Description and characteristics of Olvia variety strawberries, planting and care rules

In the 90s of the 20th century, one of the most profitable varieties of early ripening and productive berries was obtained in Ukraine. The popularity of Olvia strawberries among gardeners in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus has remained at a constantly high level since that time. Plants tolerate lack of soil moisture and frosty winters well. The taste qualities of strawberries and the presentation of the berries are superior to many early varieties.

Origin story

Olvia strawberries are the result of the work of Kyiv breeders.In 1987, a new variety was developed as a result of crossing the Prisvyata variety and the Festivalnaya hybrid with Fragaria Virginiana. Entered into the register in 2001. Zoned for the middle zone, forest-steppe and steppe zones.

Brief characteristics and description of the variety

The variety is early ripening, drought- and frost-resistant, high-yielding, non-transportable. Recommended for fresh consumption. Flowering begins in mid-April (for the southern regions of Ukraine and Russia). The first ripe berries are picked in mid-to-late May. Fruiting duration is 1 month.

From one bush per season they harvest from 1 to 1.5 kilograms of fragrant, bright red, rich dessert flavor strawberries. The size of the berries ranges from 40 to 25 grams. The pulp of the fruit is dense, juicy, tender. The height of the bush is up to 25 centimeters. Strong peduncles are located below the level of the leaves. From 4 to 10 berries ripen on each peduncle. The total number of berries is 50-70 pieces. The leaves are ovate, serrated, dark green in color.

Rules for growing and further care of Olvia strawberries

The variety is unpretentious to agricultural technology. However, certain rules must be followed when breeding in order to obtain sustainable strawberry yields.

Site selection and soil preparation

The optimal growing areas are areas oriented to the southwest, with a slight slope (up to 3 degrees), well illuminated by the sun.

Plants grow well and produce high yields on fertile, loose, slightly acidic soils:

  • black soil;
  • podzolic soil;
  • light sandstones.

The groundwater depth must be at least 60 centimeters.

land for planting

When planting strawberries, predecessors in crop rotation are taken into account. The most favorable are all types of cruciferous vegetables:

  • beans;
  • radish;
  • peas;
  • parsley;
  • garlic.

Conditions unfavorable for the growing season of Olbia strawberries:

  • peat bogs;
  • loams;
  • sandy loam;
  • swampiness;
  • shading;
  • growing under the roots of large trees;
  • northeast orientation of the site;
  • neighborhood of nightshades and pepper.

beans grow

Preparation of unfavorable soils for planting Olvia begins 2-3 years in advance:

  • organic fertilizers are added to clay soils;
  • siderites are sown on sandy ones;
  • Peat soils are deoxidized by applying potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

The soil structure should be loose, but dense enough for good development of the root system.


Strawberries are pollinated by bees. To attract insects, you can spray the plantings with a honey solution: dilute a few tablespoons of honey in 5-10 liters of water, depending on the size of the area.

pollination process


Strawberries are responsive to fertilizers. To increase productivity and disease resistance, it is recommended to fertilize plants 3-4-5 times during the growing season, depending on climatic conditions and soil conditions:

  1. The first fertilizing is done when the soil begins to thaw (late March-early April). To stimulate growth, fertilizers rich in nitrogen are applied: rotted mullein, urea, bird droppings. Application of potassium fertilizers in the leaf phase improves budding.
  2. During flowering, root and foliar feeding is done. Superphosphate is added to the soil. The plantings are sprayed with a solution of boric acid.
  3. During the formation of ovaries, plants are supported by adding substances containing calcium, nitrogen, and sulfur to the soil. This can be wood ash, mullein infusion, complex fertilizers.
  4. At the end of the growing season, strawberries are fed with nitroammophos.

Fertilizing is carried out in the morning, in pre-moistened soil, at the root, without affecting the leaves, flowers and fruits.

Frost resistance and the need for shelter

1-3 year old plants have a powerful root system that can withstand prolonged frosts. In central Russia and more northern regions, it is recommended to cover strawberry seedlings planted this year for the winter.

Diseases and pests

The variety is resistant to fungal infections (gray rot and spotting) and strawberry mite. Gray rot develops on berries during prolonged periods of wet weather, resulting in reduced yields. Leaf spot (brown, white, brown) affects leaves in late summer/early autumn. Loss of foliage weakens plants, which affects next year's harvest.

Measures to combat gray rot and spotting include removing affected berries and leaves from the bushes.

medicine for strawberries

Preventive measures against fungal infection:

  1. For gray rot, berries are treated before flowering and after harvesting with the preparation “Horus”.
  2. To prevent spotting, strawberries are sprayed in early spring with the fungicides “Falcon”, “Zuparen”, “Metaxil”.
The strawberry mite infects the above-ground part of the plant, which leads to drying out of the leaves and weakening of the strawberry bush. Strawberries affected by mites have smaller berries and the plants freeze in winter. To combat the pest, from early spring to autumn, the leaves are sprayed 5 times with preparations containing sulfur.


In the 4th year, Olvia's fruiting declines sharply. Rejuvenation of plantings is required. To obtain strawberry seedlings, a mother liquor is created on the site.

On 1-2 year old bushes, the flower stalks are removed so that the bush produces strong shoots (mustaches) and strong rosettes. There should be a distance of 25-30 centimeters between the bushes, and 70-90 centimeters between the rows.The best planting material is rosettes from the first 2-3 whiskers.

Collection and storage features

Harvesting lasts on average 2 weeks. The berry is not easily transportable. To preserve its presentation, it is recommended to collect it immediately into containers for sale.
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