Diseases in livestock are caused by viruses and bacteria, but the lion's share of pathologies occur as a result of exposure to parasites. Eimeriosis is caused by microscopic worms that settle in the blood vessels of the digestive system of a cow. Eimeriosis often affects cattle - it is a common disease, and the owner of the cow should know how to cure the wet nurse.
General information about pathogens
The causative agents of the disease are protozoa with a complex development cycle. There are 20 main types of Eimeria. Eimeria eggs, under favorable conditions, can infect another animal within 24 hours of their appearance.Microscopic parasites enter the body of large and small livestock with contaminated feed. As a rule, infection occurs from already sick cows.
Eimeria parasitize intracellularly throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Calves often become ill with eimeriosis due to the body's susceptibility to infection and a weak immune system. Parasites can colonize bedding, feed and water, so if a pathogen is detected on the farm, strict disinfection will have to be carried out and quarantine must be observed for 1 month.
Symptoms of the lesion
Eimeriosis occurs secretly for 2-3 weeks. The first signs of the disease are an increase in temperature, refusal of water and food. The mucous membranes are pale, typical symptoms of anemia appear - a small amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin can be detected in a clinical blood test. After about 2-3 days, severe diarrhea mixed with blood begins. If treatment for eimeriosis is not started in time, calves die from dehydration.
There is also a chronic course of the disease. In this case, the young animals are sharply delayed in development, suffering from constant gas, colic and constipation. The feces are foul-smelling and runny. Weight gain is less than that of healthy peers. Characteristic pinpoint hemorrhages can be seen on the mucous membranes. The mortality rate of chronic eimeriosis is 50%.
Diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosis of the disease includes observation of clinical and epizootic signs. In addition, Fulleborn and Darling tests are performed, which help identify worm eggs in feces. A general blood test will additionally confirm the presence of anemia and changes in blood biochemical parameters.
Some cows have single eggs and spores in their feces. Such animals are considered carriers of the disease.
Dead animals are opened and the intestinal mucous membranes are examined. On the surface you can see characteristic hemorrhages and inflammation. Instead of normal feces, a white or green cheesy mass is present inside the intestines.
A bacteriological study is carried out to distinguish the disease from pasteurellosis and salmonellosis, which are very similar in symptoms. Immunological reactions, including PCR, are often performed. The combination of these signs makes it possible to suspect eimeriosis in the livestock.
How to treat the appearance of parasites
Drugs that are derivatives of Amprolium are effective against eimeriosis in calves and adult livestock. Before using the drug, you need to test the sensitivity of parasites to the active substance. Below is their comparative characteristics.
A drug | Advantages | Flaws |
"Amprolmix" | Can be used for various animals, including poultry. | Not compatible with anthelmintic drugs. Do not give to animals intended for “repair” of livestock. |
"Amprolvet" | It disrupts the carbohydrate metabolism of microscopic worms, leading to the rapid death of the parasite. | Do not give to lactating or pregnant cows. |
"Brovitacoccid" | It affects not only the pathogens of eimeriosis, but also schizogony. | Slaughter for meat is allowed only after 2 weeks. |
"Amprol" | Wide spectrum of action on endoparasites. | The substance is excreted from the body within 14 days and can persist in animal meat. |
Animals are given anti-eimeriosis tablets dissolved in water. The average calculation of drugs is 10 mg per 1 kg of live weight. For adult animals, you can add medicine to their food. All of these drugs have contraindications.You should familiarize yourself with them before starting the course of treatment. Only a doctor can prescribe adequate therapy. Amateur actions lead to the death of the entire livestock.
Damage to the body
The causative agents of eimeriosis seriously affect the gastrointestinal tract. Young animals do not develop properly, they lag behind healthy peers in development, therefore the cost of feeding days increases and the slaughter time increases.
The surface of the animal's intestines is seriously affected by parasites. Due to the disease, nutrients are absorbed much worse and are not absorbed properly. The risk of stomach and intestinal ulcers increases. Dairy cows lose milk production, do not eat feed and lose weight. If treatment is not started in time, there is a high risk of the animal’s death.
New animals must be separated from the herd within 1 month of arrival. The barn is regularly disinfected against eimeriosis and other diseases, and manure and other waste, including leftover feed and bedding, must be disposed of outside the farm.
The livestock is regularly vaccinated with chemicals. Feeders and drinking bowls for animals are washed every day and rinsed with a disinfectant. Pastures should be checked for the presence of the parasite before grazing begins.
The wooden surfaces of the barn are covered with lime or ammonia solution. It is advisable to burn iron rods and chains over a fire. Manure from an infested barn must be disposed of and cannot be used as fertilizer.