The winter landscape looks rather faded and does not please with the variety of colors. But with the onset of heat, the situation changes. Bright and beautiful spring flowers enliven nature and evoke many positive emotions. They help awaken the earth from sleep and allow you to diversify the appearance of the garden plot. Below is the TOP 60 spring primrose flowers with names and descriptions.
- Scillas
- Snowdrop
- Crocus
- Tulip
- Erantis
- Scopolia
- Brandisha variegated
- Narcissus
- Hyacinth
- Muscari
- Kandyk
- Anemone
- spring primrose
- Yellow goose onion
- Lungwort
- Adonis spring
- Corydalis
- Kaluzhnitsa
- liverwort
- Iridodictium
- Spring whiteflower
- Chionodoxa Lucilia
- Grouse
- Anemonela
- Pushkinia
- Chistyak spring
- Jeffersonia
- Perennial daisy
- Juno
- Veronica dubravnaya
- Lumbago
- Fragrant violet
- Buttercup
- Dwarf iris
- Aubrieta
- Swimsuit
- Brunner
- Poultry farmer
- Periwinkle
- Lily of the valley
- Badan
- Pansies
- Dicentra
- Forget-me-not
- Hyacinthoides hispanica
- Doronicum
- Arabis alpine
- Sharovnitsa
- Mimosa bashful
- Phlox subulate
- Aquilegia
- Iberis
- Darmera thyroid
- Chickweed
- Thrift
- Peony
- Hellebore
- Freesia
- Bulbocodium
- Phlox soddy
These flowers evoke strong associations with spring for many. They are often considered forest plants, but they can also add beauty to any garden. Scillas are often used to decorate rockeries and alpine slides. Blue flowers look great against the background of the lawn. Siberian woodlands are considered especially popular. They begin to bloom in late March and feature attractive blue bell-shaped flowers.
At the same time, the varietal varieties are much more diverse. They can be blue, white, pink, purple. In appearance, scillas resemble snowdrops, but have blue flowers.
These plants are bulbous perennials. They are non-capricious and independent cultures. It is best to plant flowers in loose and fertile soil. They reproduce well both by self-sowing and by dividing bulbs. These plants are characterized by high resistance to frost. However, for the winter, it is better to cover the bed with blueberries with leaves.
This plant belongs to the Amarylis family. In botany, this culture is called “galanthus”. From Latin this word is translated as “milk”. The plant is found everywhere in different countries of Europe, Asia Minor, and on the western coast of the Caspian Sea.
Snowdrops are characterized by a very short flowering period, but it occurs quite early - March 15-25. Plants are found in clearings, mountain slopes, and meadows. They have drooping and rather graceful flowers with concave petals. Plants are always milky white or greenish in color. The culture is quite unpretentious. In summer cottages, it is planted in groups, placed on alpine hills, in ridges or under tall trees.
Botanical varieties of crocuses bloom first, followed by hybrid varieties. These plants look best in a group. This makes them more noticeable and expressive. You can combine different types of crocuses or plant them next to other spring flowers.
Such plants look especially attractive against the background of stones. At the same time, the contrast of delicate flowers with large boulders looks very decorative. That’s why these flowers are often placed on rocky hills and rock gardens. Crocuses also look great on the lawn. However, you can start mowing the grass only after the foliage has completely withered.
It is recommended to plant crocuses in the fall. Moreover, they develop equally well in the shade and in the sun. However, in well-lit areas, flowering will be brighter and more luxuriant. Like other bulbous plants, crocuses prefer loose soil that drains moisture well. In this case, stagnation of water causes the bulbs to rot.
Crocuses are considered very unpretentious plants. Their bulbs do not need to be dug up every year for the winter. Wilted flowers should be removed so that they do not spoil the attractiveness of the composition. Before the onset of cold weather, the bed with crocuses can be covered with a mulching layer of leaves or compost.Daughter bulb shoots are used for plant propagation.
This is a common bulbous crop that has a short growing season. The plant belongs to the Liliaceae family. It is native to the mountainous and arid regions of Central Asia.
The earliest varieties of tulips bloom quite early. This happens already at the end of March. At the same time, plants develop better in well-lit areas. The structure of the bud always includes 6 petals. They can be smooth, terry, corrugated. The color of the flowers is also different. They can be plain, variegated, striped, spotted. Breeders managed to develop more than 3 thousand varieties of tulips.
From Latin the name of this flower is translated as “spring”. It belongs to the Buttercup family and grows in the southern regions of Europe and Asia. The culture is also found in Turkey, Afghanistan and the USA. One of the varieties of the plant lives in the mountains of Siberia.
The flowering time of the crop coincides with the melting of snow. Under natural conditions, Erantis is found in deciduous forests and mountainous areas. Single cup-shaped flowers have 5-8 rounded petals. They may have yellow or whitish tints. Almost all varieties of wild crops can be grown in summer cottages.
This is a perennial plant from the Solanaceae family. It got its name in honor of the naturalist Giovanni Scopoli. The plant is found in the highlands of Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.
Flowering of scopolia begins immediately after the snow melts. This occurs at the end of March or beginning of April. The culture is found in shady places and has axillary drooping bell-shaped flowers.They have a greenish or purple color.
Brandisha variegated
This primrose belongs to the Colchicum family. The plant is very widespread and has a pleasant aroma. Brandushka grows in Moldova, Ukraine, Southern and Central Europe.
Brandushka begins to bloom a little later than the early bulbous crops. This happens in the first half of April. In nature, the crop usually grows in open areas or on hills near river floodplains. The flowers are elongated funnel-shaped and resemble saffron. The petals have a delicate lilac-pink hue. In summer cottages, the flower is planted en masse in groups. It is used to decorate rocky gardens and alpine slides.
This perennial plant is quite unpretentious. Depending on the climate, flowering may begin from March to May. The flower reaches 10-60 centimeters. At the same time, the color and structure are different.
The perennial crop is unpretentious and frost-resistant. She prefers to grow in well-lit areas or in partial shade. The plant requires fertile and well-drained soil. It is best to plant flowers in large groups. They can be placed near shrubs and trees, combined with other perennials.
Blooming hyacinths look very attractive. They are difficult to compare with other spring flowers. Hyacinths are recommended to be planted in September. However, there is also the option of planting in the spring - after the ground has warmed up sufficiently.
Hyacinth is a bulbous crop. When caring for it, it is worth considering that the bulbs should be watered moderately. If there is excess moisture, there is a risk of crop rotting. This will lead to the death of the plant.
These are quite unpretentious flowers that are well suited for summer cottages. Today many species of such plants are known. This leads to the fact that the timing of flowering of crops differs significantly. The very first species bloom at the end of March.
Growing a crop does not require much effort. To do this, in September you need to choose a place in the flowerbed and plant the plant in the ground. Each year the bulb will produce many shoots. Thanks to this, the flower will quickly occupy the space allocated for it.
It is impossible to completely dig up the plant. Small bulbs may get lost and then sprout again the next year. That’s why gardeners plant muscari in homemade or purchased baskets. It is best to combine the culture with other colors.
This is a rather rare crop that belongs to the Liliaceae family. It mainly lives in the south of Siberia, in the mountains of Europe and North America, in Japan and the Caucasus. From the Turkic language the name of the culture is translated as “dog tooth”.
Kandyk makes its way right out from under the snow. Moreover, its flowering begins in early April. Usually the crop grows in the alpine belt near melting snow. It is also found in meadows and tundras.
The plant is characterized by large drooping flowers. They have bent petals that bend strongly outward. Flowers can be yellow, pink-lilac or white.
This plant is also called anemone. Early species are called oak anemone or buttercup anemone. The culture blooms during the swelling of the buds on the trees. In summer cottages the plant becomes larger.
The flower looks great in combination with dwarf barberries and spirea.To plant the crop, you need to choose moist alkaline soil that contains a lot of humus. However, if necessary, the plant can adapt to any conditions.
spring primrose
This plant reaches a height of 10-20 centimeters. It is distinguished by bright yellow flowers that form an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. The flowering of the crop begins at the end of April or in the first half of May and continues for several weeks. Spring primrose is propagated by dividing the bush or by seeds. The plant grows well in the shade and in lighted areas.
Yellow goose onion
This plant is also called yellow eider. It belongs to the Liliaceae family and is a typical bulbous crop. It is found in almost all European countries. Goose onions also grow in Siberia and the Caucasus.
The culture blooms already in April. The plant grows well in deciduous forests and in places where shrubs accumulate. The flowers are shaped like stars. They are yellow on the inside and greenish on the outside. All fragments of the culture include garlic essential oils, which smell of sulfur.
The inflorescences of this plant simultaneously contain dark blue and pink flowers. There are many beautiful legends associated with this. However, from a scientific point of view it is not difficult to explain this phenomenon.
Anthocyanins, which are responsible for the color of the petals, change their shade depending on the acidity parameters of the cell sap. When levels decrease, anthocyanins become blue, and when levels increase, they become pink. As flowers age, the acidity of their juice decreases. This is why anthocyanins turn blue.
Adonis spring
The culture received its name in honor of the attractive guy whom Aphrodite fell in love with.The plant belongs to the Buttercup family. It has become widespread in western Siberia. The culture is also found in Switzerland and Germany.
The plant's buds appear at the same time as the leaves. This happens in April or May. The culture is found in the steppes and forest edges. The flowers are of the chamomile type and include 10-20 small elongated petals. They are characterized by a yellow or lemon color. It is important to note that this plant is poisonous.
There are approximately 320 species of corydalis growing in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. This is one of the earliest flowers, which allows you to decorate the area immediately after winter. Corydalis begin to grow under the snow - in March. In April, attractive tassel-shaped inflorescences appear on the bushes. In the forest, corydalis are beautifully diluted with thickets of white oak anemone.
This plant belongs to the Buttercup family. The perennial crop is found in both hemispheres. She prefers temperate and cold climates. Most varieties of marigold begin to bloom in mid-spring. Under natural conditions, the culture is found in swamps and the banks of reservoirs.
Marigold flowers have a regular, classic shape. They include 5 or more petals. The plant is characterized by a yellow or white color. In landscape design, some plant varieties are used to decorate ponds.
This perennial plant belongs to the Buttercup family. The culture grows in the forests of Asia, North America, Western and Eastern Europe. The name of the plant is due to the fact that its leaves are shaped like a human liver.
Flowering begins in April or May. Under natural conditions, the culture is found in shady coniferous forests.Single flowers appear on the bushes, which have elongated and narrowed petals. The color can be blue, white or blue-violet. Almost all garden varieties were bred in Japan.
Such flowers are also called snowdrop irises, which begin to bloom with the arrival of spring - immediately after the snow melts. These bulbous perennials are frost-resistant, although they are visually similar to ordinary irises.
Such plants are small in size, but look very elegant and attractive. They have bright flowers of unusual shades - soft blue, blue, purple. There are also red and orange varieties. The diameter of the buds is 5-7 centimeters. The petals have an unusual pattern of spots and stripes.
The small size of the crop allows it to be used for decorating rocky gardens. They can be safely combined with other bulbous crops. It is better to place such plants in groups on lawns. In single plantings, iridodictium will look expressionless.
The plant prefers light and well-drained soil with a high content of nutrients. This crop needs a lot of light, which must be taken into account when choosing a planting location. It is recommended to dig up the bulbs in the summer. This should be done when the leaves die.
Plants should be planted at the same time as tulips. This is recommended to be done in early autumn. It is best to propagate them vegetatively. 1 adult bulb, as a rule, produces 1-2 replacement bulbs.
Spring whiteflower
This is a small bulbous crop that belongs to the Amaryllis family. It originates from southeastern Europe and is widespread in Iran, Turkey, and North Africa.This plant is also called white violet.
The flowering of the crop begins in mid-April. It is found in deciduous forests and prefers shade. The plant is decorated with wide bells hanging down with a delicate aroma. The flowers are always white. In this case, there is a greenish or yellow spot at the ends of the petals. The plant has been grown in summer cottages since the fifteenth century.
Chionodoxa Lucilia
This is one of the first spring plants and is found in several color variations. The culture is highly resistant to frost. In addition, it is considered low maintenance.
Chionodox is small in size. Under natural conditions, it grows in the mountains of Asia Minor and in the southern regions of Turkey. Flowering of the plant begins in early spring - in April-May. It lasts for 2-3 weeks. There are 10-15 wide bells on a thin stem of a peduncle. During flowering, the plant resembles a lush basket of flowers. It is lined with emerald leaves.
This is a spectacular bulbous plant that belongs to the Liliaceae family. Today, more than 150 varieties of wild hazel grouse are known. They are found in the Northern Hemisphere, preferring regions with temperate climates.
Hazel grouse sprouts emerge through the snow. This happens in mid-March. However, their flowering begins later - around mid-April. Wild flowers grow in the steppes and meadows. They are found surrounded by low bushes and on mountain slopes.
The hazel grouse is characterized by large flowers in the form of bells, hanging down. They gather on the top of a long peduncle, forming a crown-shaped inflorescence. The petals have different colors - orange, yellow, purple.In addition, there are white hazel grouse. There is also a checkerboard color scheme that combines 2 shades.
This plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and is often called sad anemone. In nature, the flower is found exclusively in the eastern part of North America. In this case, the plant blooms in April-May. It is found in mountainous areas and forests.
Flowers can form rare umbrella inflorescences or be arranged singly. They have a round shape and resemble an anemone in appearance. Under natural conditions, the plant can have different shades - from white to pink. Garden varieties are very diverse. They can be simple or terry.
This flower is a dwarf hyacinth that belongs to the Asparagus family. Pushkinia was named after the explorer Musin-Pushkin. It was he who led the expedition during which the flower was discovered.
Flowering of Pushkinia begins in March, but it reaches its peak in April. In nature, the plant is found among shrubs and forest edges. The bell-shaped flowers resemble a crown and include 6 elongated petals. They are light blue in color with a dark blue longitudinal stripe.
Chistyak spring
Chistyak belongs to the Buttercup family. It is a herbaceous perennial that is widespread in Eurasia. The culture is also found in the Middle East and northern Africa.
Taking into account the climate, flowering of the chistya begins in April or May. This plant prefers moist, damp areas. It can be found in lowlands, bushes or forest edges. The flowers are small in size and arranged one at a time.They have 7-10 long petals of a bright yellow hue.
This plant belongs to the Barberry family. It is native to North America and East Asia. Jeffersonia blooms from April to mid-May. Under natural conditions, the culture is quite rare. It is distinguished by simple flowers that include 6-8 rounded petals. They have a light purple or bluish color. Breeders also managed to develop other varieties of the plant - pink and white.
Perennial daisy
This is a very unusual crop that makes an excellent addition to the lawn. To do this, flower seeds need to be planted at the same time as the grass or a little later. Perennial daisies begin to bloom in May-June. They can be planted along paths.
The plant reproduces by self-sowing, so flowers appear in the beds every year. Daisies need to be planted in the ground in July, after which they need to be picked. Flowers are moved to a permanent site in September or early spring.
This herbaceous bulbous plant belongs to the Iris family. The culture has become widespread in Uzbekistan, northern Africa, and Afghanistan. It is also found in Mediterranean countries.
The flowering of the crop begins in April. Under natural conditions, it is found in desert areas and rocky steppes. Juno is characterized by tubular flowers with a six-lobed perianth. They have a pleasant aroma and are a bit like irises. The flowers come in different shades of cream. They can also have a soft purple or yellow color. Juno is characterized by a short growing season. Already in May, the entire above-ground part of the flower dies.
Veronica dubravnaya
This perennial plant from the Podorozhnikov family looks quite modest. Speedwell is found in Western Europe, Turkey, Canada, China and the USA. Its flowering begins in April. In nature, the flower is found in forest glades, gardens, and subalpine meadows.
Veronica is characterized by slightly pubescent flowers that include 4 petals. They are usually blue or deep blue in color. Sometimes flowers have a white border or dark veins. Quite often, oak veronica is grown in garden plots.
This is a rather rare spring plant. To plant it in your summer cottage, you should buy seeds in a specialized store. You can also purchase lumbago in a pot and plant it in a garden flower bed. When purchasing seeds, they should be planted in heated soil with a temperature of at least +20 degrees. It is best to do this in April. The plant develops normally only in light and well-drained soil.
Fragrant violet
This culture belongs to the Violet family. It has a characteristic pleasant aroma. Under natural conditions, the plant is found in European countries, the Balkans, and North Africa. The flower also grows in Asia and the Caucasus.
Flowering of the plant begins in late April or early May. This culture grows in well-lit places - mountain slopes and forest edges. The flowers are solitary and have 5 petals. In natural conditions, they are distinguished by a violet-blue color. Garden varieties can be white or pink.
This flower belongs to the Buttercup family. Most of the plant varieties are found in the Northern Hemisphere. The culture tolerates moderate and cool climates well.
Ranunculus blooms from late April to July. This plant prefers dampness and lives directly in water. In nature, the crop has five-petaled flowers that form complex inflorescences. However, most often they are simple and single. Garden varieties have different shapes. They may resemble roses or peonies.
Wild plants are characterized by a yellow color. Cultivated varieties can have a variety of shades - white, lemon, red. In total, there are more than 600 varieties of buttercups.
Dwarf iris
This plant belongs to the Iris family. In nature, the culture grows in European countries, the Caucasus, and Asia Minor. It is also found in the western regions of Russia. The cultivation of the plant occurred more than 100 years ago.
Flowering begins in late April or May. The dwarf iris prefers steppe areas, meadows, and saline fields. The flowers have a complex shape, which is characteristic of all irises. Wild varieties are predominantly blue. Garden varieties have a single-color, two-color, and spotted color. They may include stripes or speckles.
This evergreen crop belongs to the Brassica family. Aubrieta grows in southern Europe and the Middle East. The plant is also found in Asia Minor. The plant blooms in April or early May. It is found on rocks and river banks.
The culture is characterized by small flowers, which consist of 4 petals. They can be purple, light pink, or violet in color. White, red and blue flowers are also found. Aubrieta can be used to create a colorful garden carpet.
This plant belongs to the Buttercup family.It is found in Asia, Europe, North America. The swimsuit blooms in early May. It is mainly found in river valleys and forest clearings. This spherical flower has a closed or semi-open shape and includes 10-20 rounded petals. It has a bright and rich color - orange or bright yellow.
This early perennial plant has small blue flowers. The herbaceous crop forms bushes up to 50 centimeters in size. They are complemented by large heart-shaped leaves of bright olive color. Small flowers form paniculate inflorescences. The appearance of flower stalks is observed in mid-April and persists for 4 weeks.
Poultry farmer
This is a bulbous perennial crop that belongs to the Asparagus family. It is found in Eurasia, subtropical South America and Mediterranean countries. The flowering of the crop begins in mid-May.
Under natural conditions, the plant is found on the edges of the forest, surrounded by bushes and on rocky slopes. The bird's eye plant is characterized by star-shaped flowers. They have white or milky petals.
Periwinkle blooms begin in April. Most often, its petals are blue in color. However, sometimes there are other shades - lilac, red, white. Petals can be simple or double. The foliage also has a variety of colors - from standard green to patterned.
Periwinkle prefers moist soil. At the same time, it is advisable to plant it in shade or partial shade. Direct sunlight has a negative effect on the crop. During drought, the flower needs to be watered frequently.
Lily of the valley
This flower is considered one of the main spring symbols. It is recommended to plant lilies of the valley in the area in November. It is best to place them in the shade of bushes or trees.It is important to feed the soil well.
The plant is considered very undemanding. When growing a flower, it is important to water it regularly. Only in this case will the lily of the valley remain decorative for a long period of time.
This is a perennial plant native to Altai. This is precisely what is associated with the increased frost resistance of the crop. Bergenia is characterized by large rounded leaves of a dark green hue. The flowers are purple-pink in color and rise 20-30 centimeters above the leaves. Flowering of the crop begins in the first half of May and continues for 2-3 weeks. You can plant seeds in autumn or spring.
These flowers are very often used to decorate summer cottages. This is a biennial plant. Planting work must be carried out in early July. By autumn it is already possible to obtain seedlings. It should be planted in a permanent plot at the end of September or early spring. The flowering of the crop begins in early spring and continues until mid-summer. Most often it is used to create continuous flower beds or design ridges.
This plant belongs to the Poppy family. Its flowering begins in early May and continues until the end of June. Wild varieties live in shady areas, on northern slopes and in forests. The flowers are shaped like a heart and are arranged in racemes in a row. The most common shades are pink and crimson, contrasting with white.
This delicate flower belongs to the Borachnikov family. It is found in European countries, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The culture also grows in New Zealand and the USA. Most varieties of forget-me-nots begin to bloom in May-June. The culture prefers moist, shady areas and is found on the edges of swamps and along ponds.
The plant is characterized by small five-lobed petals, which are distinguished by an open bell-shaped shape. They form scroll or racemose inflorescences. As a rule, forget-me-nots are pale blue in color with a yellow center. However, white and pink varieties are also found.
Hyacinthoides hispanica
This plant belongs to the Asparagus family. Under natural conditions, this culture is found in European countries. Hyacinthoides begins to grow immediately after the soil warms up. As a rule, its flowering occurs in the last days of May. The culture grows in warm European forests, preferring sparse partial shade. The flowers look like bells and form sparse tassels. They have a blue or slightly pink tint. Breeders have also bred many hybrids that are yellow, white or pink in color.
This perennial belongs to the Astrov family. Wild varieties prefer temperate climates. Some varieties of Doronicum begin to bloom at the end of May. The plant is found in high mountain meadows. It can grow in well-lit areas or in shady areas.
The baskets are hemispherical or broadly bell-shaped. They are almost always solitary and have a golden-yellow color. According to various estimates, there are 40-60 varieties of such flowers. They are often planted in parks and summer cottages.
Arabis alpine
This crop belongs to the Cruciferous crop. It is found in the mountainous areas of Europe and America, in the northern Scandinavian countries, and in the Far East. Arabis begins to bloom in May. In nature, it lives on mountain slopes. The flowers are small. In this case, garden hybrids can be double or semi-double.
Arabis is characterized by a variety of shades - yellow, pink, white.There are also lilac varieties. The flower is popular among gardeners. It is an undemanding ground cover plant.
In botany, this culture is called globularia. It belongs to the plantain plants. This flower is found in Kazakhstan, European countries, and the northwestern regions of Africa. The culture begins to bloom at the end of May. It grows in open areas and on slopes that consist of limestone rocks.
The plant is characterized by single or spherical inflorescences covered with a large number of sharp petals. The culture has flowers of a blue-violet palette - from light blue to dark blue. In winter, the leaves of the plant, as a rule, do not fall off. Thanks to this, they remain decorative throughout the year.
Mimosa bashful
This plant is native to the subtropics of South America. This perennial belongs to the Legume family. It grows naturally in the tropical climate of America, but is grown in all warm climate regions.
Mimosa pudica blooms in May and continues until autumn. This crop grows in moist forests of the tropics and subtropics. During the flowering period, small voluminous balls appear on the bushes, which are located at the ends of the stems. The culture is distinguished by needle-shaped petals of different shades of pink and lilac. When touched, the plant curls and drops its leaves.
Phlox subulate
This popular perennial plant belongs to the Sinyukhov family and is distinguished by its elongated leaf shape. This culture comes from North America. Wild specimens are still found today in the eastern and central United States.
Phlox subulate begins to bloom in the second half of May. Sometimes this happens earlier. Under natural conditions, it lives on dry sandy hills.This culture is characterized by small flowers that form a tube at the base and have a delicate aroma. Their structure includes 5 flat-rounded petals.
Buds can be one-color or two-color. At the same time, the plant is characterized by a cream and blue palette. Pink and white flowers are also found. The flower is used to decorate ridges and paths. They are also often used to decorate borders.
This culture belongs to the Buttercup family. It grows only in the Northern Hemisphere. Aquilegia blooms in mid-May. At the same time, the flower develops well in sandy and rocky soil. It grows normally in both sun and shade.
The culture is characterized by single drooping flowers, which include 5 long funnel-shaped petals with spurs at the tips. Natural forms are red, yellow or blue. Garden hybrids have more varied shades. The flower is planted in ridges, rock gardens, and mixborders.
This spectacular plant belongs to the Cruciferous family. It is found in Asia Minor and southern Europe. The culture also grows in the Caucasus. Iberis flowering begins in May. The second time it is observed in August.
In nature, the flower is found on mountain slopes and screes. During the flowering period, thick caps appear on the bushes, which have a pleasant aroma. The petals differ in white, red, lilac color. There are also cream and pink varieties. The flower is often used in landscape design. It is used to decorate alpine slides and flower beds.
Darmera thyroid
This culture belongs to the Saxifraga family. The name of the flower comes from the shield-like shape of the leaves. In nature, the plant has a limited habitat. This perennial is found only in California and Oregon.
Darmera begins to bloom in May. It grows on the banks of reservoirs and in well-moistened soil. The culture is characterized by tall inflorescences that form dense balls. Their structure includes small flowers with 5 petals. The shades are dominated by a pink palette - from light to brighter. In garden design, ponds are often decorated with plants.
This is a perennial plant from the Clove family, which is found in different countries of the world. The culture has spread across different continents. However, in some countries it is perceived as a weed. The name is related to the appearance of the flowers. They resemble a star.
Chickweed begins to bloom at the end of May. This plant grows well in any area. However, most often it can be found in fields, meadows, and steppe slopes. The flowers are distinguished by bipartite petals and white color. Some varieties of chickweed are poisonous.
This rather interesting ornamental plant belongs to the Svinchatkov family. In nature, it is often found in the western regions of Asia, eastern Europe and northern Africa. The culture is also widespread in North America.
Armeria flowers begin to bloom at the end of May. It is found in rocky areas, on the seashore. The flower also develops well in dry sandy soil. The plant is characterized by tubular flowers, which include 5 fused petals. They form single inflorescences in the form of heads and are pink, purple or white in color. Today there are approximately 90 varieties of Armeria, but no more than 10 are grown in summer cottages.
This beautiful plant belongs to the Peony family. In nature, the culture is found in North America.It can also be seen in temperate climates and the subtropics of Eurasia. Peonies began to be grown in China several centuries ago.
The earliest varieties of peonies bloom in May. In nature, these plants are found in river valleys, meadows and forest edges. The flowers are large and always solitary. They include at least 5 rounded petals. Under natural conditions, peonies have a yellow-cream, white or red-pink color. The palette of garden varieties is striking in its diversity. Such plants are often used to decorate summer cottages.
This perennial plant is sometimes called winterweed. This is due to the high frost resistance of the crop and evergreen leaves. Wild hellebore belongs to the Buttercup family. It is found in Asia Minor and Mediterranean countries.
Hellebore begins to bloom quite early - in early March or even at the end of February. The culture lives in mountainous areas. At the same time, it develops better in the shade. Hellebore is characterized by wide-open inflorescences with 5 petals. They have different shades - from white to purple. Hybrids are most often grown in summer cottages.
The first buds open in mid-March. This perennial plant is also often called Cape lily of the valley. It is used for the production of perfumes.
On average, the height of the decorative crop is 20-80 centimeters. The flower is characterized by the formation of a branched stem and linear foliage. Each bush has 2 flowers. However, sometimes freesia has 5 buds, which are combined into a branched inflorescence.
The flowering of this crop begins immediately after the snow melts. The height of the plant reaches 8 centimeters. Bulbocodium is characterized by white, lilac or pink flowers.In appearance, the plant is similar to a crocus or daffodil.
Phlox soddy
This crop begins to bloom at the end of May. During this period, pink, lilac or purple buds appear on the bushes. Phlox turf is considered an undemanding crop. Its bushes reach 20 centimeters in height.
Spring flowers can be a great decoration for any garden area. Today, quite a few cultivated varieties are known, which are distinguished by their excellent decorative properties and low maintenance requirements. The specific variety should be chosen depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the characteristics of the summer cottage. In any case, the selected plants need to be provided with complete and high-quality care.