Goat care, much easier than caring for cows; products made from their milk are tasty, nutritious and hypoallergenic. This is especially important for adherents of a healthy diet. The opportunity to have your own livestock, providing your family with quality products, and to let children observe the life of animals attracts people. Kamori goats are considered exotic, but they have adapted to local conditions and are increasingly appearing on Russian farmsteads.
Kamori is a breed of goat that is ubiquitous in Asia.The birthplace of the breed is Pakistan, but they live in India, Cambodia and other countries. The animal is bred for milk and meat. In Russia this breed is still rare; Due to the high cost, only wealthy families can afford to have such an animal.
Purebred Kamori goats are not often found in Pakistan; the main sign of purebred is the color of the animals. The shiny skin with bright contrasting patterns seems to be covered with Arabic script. If the drawing shows similarities with suras from the Koran, this is considered a happy omen for the owner of the animal, a symbol of success and special divine favor.
There are more and more Kamori goats; in the Moscow region several farms are breeding this breed. A club for lovers of oriental goat breeds has appeared on social networks; you can find information about them and share their secrets. Exhibitions are held annually in Moscow where you can view and purchase purebred animals.
Description and characteristics of the breed
An oval head, a humped profile, long ears - the animals are very beautiful and unusual. They are tall, with thin long legs and a graceful body. Short tails are raised up. Goats are almost 2 times larger than female goats.
The most important characteristics of the breed:
- the weight of adult goats is 50-60 kilograms, the height at the withers is 100-110 centimeters;
- goats - 60-70, can reach up to 100 kilograms, they are up to 130-140 centimeters high;
- color options: white-brown, black-white, black with light spots;
- hanging ears, up to 40-45 centimeters long;
- goats are polled or have small horns;
- with an udder convenient for milking;
- milk with a high percentage of fat content.
Breed meat and dairy. Goats produce from 1.5 to 5-6 liters of milk.Milk yield depends on the age of the animal and conditions of detention. Kamori can coexist with other animals.
Positive and negative sides
Kamori is still a fairly rare breed in Russia.
Many people like animals; the positive qualities of the breed include:
- animal exterior;
- they get along easily with other pets;
- have a calm disposition;
- bring 2-3 kids a year, with the exception of the first lambing, when 1 kid appears.
The disadvantages of the breed include:
- high cost of animals;
- the need to equip them with an insulated goat house;
- exclusively kept in stalls in winter, they easily catch colds in Russian winter temperatures and freeze their ears.
Of course, such goats today are purchased for further breeding for sale or as an exotic pet on the farm, with a bonus in the form of milk.
Subtleties of maintenance and care
Kamori are unpretentious and tolerate heat well. In the southern regions they can be grazed from April to October. In winter, goats should be kept in a bright, warm, draft-free room with good ventilation. It needs to maintain a temperature of 10-15 °C.
The floor of the goat house is made level, the animals are placed on a thick bedding of straw, it must be dry. Humidity in the goat's rue is the cause of animal illness. They lose their appetite, become lethargic, and their milk yield decreases. There should be 2 square meters of area per animal.
Fed goats are kept separately from the main livestock. Separate enclosures are installed for the goat and the queens with their kids.
What to feed
When choosing a pasture, you need to make sure that there are no poisonous herbs (henbane, crow's eye, celandine). Animals must have access to clean water. They need vitamin supplements, especially in winter (fish oil, bone meal, calcium supplements, special complexes). In the summer, animals are given cucumbers, zucchini, and melon.
In winter, they feed with hay, root vegetables, add bran, mixed feed, and silage. They prepare brooms from birch, willow, twigs, and give branches of fruit trees (apple, pear). Corn and other grains are steamed. Containers with salt and chalk are placed in the goat shed.
Water for drinking is heated. Kamori are not demanding on water, but with a small amount of liquid, milk yield decreases. Do not give animals dirty, rotten vegetables. Drinkers and feeders are placed in free access for animals, at a height of 50 centimeters.
Features of breeding Pakistani goats
There are few purebred Kamori goats in Russia. They often sell a cross between the Camori and the Nubian breed. Animals grow quickly, reach sexual maturity at 7-8 months, but mature at 1-1.5 years. Usually a goat gives birth to 2 kids per year. For those wishing to start raising goats, it is better to buy them in Asian countries.
Important: it should be taken into account that they are not very responsible about the certification of animals.
The cost of importing a Kamori with all the required documents will be high.
Frequent illnesses
Kamori goats are disease resistant. They suffer from the same ailments as our usual goats. More susceptible to pneumonia, since these are southern animals, the goat's rue should be warm. It is necessary to ensure that they do not get poisoned in the pasture during grazing. Animals must be wormed once every 4 months, and their hooves must be trimmed and treated.Since the Kamori are indoors most of the time, the hooves are trimmed more often, because they are not worn down in natural conditions.
If the goat looks lethargic, has lost its appetite, or has started coughing, you should isolate it from other pets and call a veterinarian.
Where can I buy
Kamori goats are still a rarity for farms. Unusual appearance and calm disposition contribute to popularity, but the price of animals is high, costing from 50,000 rubles. A purebred animal with supporting documents can cost up to 250,000 rubles.
You can purchase an animal at agricultural exhibitions. At the Golden Autumn 2019 exhibition, Kamori goats were presented; they could be purchased without fear for the breed of the animal. Goats are bred at the Zvezda Vostoka farm near Moscow and several other farms in the Moscow region. Most Kamori farmers have their own pages on social networks.
Kamori goats produce a lot of milk and are easy to milk. This is noted by all animal owners. That is why the number of Kamori in Russia will increase, and the price for them will decrease, but in the meantime, farmers who have goats on their farms will visit not only to drink milk, but also to look at amazing, cute animals with big ears.