Description and characteristics of goats of the Bital breed, rules of care and maintenance

Dairy goats are always in demand. Bital is an unpretentious breed of goat that is rarely found on farms. The main value of the breed is high-calorie milk, which is pleasant to drink fresh, since there is no specific smell. Very tasty cheeses and cottage cheese are also made from full-fat milk. A big plus of the Beatal goats is their omnivorous nature.

Origin and significance of the breed

The regions of Northern India and Pakistan are considered the birthplace of the Bital goats. Producing fatty milk (about 5.03%) is the main goal of animal breeding.Higher calcium content makes milk healthier for people with arthritis. It is noteworthy that the milk does not have a specific goat odor, is very nutritious and is suitable for consumption by persons suffering from allergies to cow's milk. On average, 170 liters of milk are milked from one individual. The highest productivity of goats begins after the fourth or fifth lactation.

The bital is also bred for the purpose of obtaining meat, since the weight of the male and female can reach 65 and 45 kg, respectively. But the self-sufficiency of goats is still higher when raising dairy animals.

Description and characteristics

Beetal goats have a medium build, but males grow significantly larger than females. The body is massive with a small stature. On the neat head, the large nose of the “Roman” profile stands out in a peculiar way. Beatals have long legs and a small tail. A distinctive feature of the breed is its long, drooping ears. The rough coat grows at medium length and does not have a specific shade characteristic of the breed. There are individuals of black or white color, golden brown with white pigmentation.

Spiral-shaped horns, turned backwards, grow in both males and females. But goats' horns grow shorter. Goats begin to give birth at just under two years of age. Each year, one individual bears one or two kids.

goat bital

Main advantages and disadvantages

Beetals are distinguished by their endurance and ability to develop normally in various conditions. Other positive qualities of the breed deserve attention:

  • animals are omnivorous. They are not at all capricious in their choice of food; they eat thin branches and straw very well;
  • goats fully develop in open pastures and in closed farm conditions;
  • with good care, daily milk yield is 4-6 liters of milk;
  • high-calorie milk can be consumed fresh and mixed with cow's or sheep's milk to produce all kinds of cheese;
  • goats are suitable for raising on farms where there is no grazing space.

This breed is not often found on farms. The main disadvantage of bital goats is their high cost. You also need to take into account that their natural habitats are warm countries, so animals do not tolerate low temperatures well.

a lot of goats

Rules of maintenance and care

A draft-free, ventilated, dry and clean room is suitable for raising livestock. When planning a goat house, a cage with an area of ​​2-25 sq.m is allocated for the queen with kids, 2 sq.m for the female goat, and 1.5 sq.m for single queens. Each cage must be equipped with a feeder. For feeding vegetables and thick mash, buckets are used, which are left next to the feeder.

It is not recommended to make a concrete floor, since a hard surface increases humidity in the room. A wooden covering is better, but a layer of straw 20-25 cm thick is laid on top. In winter, the temperature in the goat's rue should not fall below 6-8 °C. When newborns appear, the temperature should be 9-11 °C.

Advice! The lower the room temperature in winter, the lower the milk yield and the slower the kids grow.

Animals need to be examined regularly. Contaminated hair is cut off, and the hooves are periodically carefully trimmed. Specific hours are allocated for milking. The best option is an hour after feeding. If kids are weaned from the uterus, then milk is milked 4-5 times a day. Be sure to wash the udder before milking.

What to feed the animal

If goats are raised for commercial purposes (to produce high-quality fatty milk), then the issue of diet is of particular importance. When choosing feed, take into account the time of year:

  • In winter, the basis of the diet is roughage at the rate of 1.5-2.5 kg per day. Be sure to add meadow or forest hay to the diet (450-500 kg for an adult). Sometimes hay is replaced with birch, poplar, and willow brooms with leaves (3-5 pieces per day);
  • In summer, goats are best grazed on pastures. The animal eats approximately 7-8 kg of grass per day. An animal kept in a pen is fed 7-8 kg of cut grass, and additionally given beet tops, carrots, and cabbage leaves.

Feeding schedule significantly affects milk volume. It is recommended that bital goats receive three meals a day (in the morning at 6-7 o’clock, lunch at 12-13 o’clock, dinner at 18-19). If the diet for one feeding consists of different types of feed, you need to alternate them. Initially they feed the mash with mixed feed, then succulent feed and finish with roughage. Dinner includes easily digestible food (mixed feed, root vegetables). To increase milk production, goats are given water 2-3 times a day (2.5-4 liters of clean warm water at a time).

feeding goats

Subtleties of breeding

Beetal goats are known for their cleanliness, so it is important to keep their cages dry. When breeding the breed, you need to take into account that males become sexually mature at the age of 12-15 months. The female, aged 20-22 months, is ready to bear offspring. A goat gives birth to a kid weighing 3-3.4 kg. Pregnancy lasts 5 months, lactation period – up to 180 days.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

The emergence and development of diseases is provoked by poor-quality animal husbandry, poor diet, and non-compliance with quarantine measures.Common diseases of small ruminants:

  • mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands) is a non-infectious disease that is treated with antibiotics. Appears when the udder is injured, improper milking, or poor living conditions. Preventive measures – regular cleaning of cages, proper care of the udder before and after milking;
  • Rheumatism of the joints appears when goats are kept in damp, cold rooms. Symptoms: joints swell, the animal has difficulty moving, and appetite decreases. The main treatment is to rub the diseased joints with special ointments, and give sodium salicylic acid during feeding. Prevention - regular replacement of bedding, insulation of premises.

Infectious diseases, some of which are transmitted to humans (brucellosis), deserve special attention. If the disease is detected, patients are isolated. Places of detention are thoroughly disinfected. Preventive measures: constant inspection of animals, quarantine of new arrivals, control over the quality of feed and living conditions.

Goats are bred for milk, meat, and wool. When choosing, preference is given to dairy breeds. Bital deserves the attention of owners of both large-scale farms and small farms. Goats produce rich milk, are unpretentious in food and adapt to life in different conditions.
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