What is dangerous about the lack of shells in the diet of chickens, composition and how to give them correctly

Some people think that raising laying hens is easy, but this is not so. In order for them to grow well, it is necessary to periodically give them calcium. Therefore, it is recommended to figure out in advance how to properly feed shells to chickens.

Why is a lack of minerals in a chicken diet dangerous?

Few owners of domestic chickens know how dangerous a lack of minerals in their diet can be. If birds do not have enough nutritional components, their digestion process will be disrupted.Metabolism problems also appear and productivity decreases. Some individuals develop cannibalism. In addition, due to insufficient amounts of minerals, the quality of eggs deteriorates, their shells lose density and become brittle.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that chickens have enough calcium, since this is the main component that young and adult birds need.

Effect of feeding shell

Before what to feed chickens shells, you need to familiarize yourself with their effect on the body:

  • helps restore calcium balance in the body;
  • improves the absorption of chicken feed by stimulating the gastrointestinal tract and increasing the amount of gastric juice secreted;
  • shells contain microelements that prevent the appearance and development of hermaphroditism;
  • strengthen the body in chickens that do not absorb vitamin D well;
  • strengthening egg shells, which become many times stronger and stronger over time;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the general condition and appearance of young laying hens.


It is necessary to familiarize yourself in more detail with the composition of shells in advance. The main component is calcium, which makes up 40% of the total composition. They also contain a lot of magnesium, which is about 35%.

prepared food

Poultry farmers compare shells to chalk, as they are similar in composition. However, to feed the chickens, you will need twice as much chalk. Therefore, experts advise using shell food. Externally, this dressing resembles light cereal, which has a specific aroma. You can purchase it in stores that sell veterinary or agricultural products.

How to give shell rock to chickens

There are several rules that will help you feed laying hens correctly:

  1. Feed preparation. First, the feed is prepared and filled with heated water. It should soak in the liquid for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Adding shell rock. It is poured into mixed feed after soaking. The amount of shell rock added directly depends on the number of birds.
  3. Feeding chickens. The prepared mixture should be given to the bird no more than once a day. Experienced poultry farmers advise doing this in the morning, on an empty stomach.

chickens eat

Can there be an overdose?

When feeding chickens, you must follow the recommended dosage and not exceed the daily allowance. However, sometimes people feed chickens carelessly, which leads to overdose. It has the following characteristics:

  • the shell of the eggs becomes uneven and thick;
  • metabolic disease;
  • fat accumulation.

If the above symptoms appear, the dosage of shell rock should be reduced.

bucket of feed


Poultry farmers often give chickens shell food to strengthen their bodies. However, before feeding, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of using such feeding.

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