Signs and symptoms of worms in goats, how to treat and preventive measures
Worms are acquired in goats as a result of poor hygiene in the premises where livestock is kept, consumption
Description and characteristics of Gorky breed goats, pros and cons and care
The Gorky breed of white goats is well known to rural residents. These are small (about half a meter in height)
Symptoms and treatment of uterine and vaginal prolapse in a goat, possible consequences
It is not uncommon for a goat to experience uterine prolapse after a difficult lambing. The causes of this pathology
Dimensions and drawings of machines for milking goats and how to make them yourself
Keeping livestock in general, and goats in particular, is accompanied by difficult constant labor - distribution
How many times a day should a goat be milked after lambing and rules for performing the procedure
The goat is a productive, unpretentious domestic animal, which both large farmers and
Top 8 breeds of downy goats, their characteristics and comparison
The down breed of goats is bred for their down. This is a light, almost weightless raw material from which
Dimensions and drawings of sheds for goats, how to make and equip them with your own hands
Keeping and breeding goats takes into account the characteristics of pets. For the cold season
The best way to feed a pregnant goat and the animal’s diet before and after lambing
The gestation period in goats (gestation) lasts an average of 5 months (140-160 days). Best period
Advantages and disadvantages of goat wool, classification and where it is used
Fluffy goat hair is created by nature itself for the benefit of humans. Soft, warm clothing protects against
Types of milking machines for goats and their pros and cons, how to make it yourself
Typically, farmers keep several goats on their farm at once. Milking them by hand is long and difficult.
How many months does a pregnant goat walk, calendar and pregnancy table
How long does a pregnant goat walk before giving birth to a kid? Usually the duration lasts 150
What is the best way to feed a goat after lambing to increase milk production? Diet preparation
What can you feed a goat immediately after lambing? It is recommended to give the female goat that has given birth to a warm sweet drink.


