Worms are acquired in goats as a result of poor hygiene in the premises where livestock is kept, consumption of contaminated food and water, and contact with already infested animals. It is important to diagnose a worm infestation in time and begin to treat it, since the infestation has a detrimental effect on the quality of meat and milk, affects the well-being of the animal, the state of its immune system, and in advanced cases can lead to the death of the goat.
Causes of infection
Helminthiasis, commonly known as worms, is caused by the introduction of larvae of parasitic worms into the animal's body. Methods of treatment and diagnosis differ depending on what type of worms the goat is infested with:
- Cestodes are flat tapeworms. Initially they are introduced into the lungs, kidneys and brain, and as they grow older they move to the intestines. A goat can become infected through contact with the feces of domestic and wild animals in the pasture - foxes, cats, wolves, dogs;
- trematodes are fluke worms. Causes liver and pancreas damage in goats;
- nematodes - some worms from this group can live and develop in the soil for up to several years in a row. They can parasitize in the stomach, intestines, lungs, bronchi, and brain.
It is difficult to avoid infecting livestock with worms, since the larvae of the parasites can be found anywhere. Therefore, regular prevention of invasion is very important, both in the form of compliance with sanitary standards when keeping animals and carrying out preventive anthelmintic therapy.
The main sources of worm infestation in goats are:
- fresh herbs;
- wetlands of pastures;
- hay, straw;
- unwashed root crops and vegetables used in feeding goats;
- dirty dishes from which animals are fed and watered;
- low quality grain;
- wild and domestic animals, birds, as well as some insects (dragonflies).
Animals with weakened immune systems (low fat condition, poor quality of care) are more often affected by worms, in the absence of regular treatments.
Over time, an immune response develops to most helminths - due to the content of antibodies in the blood of goats, the development of parasites is suppressed.
The main symptoms of helminths
Signs of helminthiasis in animals may differ depending on which group of parasites affects the body, as well as what disease the invasion led to the development of. Most often, goats show symptoms of moniesiosis and fascioliasis.
Moniesiosis is a pathology that develops when a large number of tapeworm larvae reproduce in the small intestine.
The disease affects goats when they eat grass in a pasture that is infested with ticks. They are intermediate organisms that transmit parasite larvae to goats. Symptoms of monieziosis are as follows:
- diarrhea alternating with constipation;
- deterioration of appetite up to complete refusal to eat;
- reduction in body weight and milk yield.
If the farmer pays attention to the changed condition of the goat, he will notice small light segments of the parasite in the animal’s feces. Fascioliasis is a disease that goats suffer more often in the winter and spring. It develops when the liver is damaged by brown flat parasites reaching a length of 3 centimeters. Worms lay offspring inside the liver, in the bile ducts, from where the eggs pass along with digested food into the intestines, and from there with feces out.
Fascioliasis is manifested by weakness and increased fatigue of the animal, loss of appetite. The disease often becomes chronic, and its symptoms resemble hepatitis:
- bloating;
- alternating diarrhea and constipation;
- temperature increase;
- weight loss.
It is important to pay attention to the symptoms of worms in a timely manner, since the infestation significantly worsens the quality of life of the animal, and through contaminated meat and milk, the larvae and eggs of parasites can be transmitted to humans.
Diagnostic methods
It is not always possible to detect particles of adult worms in goat feces. It is better to invite a veterinarian who will take animal feces or a smear for analysis. The research is carried out in several ways:
- sequential flush method;
- floration method;
- making a native smear;
- allergy tests;
- serological diagnosis.
The results of the study are compared with the clinical picture, after which therapy is selected.
How to get rid of worms from a goat
The following drugs are used for deworming:
- "Panacur";
- "Acemidophen";
- "Polytreme";
- "Bithionol";
- "Nelverm";
- "Tetramizole".
The drugs can be given with food, dissolved in water, and there are also injectable forms among the drugs. The dosage and frequency of use is determined by the veterinarian. It is important to repeat the treatment after one and a half to two weeks, even if the instructions for using the product do not indicate this.
The first dose of the medicine will destroy adult worms, and the second will affect worms that have developed within 2 weeks.
Possible consequences
The consequences of helminthiasis can be severe if the farmer does not diagnose the disease and does not take timely treatment measures:
- inflammation and necrotization of pancreatic tissue;
- blockage of the bile ducts by a ball of helminths;
- inflammation of the liver with the development of hepatitis, cirrhosis;
- damage to the central nervous system due to the proliferation of worm larvae in the brain;
- chronic respiratory and bronchopulmonary diseases, with helminths localized in the upper and lower respiratory tract.
In severe cases, when helminthiasis causes chronic systemic diseases, they can lead to exhaustion and subsequent death of the animal.
Prevention measures
To prevent goats from getting worms, you need to:
- quarantine and treat new goats and farm escapees;
- ensure that foreign animals do not enter the farm territory and livestock grazing areas;
- install disinfection barriers;
- purchase feed from trusted suppliers;
- collect feed in places where livestock are not grazed;
- feed and water animals from clean dishes.
To destroy insects, which are intermediate organisms for bearing parasite eggs, it is necessary to treat pastures where goats will graze with insecticides. Adults are regularly destroyed by treatment with prophylactic doses of anthelmintic drugs. To get rid of eggs and larvae of worms, it is necessary to disinfect the premises and subject the manure to heat treatment.
Is it possible to consume milk and meat?
Using common anti-worm medications, milk can be consumed 3-5 days after treatment of goats. It is allowed to slaughter animals for meat 7-10 days after the end of anthelmintic therapy.
It is important to diagnose the presence of worms in time and treat goats. Adult animals infected with worms will excrete parasite larvae and eggs in large quantities, risking infecting young animals, which suffer helminthiasis more severely. There will be a decrease in body weight gain per day, and the beginning of mortality among young goats is possible.