Hereford cows were first bred in Britain, in the county of Herefordshire, after which, in 1817, the cattle began to spread to the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Today, animals of this breed are bred in many countries in Europe, Asia and even on the Australian mainland. Hereford cows are hardy, unpretentious to climate and living conditions, and are famous for their excellent meat quality, large size and ability to graze on different types of pastures.
Origin story
The Hereford breed originated from red cattle, which were bred in the west and south of England in the 18th-19th centuries; Hereford cows were red in color with light spots. A cross of breeds, mainly with the Shorthorn type of cattle, they were bred specifically to increase the animal's muscle mass and its pulling power. Breeders also sought to obtain high-quality meat. Benjamin Tomkins is considered the main creator of the Hereford.
Bulls and cows initially had a large body weight and reached a weight of 1500 kilograms. Next, they tried to make the Hereford breed harmonious to obtain good skin, high-quality and tasty marbled meat. Initially, the cattle were light brown or gray in color with small white spots. Already at the end of the 19th century, Herefords became famous for the white head characteristic of the breed.
Description and characteristics of the Hereford cow
Hereford bulls and cows are hardy. They are grazed on a variety of pastures, they are unpretentious in food and can easily endure long-distance travel. The breed has gained worldwide recognition, and the Hereford's signature trait, the white head, is preserved after crossing with other types of cattle. The cows adapt well to climatic conditions, despite the fact that they were bred in cool Britain.
The life expectancy of Herefords is from 15 to 18 years. Calves are born large, weighing from 25 to 33 kilograms, the average daily weight gain is 850-1250 grams. Maximum adult weight:
- cows – 650-850 kilograms;
- bulls - 850-1300 kilograms.
The physique of Hereford cows is typical of beef. The body is strong, barrel-shaped, with an intensely protruding dewlap. The skin of Herefords is dark red, with white spots located on the head, neck, belly and tips of the tails.The wide, powerful body is supported by strong, wide-set legs.
Intrabreed types
Different types of Hereford cows are born through crossing with other varieties of cattle and are bred specifically for subsequent living conditions. These include hot or cold climates, the need for traction work, and the production of exclusively meat or meat and dairy products.
The classic type of Hereford cattle is distinguished by a powerful body, a short neck with a large head, and a thick skin, which is covered with thick wool in winter. The legs are powerful and short, the udder is poorly developed. The dark red body has white markings on the belly, neck, and head. The horns are light, but may darken closer to the tips. Height at withers – 125 centimeters, chest girth – 170 centimeters, body length along the oblique – 150-153 centimeters.
The hornless type of Hereford was developed as a separate breed in 1889. Polled bulls convey this characteristic sign, indicating a lack of aggressive attitude towards service personnel. Polled Hereford cows have excellent maternal qualities and reproductive ability.
Black Herefords are bred from a Welsh breed raised in Britain exclusively for meat. They had a large body mass, an easy-going nature, and a high maternal instinct. The descendants of the Hereford breed inherited black coloring, a large fluffy tail, and high-quality marbled meat.
Positive and negative sides
The main advantage of Hereford cattle is their unpretentiousness. Cows can graze on any pasture where there is fresh, lush grass and clean water.
Bulls can gain body weight even at -30 OC, while special combined feeds are not required in the diet.
Even in the absence of quality pastures, farmers get good offspring from Hereford females, which rarely have complications during childbirth. The cattle are resistant to various diseases and gain weight even on poor grazing areas. Disadvantages of Herefords:
- periodic removal of the dwarfism gene;
- vaginal prolapse in cows when giving birth to massive calves;
- lack of hair on the udder and occasional burns;
- eye diseases that develop during prolonged grazing in bright sun;
- small milk yield.
In general, the animals are strong and hardy and do not require the construction of warm barns. The only condition for maintenance is good, dry bedding.
Nuances of maintenance and care
Herefords are hardy in all weather conditions, but can produce poor weight gain if the diet is poor. Cattle reach their maximum weight by autumn, and by October they begin to be covered with a thick coat of wool. Even in winter, Herefords are allowed to walk outside; however, the percentage of fat in the meat becomes increased. In severe frosts, it is important to keep livestock in a dry stall, with dried, warm bedding.
Cows require cleanliness - every day you need to clean the wool from dirt, remove dry hairballs, otherwise the animal will lose the natural process of thermoregulation.
On pasture, Hereford cows consume soft and coarse types of grass, but if there is a lack of juicy greens, it is important to introduce hay with salted barley into the diet. The menu should include:
- corn silage;
- roughage;
- haylage;
- legumes;
- cereals;
- syrup;
- bone flour;
- phosphates.
Pregnant cows can keep hay in their diet even in summer and spring. Fattening bulls require calcined concentrates. The cow must feed the calves for up to two months, but from the age of two weeks they can eat hay. In spring, calves require an increase in the volume of green mass, and in the fall - roughage of plant origin.
Cows reach sexual maturity at 18 months; first calving is allowed at 30 months. The optimal time for calving is spring. Be sure to involve a veterinarian to determine the ability of individual individuals to reproduce and check for pregnancy. Hereford cows rarely miscarry, only in cases where pregnancy testing is too early (less than two months after mating) and the heifer's diet is poor.
It is recommended to keep calves not in a separate stall, but together with their mothers. The litter needs to be replaced daily with clean and dry litter. Cows with suckling calves are timid - they shy away from loud sounds and unexpected jerks. During the fattening period, it is not recommended to allow strangers into the barn as they may frighten the cows.
Diseases and their treatment
Hereford cattle are characterized by good health and longevity. Cases of umbilical hernia often occur in calves, which is why young animals gain weight worse. In case of poor weight gain, such calves are culled.
With a sharp change in living conditions, poor quality care, and severe frosts, Herefords develop bronchopulmonary diseases and digestive disorders. If calves are purchased and brought from another place, it is important to provide the usual diet, a warm, dry room, without drafts and high humidity. Treatment of pathologies is carried out exclusively by a veterinarian.
Distribution in the world
Today, Hereford cattle are distributed on all continents. They are bred not only in America, Brazil, South Africa, but also in Asia, Russia, Canada, Israel and Japan. In Russia, the Hereford breed is widespread in Bashkiria, Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol and Altai territories, Siberia, and Sakhalin. The World Hereford Union is based in the UK, with the next largest community being the American Hereford Association.
Hereford cattle are prized for their meat quality, stamina and body weight. Marbled meat is expensive, which justifies farmers’ expenses for feeding and maintaining animals. Therefore, cows of this breed are bred worldwide.