Is it possible to keep a goat in an apartment, suitable breeds and pros and cons

Keeping goats in an apartment has certain features. This is generally not recommended. However, if such a need is still present, it is better to choose special breeds. They are small in size and unpretentious to living conditions. However, it is still important to adhere to certain conditions and provide the animals with a balanced diet.

Is it possible to keep a goat in an apartment?

Keeping goats at home is not recommended. However, there are some breeds that can be raised at home. These include dwarf goats. They are distinguished by a high degree of intelligence and are easy to train.A kid can, in principle, be toilet trained, but unpleasant surprises are inevitable.

It is worth considering that goats by nature love to climb high places. Therefore, a closet or refrigerator will not become a hindrance for them. Also, animals will be able to chew everything that gets in their way. These could be curtains or tablecloths.

These animals are considered herd animals, so they easily get along with the rest of the inhabitants of the house. To breed dwarf goats successfully, it is worth taking several individuals. In this case, they will not be bored. In addition, the number of cubs will increase.

If the goat lives at home, it will need so-called slippers. Otherwise, hooves will clatter throughout the apartment. The animal needs its own corner. It is recommended to toilet train him. When choosing bedding material, you should use straw.

Dwarf goats have healthy meat and milk. They do not emit odor. In comfortable conditions they can live more than 19 years. The number of animals lambing significantly exceeds that of other breeds. Therefore, at minimal cost it will be possible to obtain a large increase. Many experts advise breeding Cameroonian dwarf goats at home - they look very attractive and delight gourmets.

Suitable breeds

The most suitable dwarf breeds for indoor growing are Cameroonian and Nigerian. The main difference is the physique. Cameroonians are more muscular and dense. At the same time, Nigerians are distinguished by their elegance and have light bones.

Cameroon goats are characterized by a stocky build. Their robust body is tightly built and appears compact. The weight of adult animals reaches 14-25 kilograms. Moreover, their height is 40-50 centimeters.The body is approximately 70 centimeters long.

The wool has attractive colors. Typically goats are black, brown, and white in color. They can also be combined with each other.

Nigerian goats have a slightly taller stature, slender legs, a refined head, and an elongated body. The height at the withers reaches 60-70 cm, and the weight does not exceed 30 kg. Wool can have a variety of shades. Goats are black, white, brown. Mottled shades are also possible. Dwarf goats have very beautiful babies. The babies look very cute. It's hard to resist them.

goats walking

Advantages and disadvantages

Dwarf breeds have many advantages. These include the following:

  • unpretentiousness in food;
  • good health;
  • high productivity parameters;
  • small sizes;
  • resistance to severe frost or heat;
  • unpretentiousness to living conditions.

The animals are also considered friendly. They have a calm disposition and are easy to train. Cameroonian goats have a hard time withstanding loneliness. Therefore, it is worth buying several animals. Among the disadvantages, it is recommended to note the tendency to aggressive behavior in stressful situations or when frightened. Goats also have difficulty adapting to high humidity or dampness.

Requirements for maintenance and care

Keeping small goats does not require a lot of money and time. The following rules should be taken into account:

  • 1 animal must have more than 1 square meter;
  • it is important to ensure a temperature of +17-20 degrees;
  • High humidity should be avoided;
  • the habitat should be brought closer to natural – goats are considered jumping and curious by nature;
  • short daylight hours require the use of additional lighting;
  • it is important to use straw bedding;
  • Water and feed pets only from clean dishes;
  • It is recommended to water goats 2 times a day - in summer it is worth using cool water, and in winter it is better to give warm water.

Goats have a simple diet. In addition to straw and hay, they can be fed oats, barley, and corn kernels. It is strictly forbidden to use food from the human table. Bread is considered forbidden food. At the same time, it is permissible to give fruits and vegetables to animals.

a lot of goats


Branches, cabbage, and fresh grass are suitable for feeding animals. It is also permissible to use grains, carrots, beets, and apples. Dwarf goats love boiled potatoes and compound feed. It is also allowed to use fresh Jerusalem artichoke, corn, and chopped oats. There should be some whole grains in your daily menu.

A prerequisite for raising goats is the availability of a sufficient amount of clean drinking water. In winter it should be warm. In summer, it is recommended to release pygmy goats into the meadow. It is recommended to prepare a lot of hay for the winter. It is important that it is of high quality.

Dwarf breeds are prone to overeating. This negatively affects their health. Animals become passive and lethargic, their life expectancy is reduced, and their immune system is weakened. In this case, females lose the ability to bear healthy offspring. You should not include a lot of protein foods in your diet, as this leads to serious allergies.

Keeping goats in an apartment is considered a controversial issue. Farmers usually do not advise doing this. However, it is still permissible to breed some dwarf breeds, providing them with careful care and a balanced diet.
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