How to properly and when is the best time to plant strawberries in open ground, preparing the beds

Of all the berry crops, strawberries are the most beloved and popular. Despite constant care for the plant and difficult growing technology, the berry grows in all summer cottages. With care and love, they prepare beds for strawberries, select varieties, plant and care for the plants. Let's look at how to plant strawberries correctly to get a high yield and protect the bushes from diseases.

Selection of planting material

Good seedlings take root better, the bushes grow quickly and produce large fruits. For planting, choose young rosettes that grow on the mustache. How to choose planting material from your own dacha:

  1. Rosettes are taken from bushes that have a high yield and are healthy. The age of the bush is 2-3 years.
  2. The rooted rosettes closest to the bush are chosen as planting material. You need to prepare them in advance by pinning the socket to the ground. After harvesting, they quickly grow.
  3. You should not divide old dug up bushes for replanting.
  4. Rosettes are chosen with the most powerful roots - the green part is not so important.

When purchasing strawberry seedlings, pay attention to healthy leaves (at least 5) and light, developed roots. If the bushes have flower stalks, the buds should be large. It is better to purchase varieties of the first reproduction.

What kind of soil do strawberries like?

Strawberries produce the best harvest on loamy and sandy soils, although it cannot be said that the crop is very demanding on the composition of the soil. On such soils, organic fertilizers are applied to the site in the fall while digging and removing weeds. Consumption – 5 liters per square meter. The composition is also improved with complex mineral fertilizers.

Heavy soils are lightened with peat, sand, and sawdust. To reduce the acidity of peat, lime is used; it will make the composition neutral.Sawdust is soaked in urea for several days before application.

strawberry bushes

Strawberries grow best on slightly acidic soil with a pH of about 6. Reduce acidity with lime or dolomite flour, and if there is a deficiency, raise it with peat. If the groundwater in the area is high (above 0.8 meters), the beds are made in bulk.

How far apart should you plant strawberries?

There are several schemes for planting strawberries:

  • in single rows - the distance between the bushes is 25-30 centimeters, the row spacing is 35-40 centimeters;
  • in double rows - the distance between the bushes is 25-30 centimeters, the same distance with the adjacent row, the row spacing is 40-50 centimeters.

Some gardeners plant strawberries in a carpet or individual bushes in convenient places. Plants, when planted alone, are powerful, with high yields and large berries. To choose the right distance between bushes, you need to know the characteristics of the variety and the size of the plants.

strawberry seedlings

Help: it is allowed to plant different varieties of strawberries next to each other, since they do not have a negative effect on each other, and cross-pollination does not occur.

Where to plant on the site

For strawberry plantations, choose flat, well-lit areas without drafts. The place should be open and shaded only for a small part of the day. Lowlands where puddles accumulate and where cold air descends during frosts are not used for planting.

Slopes should also be avoided - snow is blown off them in winter by strong winds, the bushes remain defenseless against frost, and in spring there is a risk of the roots being exposed by running water. A slope of no more than 5° is allowed.

strawberry seedlings

We also note that strawberries like to coexist with parsley, garlic and legumes. Some summer residents even manage to plant garlic between the rows of strawberries.

Important: strawberries can grow in one place for no more than four years.


Strawberries are planted in two time periods:

  1. Summer autumn. Plants must take root well, so autumn planting should not be delayed. They wait for the heat to go away and plant them out. On average - from mid-August to the end of September. The period is chosen according to the characteristics of the region. Planting strawberry seedlings in the fall gives a significant advantage; there will be a full harvest next year.
  2. Spring. Planting is carried out when the soil has warmed up and the threat of frost has passed, but before real warmth begins. The dates are selected based on the characteristics of the area - from April in the southern regions to May-early June in cold regions.

planting strawberries

Note that you need to prepare the bed for spring planting of strawberries in August-September. Bushes are planted in the absence of sun - in the evening and morning hours or in cloudy weather.

Planting methods

Breeders and gardeners knowledgeable in agriculture have developed several interesting and convenient ways of planting strawberries - everyone makes the choice themselves.

Trapezoidal beds

This planting method helps improve the drainage of the area under the strawberries. The ridge is raised above the general level of the garden, which is convenient for high groundwater levels. An earthen platform is made for the plants; branches and dried grass are placed in the lower part. The edges are reinforced with a wooden or other frame. A fertile substrate and geofabric are laid on top of the ground, into the holes of which strawberries are planted.

planting strawberries

Advantages - the roots are inaccessible to pests, weeds do not grow. A warm bed protects plants from winter freezing.

Film tunnels

This method of planting strawberries is best suited for early harvest and for areas where cold snaps occur frequently.For film shelter, arcs are placed on which the film is pulled, forming a greenhouse. The strawberries are kept in a warm greenhouse, where temperature and humidity are maintained. When it freezes, additional film is pulled over the structure to protect against hypothermia.

Such greenhouses need ventilation; in case of excess humidity and high temperature, the film is removed to dry and cool.

strawberry bed

Plastic bags

Mobile beds can be arranged in large-volume plastic bags. They are filled with fertile soil and fertilized. Holes are made to plant strawberries. Provides complete watering.

Disadvantages are poor root ventilation and rapid depletion of the soil, which will have to be changed frequently.

Vertical bed

Planting in a vertical direction is the choice of summer residents with a small plot area. There are several main methods for manufacturing such structures; you can purchase a ready-made, factory-made one (trukar).

Strawberries are planted in iron barrels, large pots, plastic bottles, PVC pipes, and wooden slides. Holes are made to plant bushes. It is important to provide for the possibility of watering and ensure proper drainage so that water does not stagnate in the lower part of the structure. The main disadvantages of this type of planting are the small amount of land for plants and the difficulty of sheltering during frosts.

vertical flower bed

How to plant in open ground

Before planting, the soil is carefully dug up, the remains of rhizomes, larvae of May beetles and other insects are removed. If you plan to plant in spring, you still need to prepare the soil in the fall.

After what you can and after you can’t plant strawberries

Vegetable crops grown on the site can facilitate the development of strawberries and make the land more productive.Therefore, it is important to observe crop rotation, taking into account the characteristics of the plants.

Green manure for soil improvement After which you can plant strawberries Dangerous precursor vegetables for strawberries


White mustard



















In cold regions, in particular in the Leningrad region, it is useful to leave green manure in the ground in the winter, and plant strawberries in the spring.

planting strawberries

How to plant seedlings?

The holes for planting are made 15-30 centimeters deep; longer roots are shortened, since they should be placed vertically. The seedlings are treated with a solution of copper sulfate and a growth stimulator. Freshly dug rosettes are moistened and kept in a cool, dark place for several hours. Before placing them to rest, the roots are dipped into a solution of red clay.

When planting, it is important that the central bud is buried halfway. It should not stick out above the ground or go completely into the soil. Excess leaves are removed, leaving the youngest (2-3). After planting, the seedlings are watered.

How to plant under black covering material?

The black film is stretched over the prepared bed and secured along the edges. Mark the landing sites and make cross-shaped cutouts for the holes. Watering is carried out through these holes in the future.

bucket of seedlings

Planting in a hole is carried out according to the usual rules - the root is placed vertically, the bud is half hidden.

How to plant seeds?

Strawberries are grown from seeds using the following step-by-step method:

  1. The landing period is February-March.
  2. Seed preparation. The seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Place in a damp cloth and leave for a day in a warm place (25-27 °). Next, keep in the cold for 2 weeks (5 °, a refrigerator is suitable).All this time the fabric is maintained at constant moisture.
  3. Prepare containers with loose, light soil mixture. You need to make grooves and bury the seeds 1-1.5 centimeters into the ground. Cover with film and place in a warm, well-lit place.
  4. Watering - as the soil dries, with a spray bottle, after emergence - with a pipette under the root.
  5. Fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers.
  6. Treatment with fungicide against fungus.

hands and strawberries

They dive when 3 leaves appear.

Features of planting in a greenhouse

To grow strawberries in greenhouses, self-pollinating remontant varieties are chosen. The favorite of all summer residents, Elizabeth 2, is ideal for this.

The soil must be thoroughly disinfected and treated with fungicides, since strawberries suffer from fungal diseases with high humidity. Recommended humidity is 70-80%. When planting early, provide illumination for 12-14 hours.

The location of the beds is chosen based on the capabilities of the greenhouse; many prefer vertical cultivation. Seedlings are transplanted into greenhouses when it is possible to maintain a temperature of 20-22 °. We must not forget to open the greenhouse for ventilation.

ripe strawberry

Strawberry care

Caring for strawberries is not difficult, but constant care is required. After rains and watering, the soil is loosened to saturate it with oxygen; Mulching helps make maintenance easier.

Watering and fertilizing

Homemade strawberries are watered 1-2 times a week, avoiding stagnation of water and drying out. The best time is morning and evening. Do not pour water on the leaves in bright sun to avoid burns. It is convenient to use drip irrigation systems in which you can dose the water supply. It is better to water with settled warm water to prevent the roots from rotting.

Feeding is carried out several times during the season:

  • in early spring - after the snow melts, fertilizers with nitrogen (manure, chicken droppings) for better growth of the green part;
  • during flowering - complex mineral fertilizers with potassium, yeast, spraying with a solution with microelements;
  • during fruiting - organic fertilizers at the root, after fruiting - herbal infusion, urea;
  • in the fall - for greater winter hardiness and recuperation (nitrophoska, ash, manure solution).

flower beds

It is convenient to apply chelates for fertilizing.

Tip: It is especially important to fertilize remontant varieties and vertical beds in which strawberries grow in a small amount of soil.


Strawberries need to be loosened to a depth of 10 centimeters to create air flow to the roots. Weeds are removed along with the roots. If the area is heavily infested, herbicide treatment is carried out before planting strawberries on the site.

To avoid fungal and other diseases, the bushes are sprayed:

  • infusion of hay;
  • mustard infusion;
  • infusion of garlic.

strawberry bush

You can also sprinkle the bushes with wood ash.


Pruning strawberry bushes carried out several times a season, carefully, trying not to damage the kidneys:

  • in the spring, remove old leaves and make room for young greenery;
  • in the summer - cut out damaged leaves, remove unnecessary rosettes, create comfortable conditions for growth for those that you decide to leave;
  • after the harvest is complete, old leaves are removed, making room for young ones;
  • in the fall - the foliage is not completely removed, only diseased leaves are cut out and infected bushes are dug up.

ripe strawberry

The leaves are cut, leaving a short petiole, protecting the bud from damage. In the first year, all rosettes are removed, allowing the strawberries to get stronger.


When growing strawberries, experienced gardeners recommend using soil mulching.This not only reduces the need for frequent watering and protects against weeds, but also protects the berries from soil contamination and rotting.

Two classes of materials are used as mulch - organic and synthetic fabrics. After digging, the organic matter loosens the soil and turns into a complete fertilizer for garden strawberries. Materials used:

  • straw, hay;
  • dry grass;
  • sawdust;
  • peat, rotted compost;
  • soil substrate of a coniferous forest - needles, cones, small twigs;
  • geotextiles.

strawberry bed

Often less traditional materials are used for mulch - paper, moss. Let us remind you that the materials are treated with fungicides and the top layer is regularly replaced.

Preparing for winter

For successful wintering of strawberries, the following activities are carried out:

  • removing diseased leaves and bushes, do not cut off the completely green part;
  • treatment against pests and diseases (Bordeaux mixture);
  • watering - abundance depending on the weather;
  • fertilizing - any type of organic matter.

Covering and mulching are carried out in regions where there is a risk of strawberries freezing. Covering with mulch or earth is used even in warm regions; they will protect if there is a lack of snow.

ripe strawberry

Disease and pest control

Throughout the season, the bushes are inspected, diseased leaves and plants are removed. Preventative treatment in spring and autumn, when there is no flowering or fruiting yet, helps to avoid infection. Of the strawberry diseases, most are fungal in nature - fusarium, late blight, gray rot. Fungicides are used for treatment (Alirin, Vectra, colloidal sulfur, copper sulfate). Dilute according to instructions.

Among the most common pests:

  • nematode;
  • whitefly;
  • aphid;
  • mole cricket;
  • weevil;
  • strawberry mite

strawberry blossom

The choice of drug is carried out after identifying insects. They use Inta-Vir, Karbofos, Commander. Treatment against diseases and pests is carried out simultaneously with fertilizing, preferably preventively.

What to plant after strawberries next year

After moving a strawberry plantation to another site, the following crops grow well in its place:

  • carrot;
  • legumes;
  • greenery;
  • cabbage;
  • garlic.

a lot of strawberries

Some summer residents grow melons and melons in their strawberry plots. If it is possible not to occupy this area for vegetables, it is worth planting green manure.

Possible errors during landing

Let's look at the most common mistakes made by inexperienced gardeners that interfere with the full growth of strawberries:

  1. Incorrect timing. Plants suffer from heat or cold and do not have time to grow stronger and take root.
  2. We made a mistake with the variety - the bushes are low-yielding, the plant’s strength goes into greenery (Zhmurka, Dubnyak).
  3. Excessively long roots had to be bent, which led to poor development of the strawberries.
  4. Sick plants were planted - no pre-planting treatment was carried out.
  5. The bud is too deep into the ground or raised too high.
  6. The disadvantage of fertilizing is that the yield is low and the berries are small.
  7. Wrong fertilizers are chosen - excessive growth of the green part, fruits are not set.

Strawberries love sunny areas and do not grow well in the shade - the berries are small and sour. Growing delicious large strawberries is the dream of every summer resident. After the end of fruiting, the worries of summer residents do not end. You have to work on a strawberry plantation all season. Only with constant care will the bushes produce a bountiful harvest, and the berries will delight you with their size, taste and aroma.
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