Chickens are considered one of the most unpretentious birds that live in private farms. However, this does not mean that they can eat everything. To ensure that the health of the birds remains normal and they do not encounter various pathologies, it is worth considering certain rules. Many farmers are interested in whether it is possible to give sauerkraut or fresh cabbage to chickens. These products can be used in food, but it is important to do so according to the rules.
Is it possible to feed chickens cabbage?
Chickens love cabbage. They eat it in almost any quantity. Usually the birds peck everything that the farmer gives them. Of course, it is better to feed the birds fresh leaves.However, they also eat fermented foods quite well. It is recommended to add it to wet mixtures. It is also acceptable to put vegetables in dry food.
Of course, fresh cabbage contains a maximum of vitamins. However, it is not always possible to use it for a whole year. To prepare healthy food that will become a source of vitamins throughout the winter, it is recommended to collect cabbage leaves and pickle them. With proper preparation of raw materials, it is possible to preserve maximum vitamins in it.
Using sauerkraut to feed birds brings great benefits to them. Thanks to this product it is possible to obtain the following effects:
- supply birds with iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium;
- improve the absorption of nutrients - this effect is achieved due to the presence of lactic acid;
- provide birds with vitamins A, K, C;
- activate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- suppress the activity of putrefactive bacterial microorganisms - this result can be achieved due to the presence of acetic and lactic acids in the composition, which arise during fermentation.
Fresh cabbage is definitely recommended to be included in the bird menu. It contains many valuable vitamins. There is a simplified version in which the head of cabbage is simply hung in the chicken coop. This allows birds to peck leaves.
The crushed product can be mixed with potatoes, beets or other wet mash. Fresh cabbage can also be given separately from other foods.
Product benefits
Thanks to the introduction of vegetables into the diet of birds, it is possible to obtain a whole range of beneficial effects. Using this product helps achieve the following results:
- Provide the body with vitamins B, A, E. The vegetable also supplies chickens with important microelements - bromine, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, calcium.
- Restore stomach functions and normalize the process of food digestion.
- Reduce fat accumulation. This effect is achieved due to the presence of tartronic acid in the composition.
- Stimulate intestinal functions and quickly cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances.
Periodically introducing fresh vegetables into the chicken menu will help significantly improve their appearance and increase their appetite. It is worth considering that if there is a deficiency of vitamins in the daily diet, chickens are able to eat their own eggs. This is especially true if they have already been damaged. Therefore, when empty shells appear in the house, it is recommended to include cabbage and greens in their menu. These products help replenish the reserves of useful elements.
How to give correctly and how much?
When using sauerkraut to feed birds, it is worth adding it to wet mixtures. The product can also be placed in dry food. In this case, the calculation of volumes is carried out taking into account the number of birds in the chicken coop. So, for 10 chickens you will need 2-3 kilograms of mash. It is worth adding 300-400 grams of sauerkraut to it. Fresh vegetables are used in approximately the same proportions. On average, it is recommended to use about 100 grams of cabbage per 1 kilogram of feed.
Contraindications and harm
If the condition of the birds remains normal, there are no contraindications to the use of cabbage in the diet. However, when choosing the volume of a product, it is worth remembering a sense of proportion.If you give the vegetable in its pure form or put it into mash in excessive quantities, there is a risk of stomach upset. However, this disorder is very rare.
If birds encounter disturbances, it is not recommended to aggravate the situation. In this case, it is better to completely exclude cabbage leaves from the birds’ menu. Giving sauerkraut to chickens is perfectly acceptable. They should also be fed fresh vegetables. Such products are a source of important vitamins and microelements. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the balance of nutrition. You should not give your chickens too much cabbage, as it can cause digestive upset.