process takes more than a month. To reduce it, you need to sprout potatoes.

covered with mold

Basic rules for germination

Planting unprepared potatoes is possible even if the soil has not warmed up to +10 degrees. In this case, experienced summer residents advise covering the plantings with non-woven material at night. Potato root crops begin to actively germinate at soil temperatures of +7 degrees. As many gardeners note, sprouts begin to appear if the temperature reaches +12 approximately 23 days after planting.

If there are not many potatoes, then before planting you need to remove all weak and frail sprouts and leave 2-3 strong ones.If the tubers are large in size, then they are cut into several parts so that each has a sprout.

Basic Rules

The sprouts should not be too long. Even if the sprouts are healthy, if they are too long, they are very fragile and can break during planting. The sprouts should be short and thick. Then they will calmly endure transportation and break during planting.

When the tips of the sprouts begin to darken, this indicates that the room in which the seeds are being germinated is considered too cold.

Cut pieces are planted in the soil, each of which should have eyes. Oddly enough, small pieces form a stronger root system and produce more root crops. There is no need to leave more than two eyes. Stems from such root crops will grow more actively and there will be more of them, but they do not have enough nutrients and sun, so the yield of such bushes is low.

healthy sprouts

A day before planting, each part is covered with wood ash and left to dry.

Procurement of seed tubers

Procuring seed tubers for cultivation on a potato plot is a crucial moment on which the entire harvest depends. At this stage, the basis for productivity is laid. Root crops begin to be prepared for the season in the fall after being collected from the plot. The largest and healthiest ones are selected and placed separately from other root vegetables. In the spring, preparation continues and includes the selection of moldy, gnawed or blackened tubers. Then comes the germination of the sprouts and the planting itself.

leave to dry

Which tubers to choose?

Potato tubers for planting should only be healthy. Potatoes with mold, black spots or any other lesions are not recommended for planting.Also, do not choose root vegetables that are too large. It is advisable to give preference to medium-sized potatoes with thick skin and small eyes.

Selected potatoes are placed in a boric acid solution for disinfection and stored separately from the entire crop. It is useful to place fruits in manure for several days.

You should not choose fruits that are too small. Few stems grow from them, and they produce practically no harvest. The disadvantage of large root crops is the fact that the above-ground part (leaves and stems) develops more actively than the underground part (tubers and root system). As a result, it turns out that the rhizome cannot provide a sufficient amount of nutrients to the stems and as a result they begin to turn yellow and wither.

only healthy ones

It is recommended to plant small, medium and large potatoes separately from each other and mark where they grow. This is due to the fact that their care will be different. An effective method for growing a rich harvest is to purchase seed material in the fall. But in this case, before purchasing the tubers, they are carefully inspected. Elite potato varieties produce a good harvest for about three years. Such varieties are practically not susceptible to the development of diseases. The purchase of a variety should be based on your own observations of potatoes during the growing season. And it is recommended to purchase only those varieties that grow best on the site.


A simple and popular way to sprout potatoes is pre-greening. The advantage of this method is also the fact that green tubers do not attract rodents due to their high content of corned beef (a toxic substance that can cause poisoning). Such tubers cannot be eaten, but they are excellent for planting in the ground.This method will allow you to add another 20% to the entire harvest.

potatoes recommended

Potato tubers represent the underground part of the stem, which, due to the fact that it is not exposed to sunlight, could not produce corned beef. When potatoes are exposed to the sun, chlorophyll begins to be actively produced, and the peel and pulp acquire a green tint.

In addition to corned beef, green potatoes accumulate nicotine and other alkaloids dangerous to human life. But it is ideal for growing. In order for the tubers to acquire green shades in the sun, they need to be kept for 8–12 days. But to obtain the richest harvest, greening is combined with sprouting. There are a large number of methods for germinating root vegetables. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

underground part

When to take out potatoes for germination and how long to germinate?

One of the important aspects of cultivating an agricultural crop is determining the timing of germination. You need to know exactly when to take out the potatoes so that they are already prepared for the planting season. This mainly depends on the timing of the emergence of sprouts and the ripening of the crop.

30–35 days before planting in the ground, potato seed tubers are taken out of the basement and germination begins. Early potatoes are obtained in early March. For the main plantings, the optimal time is considered to be the beginning of April.

start germination

Some gardeners are of the opinion that you need to get seeds 1.5–2 months before planting. After the sprouts reach a length of 4–6 cm, they are carefully cut off at the very base and planted in a box or greenhouse with good soil.

How to prepare potatoes for sprouting?

Preparing potato seed for planting is not difficult if you follow some rules. For example, you can prepare an infusion of tansy, which accelerates the appearance of sprouts. 60 g of dry tansy herb is poured into 500 ml of boiling water. The infusion is left until it cools completely, then poured into a solution for soaking potatoes. Up to a hundredweight of seed is passed through one bucket of this solution.

get seeds

Moisture and elevated temperatures stimulate the appearance of eyes.

To prevent the sprouts from stretching too much, after 14 days they are placed in a cool place at a temperature of 8–10 degrees. The main thing is to ensure that the boxes are exposed to open sunlight.

cool place

Germination methods

Potatoes can be germinated quickly using various methods. There are a large number of ways to germinate potato eyes.

various methods

Germination in the light

Contrary to popular belief, little light is required for seedlings to appear. But he must be. If all factors are observed, but in the absence of light, nothing will work. If it is not possible to use natural sunlight, artificial lighting in the form of lamps is suitable.

Potatoes are spread in a thin layer in wooden or plastic boxes. They can be stacked on top of each other. The walls of the boxes should not be solid, but with large holes. The top drawer is covered with gauze or any other thin material.

The optimal room temperature is 12–17 degrees. The light should not be direct, but diffused. You can tell that root vegetables will get enough light by their appearance. Under normal light conditions, the sprouts are thick and small. If there is a lack of light, they stretch out and become thin.

it takes a little

In the dark

When it is not possible for planting material to germinate indoors in the light, it should not be germinated in the dark. This method is less effective because the sprouts require sunlight for normal development. But if you strictly observe the necessary conditions, you will be able to get seedlings in the dark.

You need to monitor the temperature especially carefully, otherwise the sprouts will begin to stretch. If this has already happened, then the temperature at night is lowered to 4-6 degrees. If necessary, this is done during the day. At this temperature the stems will not stop growing. Growing in the dark takes 15–29 days at a humidity of 95%.

planting material

With feeding in boxes

Stages of sprouting potatoes with fertilizing in a box:

  • Line the bottom of the box with a plastic bag. Lay out the potatoes in 2 layers and cover it with humus, peat or sawdust. Several layers are needed.
  • Water the potatoes with water. After a few weeks, sprouts should appear. They are watered with a mineral mixture for growth. Or wood ash diluted in a glass of water.
  • After a few days, water again with the nutrient mixture.
  • A week later, the root crops are planted in open ground.

The germination of potatoes and the formation of tubers after planting after this method increases significantly.

feeding in the box

In polyethylene film

You can germinate tubers at home using plastic bags. Several holes are made in the bag for air circulation. Then they put potatoes in them and hang them in the sun. Regularly turn the bags over and mix the planting material in them. The main thing is that the sun's rays are not intense.

plastic film

In a moist substrate

Germinating potatoes in sawdust with the addition of peat is as follows:

  • Sawdust is poured into the bottom of the box.
  • Spread the seed potatoes in 1 layer.
  • Cover it with sawdust with added peat and water it.
  • The layer of sawdust and peat should be at least 3 cm.
  • The boxes are watered regularly and the air temperature is monitored; it should be between 15–17 degrees.

Germination in a moist substrate is used if it is necessary to grow roots.

wet substrate

Combining germination with root germination

The combined method is considered one of the most effective. 40–45 days before the expected planting of potatoes, they sort them out and throw out spoiled tubers. Then they are placed in boxes and left indoors.

After 25–30, they take the root vegetables out of the boxes, pour a 5 cm layer of peat crumbs on the bottom and then lay out the potatoes again in 1–2 layers. Add another layer of peat chips on top, about 5 cm. As the moisture evaporates, the peat crust is sprayed with water.

root germination

On open air

Germination in the open air begins when the snow melts and the air temperature warms up to +12 degrees. The soil is covered with straw or sawdust, then potatoes are laid out. Cover it with plastic wrap. The whole process takes from 7 days to a month. If you put manure under the straw, the germination period will be shortened.

snow and temperature

In pots

The tubers are first placed in boxes with wet sawdust for 7 days. Then they are transplanted into clay pots with a special soil mixture. At night, the pots are taken out to the balcony so that the seeds get used to temperature changes.

wet sawdust

Method of heating and drying

If you did not have time to germinate the potatoes on time, and the planting time is running out, the method of heating and drying is effective. The potatoes are laid out in 1 layer and left at a temperature of +25–30 degrees. The germination rate of buds ranges from 7 to 14 days.

heating and drying

Potato seedlings

Potato seedlings begin to be grown several weeks before planting in the ground. Pre-prepared root crops are planted in pots or boxes with soil. Then they are placed in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Seedlings should be planted after the soil and air have completely warmed up. The seedling method will allow you to dig up early young potatoes.

planted in pots

What to treat before planting?

Treating potatoes before planting reduces the risk of diseases and insects during the growth and formation of potato tubers.


There may be a large number of fungi and bacteria on the surface of the peel. Deadlines potato processing depend on medications:

occurrence of diseases

  • Planriz is used for spraying 1 week before planting seeds in the ground.
  • Albit immediately one day before planting.
  • Fitosporin is treated just before planting.

Among the drugs that have proven themselves well are:

  • Commander (used to protect plantings from insects, such as the Colorado potato beetle. The chemical is toxic, so it must be used with extreme caution).
  • The drug Cruiser is another chemical that can be used to prevent the appearance of insects and rotting of potatoes. Used as a spray.
  • The Maxim substance is aimed at preventing the development of many diseases of agricultural crops (scab, phimosis, rhizoctonia). It is sprayed on seeded root crops before planting in the ground.

used for spraying

The treatment solution can be prepared independently using potassium permanganate. 1 g of potassium permanganate is diluted in 1 liter of water and poured over the germinated tubers for 20–30 minutes. After this, the wet seeds are covered with wood ash.

Disinfection with copper sulfate helps prevent the appearance of fungal diseases on plantings.To prepare the solution you will need 10 liters of water, 1 matchbox of vitriol and 2 g of potassium permanganate. All ingredients are mixed in a non-metallic container and the planting material is soaked for 1-3 minutes. It is dried before planting.

cook it yourself

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are less effective than chemicals, but they are safer for humans. Under their influence, there is no accumulation of substances hazardous to human health. And when using folk recipes, additional protection is not required.

Potatoes are treated with wood ash diluted in water. To do this, you need to take 1 kg of ash and dilute it in 10 warm water. Before planting, the seed is dipped into the solution. And ash is poured into the bottom of the holes. Only after this they begin planting.

least effective

Do I need to wash potatoes before planting?

It is not necessary to wash potatoes off the ground with water before planting. It is better to treat the planting material with special disinfection solutions and growth stimulants. You can purchase substances for spraying in special gardening stores or prepare them yourself.

special solutions

How to plant sprouted potatoes?

Sprouted potatoes are planted in the same way as unprepared ones. The main thing is to ensure that the sprouts are not damaged during transportation and planting of tubers in the ground. The holes are dug to a depth of 20 cm. The distance between the holes must be at least 25 cm.

dig to depth

Tips from summer residents

To improve the harvest, you need to follow some tips from experienced gardeners:

experienced summer residents

  • Root vegetables are soaked in a mineral solution for several hours. The procedure is carried out several hours before landing.
  • A day before planting, planting material is treated with growth stimulants. They allow you to increase productivity and speed up the germination of sprouts.
  • The tubers must be cut into several parts so that each of them has eyes. In this case, growth hormone is produced and root formation occurs more actively.
  • To retain moisture in the soil, plantings are covered with mulch.
  • It is not recommended to plant small potatoes to obtain a harvest. Small potatoes have few eyes, and accordingly there will be fewer shoots.
  • Only healthy planting material is used for cultivation. Spoiled and moldy root vegetables should be thrown away immediately.
  • After any treatment with liquid substances, the potatoes must be dried, otherwise they will begin to rot.

You should not assume that you will be able to grow a good harvest without preliminary preparation. Pre-germination and dressing of tubers will help increase yield.

mineral solution
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