The benefits and harms of goat milk for the body, chemical composition and how to choose

Fresh goat milk is the healthiest product in the world. If you drink it from childhood, you will never have problems with the heart, stomach, teeth and bones. This is an excellent prevention of tuberculosis. As many people age, lactase deficiency develops. In this case, you can switch to fermented milk products and cheeses. The main thing is to never give up goat milk. After all, the more often a person uses it, the longer he lives.

From a goat or from a cow

On an industrial scale, cows are usually raised. After all, these animals, although they eat more, give up to 20 liters of milk per day. Goats are mainly raised by small farms. These animals eat three times less feed per day than cows, but produce only 3-6 liters of milk.

A variety of dairy products are presented on store shelves. Most often they sell cow's milk and cheeses made from it. In the meat departments there is no special excitement about goat meat either.

Counts, that goat's milk is healthier than cow's milk. This is partly true. Goat's milk is fattier than cow's milk. It contains more substances useful for the human body (calcium, light protein and fat, vitamin A). Cow's milk has a higher content of vitamins PP, B2, B4, B5, B12 and elements - zinc, chromium, cobalt. The composition of other beneficial substances is approximately the same, but the bioavailability of goat's is much better. True, the composition of this product depends on the diet of the animals and their state of health.

Usually, fat content of cow's milk is 3.4-3.7 percent, goat - 4-8 percent. Goats get sick less often and receive GMO feed and antibiotics. Their milk is cleaner and safer. Cow milk can lead to increased production of mucus in the nose (rhinitis). This never happens with a goat.

For young children, goat milk is recommended to be boiled and diluted with water to avoid diarrhea. Only in this case is it completely safe and will not cause flatulence or bloating. Goat's milk is digested easier and faster than cow's milk, so it is less likely to cause allergies. In addition, it has the properties of prebiotics, that is, it populates the intestines with beneficial bifidobacteria (not boiled). True, children and older people who are allergic to cow's milk are also not recommended to drink goat's milk.

goat milk

Chemical composition

Nutritional value and chemical composition of goat milk (per 100 g, as a percentage of 100%):

  • calorie content - 68 Kcal;
  • fats - 6.18% or 4.2 g;
  • proteins - 3.26% or 3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.19% or 4.5 g;
  • water - 3.18% or 87 grams.

Essential vitamins and elements (as a percentage of 100%):

  • A - 6.7%;
  • B2— 7.8%;
  • B5 - 6%;
  • N - 6.2%;
  • RR - 5%;
  • potassium - 5.8%;
  • calcium - 14%;
  • magnesium - 3.5%;
  • sodium - 3.6%;
  • phosphorus - 11%;
  • molybdenum - 10%.

Useful properties of milk

Goat milk and products made from it are useful at any age. After all, the body always needs proteins, fats and amino acids of animal origin. A glass of goat milk contains 380 mg of calcium, that is, 1/3 of the daily requirement for an adult.

For women

There is nothing more valuable for the female body than goat milk. Especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This product saturates the body with all nutrients, vitamins and minerals. True, the most benefits come from fresh and unboiled milk. Although such a product without boiling can only be taken from an absolutely healthy goat that has all the vaccinations.

All beneficial substances are stored in fresh milk for 2 hours after milking. After a while, the growth of pathogenic microflora in it is activated. It is safer to boil milk, especially milk bought at the market. After all, it is unknown what the manufacturer is sick with, that is, milk goat. A pregnant woman needs to drink at least 1 glass of goat milk per day. This product will help keep the expectant mother’s teeth healthy and will also benefit the development of the fetus.

goat milk

Goat milk proteins are quickly absorbed by the body of women.In addition, they are carriers of immunoglobulins, that is, substances involved in the production of antibodies against viruses and bacteria (though for kids). Casein contained in proteins, after digestion, forms substances with a calming effect. Goat's milk is good for relaxing and relieving stress. It is useful to drink to reduce blood pressure, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

If women suffer from lactase intolerance to cow's milk, they will most likely like goat's milk.

After all, it contains 10 percent less lactose. You can switch to yoghurts and fermented milk products. It is better to use pharmaceutical enzymes that are missing for the breakdown of milk carbohydrates. It is recommended to avoid goat products only in case of allergies. Although goat's milk, unlike cow's, does not contain the most allergenic alpha-c1-casein.

For men

Goat milk is good for drinking not only for children, but even for adult men. After all, this high-calorie product quickly saturates the body with all useful and healing substances. Digestion of fat begins already in the stomach; along the way, milk reduces acidity, so it is useful to drink for men suffering from abdominal pain, that is, with gastritis and ulcers. It is recommended to consume live, not boiled milk to normalize the bacterial intestinal microflora.

Goat's milk, rich in calcium and vitamin A, is good for bones and teeth. This product improves metabolic processes, normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems, and has a positive effect on potency. In addition, it is an excellent sedative that allows you to fall asleep quickly. This product also reduces the degree of intoxication and breaks down alcohol into safe acetic acid. Goat milk has a diuretic effect. It quickly removes harmful toxins from the body.It is recommended to drink it in case of any poisoning.

True, with age, many people develop lactase deficiency. It’s just how a person is designed that he needs milk only in childhood. With age, the small intestine often stops producing the enzyme (lactase) that breaks down milk carbohydrates, that is, milk sugar. With lactase deficiency, bloating and flatulence are observed.

You can switch to lactose-free goat products or yoghurts, sour cream, and cheeses. However, it should be remembered that lactase deficiency is not an allergy. People can only have an allergic reaction to proteins, but not to carbohydrates. Only one percent of people suffer from an allergy to goat's milk; with this disease, you can't drink it at all.

For children

Goat's milk is more easily absorbed by the child's body; its composition, thanks to the protein albumin, is close to breast milk. In addition, it does not cause digestive upset. This product is given even to newborns with their imperfect digestive system. True, before use it is boiled and diluted with water.

The benefits are obvious. After all, goat milk contains all the necessary substances for the normal growth and development of an infant. Porridge and various dishes for baby food are prepared on it. Goat meat is less likely to cause allergies in infants. It is absorbed by the child's body in just 30 minutes.

goat milk

True, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky recommends giving this milk to children only starting from 1 year, and sometimes from 3 years. There are also mixtures based on goat milk. This product is easily digested even by the infant’s digestive tract.

In any case, all the advantages are on the side of goat milk. It is better to give cow's milk to older children, because it contains more iron and other minerals and vitamins.Cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, even butter are made from goat milk for children. This product rarely causes obesity, allergies and stomach problems.

How it is used in folk medicine

Hippocrates wrote about the medicinal properties of goat milk many centuries ago. He prescribed this product to patients from 20 diseases. The great doctor of antiquity used it to treat stomach, blood diseases, heart, and colds. Goat's, or rather goat's, milk has been used throughout the centuries as a means to prevent and treat tuberculosis. It helped with rickets, exhaustion, and cancer. This product has long been taken for quick recovery from illness.

In the villages, goats were bred to provide the family with milk and the beneficial vitamins and minerals it contained all year round. In winter, it saved people from colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia. In the spring - it replenishes the supply of vitamins. In the summer it gave strength to do heavy agricultural work.

goat milk

Goat milk is still used for treatment today. It is drunk for radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis. Used for colds, anemia, exhaustion, injuries and bone diseases. This product also soothes the stomach; it is always drunk for any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially gastritis and ulcers. Goat milk has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, improves the condition of the blood and blood vessels.

Goat milk for weight loss

This is an excellent product for dietary nutrition. As you know, to lose weight, you just need to eat less. This is the whole problem. The stomach constantly growls and demands food. Fatty, oddly enough, goat's milk comes to the rescue.

Just one glass of it causes a feeling of fullness and a reluctance to eat for several hours.After all, an increased fat content inhibits gastric secretion and slows down the evacuation of food from the stomach. The fattier the milk, the less gastric juice is released to digest it. This means that it stays in the stomach longer. The value of skim milk in this regard is reduced to zero.

The benefits and harms of goat milk for the body, chemical composition and how to choose

Use in cosmetology

Goat milk turns out to help with acne. True, it is advisable to use a sour product - wash your face with it. Lactic acid “acidifies” the surface of the skin, which is very beneficial for its condition. Indeed, with acne, on the contrary, the pH shifts to the alkaline side.

You can wash your face with milk at any age. This product smoothes out wrinkles, makes the skin whiter, radiant, healthy, and clean. It is recommended to rinse your hair after washing with goat's milk, not cow's milk. This is the best remedy for dandruff, flaking, and dryness.

Harm and contraindications

Goat's milk doesn't have many disadvantages compared to cow's milk. True, there are a number of contraindications. This product is prohibited for use by people with liver and pancreas diseases. Fats can put additional stress on these organs. It is better to dilute the product with water, that is, reduce the fat content. Goat's milk should not be consumed if you have allergies. If you have lactase deficiency, you can drink fermented milk products or take pharmacy lactase.

Rules for selecting and storing goat milk

It is advisable to buy goat milk in the store. In this case, attention should be paid to the expiration date. You can buy fresh milk at the market. However, it is recommended to boil it before use. Boiled milk can be stored in the refrigerator for about 7 days or in the freezer for up to 30 days.

It is used to prepare milk porridges, baked goods, pancakes or pancakes.Fresh milk can be drunk without boiling, but only if it comes from a 100% healthy goat. It is better to get a pet to get this product. True, this recommendation is useful only to residents of rural areas.
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